My Dedications and Blessings

I dedicate my life to my children; they complete me. Yes, I used that semicolon correctly.

I dedicate any success due to this page to my Mother and Father, who have taught me well and raised me wonderfully. I bless my brother; thank God for the one I have. Good luck in life to my friends out of Fort Sheridan, Johnson & Wales, the BK Lounge, Wiesbaden, Gravois Bluffs, APG and more - my World Wonders. Of all people, I acknowledge and thank Mrs. Votto, who taught me how to begin web pages, thank you. Life's too short to harbor hatred, so it'll always be worth a shot to reconnect with me. To my family, both by blood and by spirit, I offer protection and a warm embrace when you feel down. To all my more-than-acquaintances in countries worldwide, *Giant Hug*. To everyone, you're ALL in my prayers, and you know who y'all are. Love you all, God bless you, and good night.

Thank you, all fans of clever, awesome, chivalry, loyalty, honor, ethics, and the FaceBook page.

Personal Acknowledgements

I'm expanding this page to recognize my appreciation for contributions made by individuals on either the Facebook Group Page or FanPage, for which I am truly grateful :) for the time being, unless they explicitly accept to have their names publicized, they will know my respect, admiration, and gratitude via these Code Names I have adorned them with. So, much thanks to:

Auntie, Prysm, Starlight, Spyre, Sands, Boxer, Ballcap, Bloom, Leo and Blinky

Contributor Acknowledgements

I follow, or regularly check in on, the following sources for wisdom, humor, definitions, and other material you may find spread throughout my site, express or illustrated, and extend a bow to thee (whatever the plural form of that word may be):

Twitter Sources:

Zen Moments @Zen_Moments
Great Minds Quotes @GreatestQuotes
Adam Jobs @Ascidki
Dale Partridge @dalepartidge
Motivational Quotes @motivational
Princess Bitch @TheDizzyBeauty
Huffington Post @HuffingtonPost
Miracle Forest @Miracle_Forest
Honest White Male @HonestWhiteMale

Twitter subscriptions I may reTweet to these purposes:

Ellen Degeneres @TheEllenShow
Neil Patrick Harris @ActuallyNPH
Seth MacFarlane @SethMacFarlane
Emeril Lagasse @Emeril
Whose Line is it Anyway cast @TheBradSherwood @WayneBrady @colinmochrie
Jim Gaffigan @JimGaffigan
Seth Rogen @Sethrogen
Dalai Lama @DalaiLama
Jim Carrey @JimCarrey
Key & Peele @peeleandkey @JordanPeele @keyandpeele @KeeganMKey
Ricky Gervais @rickygervais
Daniel Tosh @danieltosh
Al Roker @alroker
Bill Gates @BillGates
Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt @Cracked
Sarah Silverman @SarahKSilverman
Intelligence For Your Life @Intel4YourLife @JohnTeshRadio

My Own Songs!!! Check 'em Out!