Subj: Welcome to wilsonrainway Date: 6/3/00 6:02:49 PM Central Daylight Time From: (wilsonrainway Moderator) To: Welcome to "The Wilson Rainway Experence", a mailing list devoted to the goings on of poet/artist/lover Wilson Rainway (prose god) !!! We are dedicated to discussion and examination of the work of Wilson Rainway, and will also "chat" about many other topics, including art, music, love, and child-molestation ! Please feel free to visit Wilson's cyber-home at; We are in no way "officially affiliated" with the Wilson Rainway empire, and do not claim as such.' The Wilson Rainway Experence'is a group of cynical misfits working to further the career of an obese and obscure (but talented and creative) poet/artist/aspiring film-maker/actor/writer/dancer/juggler/singer... named Wilson Rainway. We are based in Dallas,TX, and will be holding events in the future. We will also inform everyone when and where Wilson is giving a performence (which is an evil and guilty pleasure!) So bitch, argue, critique, slander... But do it in the name...of Rainway ! **** TWRE From: Wilson Rainway > I'm so damn sick of all the negitivity that seems to constantly find it's way flying towards Wilson and his work. There's always some immature little bitch or prick slaming Wilson for either is work, his music, or his weight. These are the naysayers. Yeah, you know the type. The people that are so embittered by their own failures.The ones who's lives are so shallow and meaningless, they are so damn quick to judge and insult in order to raise their pitifully low and somewhat non-existant self-esteem. Forget that most of the people in attendence (all 7 of them) at Wilson's performence last Thursday were snickering and chuckling (loudly and innapropriate, I might add), there were still some of us who were moved by the raw emotion and talent that Wilson evidences. Like he says, he's only a vessel of thought... Trinity VII From: dana 13 > Date: Sun Jan 23, 2000 9:37pm Subject: Fwd: wtf....?? From: NINirvana666@a... <> Full-name: NINirvana666 Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 22:30:55 EST Subject: wtf....?? To: VamprinceXX@c... <> Ok, what the fuck!@? A month a go you send me a fucking e-mail saying "Tami strips for Blake". wtf is that and who the fuck are you? From: Heather Thompson > Date: Sun Jan 23, 2000 10:28pm Subject: why? If anyone wants to know why there is so much negativity on this mailing list, then look at the list. Everyone in Carrollton cares more about what everyone thinks about them than whether they have salvation or even more than they think about God. I care about important things like whether my kids will grow up one day to an unjust world, or if they will have freedom to do and say what they want. I think if everyone is going to be on a mailing list then they should stop insulting everyone in the world and use this for good instead of meaningless bullshit, unless of course you enjoy having the IQ of a lab mouse, wait, at least they can find their way out of a maze like Carrolton.... Aron, don't you ever feel like killing everyone just to get rid of all the stupid inbred retarded assholes around you? Sincerly, Heather Thompson :) If your life sucks so much.... do something to fix it. ===== I purr when you rub my belly. From: > Date: Sun Jan 23, 2000 10:41pm Subject: Re: why? have you actually read wilson rainways poetry? From: Heather Thompson > Date: Sun Jan 23, 2000 10:48pm Subject: Re: why? I have, and while I find that I am more of an Ernest Hemmingway fan, I still feel that everyone should be able to write about how they feel inside, without everyone telling them that their feelings are wrong or lame.... From: > Date: Sun Jan 23, 2000 11:00pm Subject: Re: why? Now the question is, why did you read it? From: > Date: Mon Jan 24, 2000 1:16am Subject: Re: why? << And why are you so eager to subject yourself to such grueling torture?:) >> I think you're missing her point. She was simply saying that everyone should be able to express themselves without being mocked and critiqued. Yeah, Wilson's work can be pretty bad, but who am I to judge his "poetry" ? It's his work, and it reflects his emotions and spirit... and if he wants to translate his thoughts and feelings through poetry, then more power to him. Besides, seeing him 'perform' live is something that is unbelievable in the purest sense of the word ! You ain't lived until you've seen him sing... From: > Date: Mon Jan 24, 2000 11:03am Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: why? it still sucks, but I heard he is big in Japan! From: > Date: Mon Jan 24, 2000 5:45pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: why? Look!even you don't take him seriously!ha!ha!yes lets see this man 'perform'!please everyone quit being so pc,and let your true colors shine.You don't have to except every wad of shit that comes down the pipe line!!!!!!!!The man can't write pure and simple! Woman-who you think you are? Woman-you is woman,hear me man I said Woman-i dont love you anymore I don't stay married to any form of W-H-O-R-E From: > Date: Mon Jan 24, 2000 6:47pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: why? How about this one. Today I moved my bowels, but this wasn't your average bowel movement, it was a Wilson Rainway bowel movement. I made the kinds of waste that Wilson writes about! here is a line I stole "sitting, thinking, it is amazing what a guy can think about while passing nutrients sitting, pondering I ponder life, I ponder death, I ponder through my colon sitting, waiting I wait for the time to come to wipe myself clean of all impurities sitting, hoping hoping that today i can pass life with no challenges sitting, sleeping so much relaxation, so much letting go sitting, dying I let go of myself,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oops" If you call this poetry, you belong with my poop From: Wilson Rainway > Date: Mon Jan 24, 2000 9:04pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] BRAND NEW RAINWAY POEMS !!! Hey Now !!! Wilson has apparently added 7 NEW POEMS to his web-site !!!!! Here's the URL; You gotta read this shit ! TWRE **** From: > Date: Tue Jan 25, 2000 4:56pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] Wilson