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Blessed Be

blessed be


Blessed Be

Blessed be life

I tell you it's good to be alive

Blessed is she who bore me and tenderly nurtured me

Blessed is the fruitful seed in the womb

Blessed is the growing embryo destined to be born this Day

Blessed is every child of God come to full term

Blessed are all the children of the universe

Blessed is every Mother who brings her baby to birth

Blessed be every Father who supports bone of his bone-flesh of his flesh

Blessed be every doctor who refuses to abort life, but seeks to save life

Blessed be the miracle of LIFE amd the God of LIFE who provides for every living creature

Blessed be the Virgin Mary who did not refuse to bear the Son of God

Blessed be the Lord Jesus who did not despise being a fetus in the sanctuary of the Womb.

Brother Martin


Blessed Be

Blessed be life

I tell you it's good to be alive

Blessed is she who bore me and tenderly nurtured me

Blessed is the fruitful seed in the womb

Blessed is the growing embryo destined to be born this Day

Blessed is every child of God come to full term

Blessed are all the children of the universe

Blessed is every Mother who brings her baby to birth

Blessed be every Father who supports bone of his bone-flesh of his flesh

Blessed be every doctor who refuses to abort life, but seeks to save life

Blessed be the miracle of LIFE amd the God of LIFE who provides for every living creature

Blessed be the Virgin Mary who did not refuse to bear the Son of God

Blessed be the Lord Jesus who did not despise being a fetus in the sanctuary of the Womb.

Brother Martin


Blessed Be

Blessed be life

I tell you it's good to be alive

Blessed is she who bore me and tenderly nurtured me

Blessed is the fruitful seed in the womb

Blessed is the growing embryo destined to be born this Day

Blessed is every child of God come to full term

Blessed are all the children of the universe

Blessed is every Mother who brings her baby to birth

Blessed be every Father who supports bone of his bone-flesh of his flesh

Blessed be every doctor who refuses to abort life, but seeks to save life

Blessed be the miracle of LIFE amd the God of LIFE who provides for every living creature

Blessed be the Virgin Mary who did not refuse to bear the Son of God

Blessed be the Lord Jesus who did not despise being a fetus in the sanctuary of the Womb.

Brother Martin


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