to Perform with Donovan Clay ??? I just spoke to an un-named source over the telephone, and they claimed that Wilson was slated to perform at "Big Daddy's" in lower Greenville this Saturday with famed personality/performer Donovan Clay ! Details are sketchy, and this has not yet been confirmed. If anyone has any details, please let us know. TWRE **** From: Red on White > Date: Tue Jan 25, 2000 5:29pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: Wilson to Perform with Donovan Clay ??? Lord help us all. From: > Date: Wed Jan 26, 2000 11:10pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: Wilson to Perform with Donovan Clay ??? Ok SOMEONE tell me what that subtitle means and how I got on this mailing list. Donovan Clay is a close friend and I'm trying to figure out where he came into this and how I got in this list. From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 0:02am Subject: [WilsonRainway] (no subject) i dont want these mails! From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 0:04am Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: (no subject) why not ? From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 0:38am Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: Wilson to Perform with Donovan Clay ??? In a message dated 1/26/00 11:19:20 PM Central Standard Time, Inkystar@a... > writes: << Ok SOMEONE tell me >> well........youve been chosen pure and simple.You have been selected and embraced by the elite and rather esoteric following of wilson rainway.Although we are not quite sure that he is aware of us,we try to do our part to expose the world to the brilliance that is he. welcome to the dawn. you have just accessed the Wilson Rainway experience. To enter, please visit ; From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 0:54am Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: (no subject) In a message dated 1/27/00 12:06:42 AM Central Standard Time, EvOLBriTe@a... > writes: << i dont want these mails! >> The Wilson Rainway Experience,given the chance, can be a very worthwhile endeavor.We encourage everyone to speak out and tell wilson EXACTLY how they feel about his rather different poetry.Afterall,artists need criticism to structure they're worlds, and they bask in praise.While we at the Wilson Rainway Experience realize that wilson isn't for everyone,we do hope that you will at least attempt to understand what this experience is really about,and we hope that you have fun in the process. From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 0:58am Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: (no subject) In a message dated 1/27/00 12:08:39 AM Central Standard Time, VamprinceXX@c> writes: << why not ? >> Because -----WILSON RAINWAY HAS MOVED HIS BOWELS, WET HIS QUILL WITH SHIT,SLUNG IT ON PAPER AND TRIED PASS IT OFF AS ART. but thats really no new news to the rest of us. Welcome to the wilson rainway experience!!!! From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 11:54am Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: Wilson to Perform with Donovan Clay ??? You know, information about this performence Saturday is very hard to come by. I have yet to get a straight answer from anyone! I called Big Daddy's, and they told me to "go fuck myself". Then I tried to email Donovan, but he has yet to respond, and it's been 2 days ! If anyone has any information about this event, then please let us know. Alot of us intend on attending, and we don't wanna show up if it's a bust! TWRE ***** From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 3:29pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: (no subject) the wilson rainway list was the best thing to happen to me!!!!!!!!! it has changed me forever and in ways you never knew before!!!!! From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 3:32pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] (no subject) STOP SENDING ME THESE MAILS THANK YOU! From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 3:42pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] BRAND NEW RAINWAY PICS& POEM !!! Wilson has added FIVE NEW RAINWAY PICS to his gallery, including an updated Publicity photo, a Flyer advertising his site, and various other pics PLUS a BRAND NEW RAINWAY POEM !! Oh, I spoke to Donovan who is supposivly performing with Wilson Saturday, and it turns out that it WASN'T A RUMOR !!! I didn't have a chance to get all the details, so if anyone has the info, give it up! TWRE **** From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 3:45pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] Wilson Wins Award... Wilson Rainway's web-site, "poetry of Wilson Rainway" has apparently won an award... Wilson's site has been declared one of the "Bottom 5% of All Web-Sites" ! Wilson was not availiable for comment at the time of this posting. TWRE **** From: > Date: Thu Jan 27, 2000 6:15pm Subject: [WilsonRainway] attention!!!! I have found it! lost rainway poetry "rainway meets world" oh topanga oh topanga you make me want to singa oh topanga oh topanga you need to meet my thinga oh topanga oh topanga I really want to finga ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,you oh ben, oh ben you are such a savage oh ben oh ben you were so smaller then oh fred oh fred where are you? oh fred oh fred are you dead? -----------------------------------------little monsters From: > Date: Fri Jan 28, 2000 1:40am Subject: [WilsonRainway] Re: attention!!!! ben?fred?a side of rainway we haven't seen least he's not complaining about that bitch anymore.maybe he finally got over her with his car!!!!!!! From: > Date: Fri Jan 28, 2000 1:41am Subject: [WilsonRainway] anyone? is anyone else going to go see wilson and donavan saterday night? From: > Date: Sat Jan 29, 2000 3:02pm Subject: [<---TWRE--->] DONOVAN BOWS OUT !!!!! An un-named source informed us that Donovan has refused to perform tonight at "Big Daddys" with Wilson,and is very upset with Rainway for reasons that are unknown. They were spotted at 'Cosmic Cafe' last night, and the evening started calm until Donovan stood up, and started screaming , bellowing, and hollering at a confused and embarrased Wilson. "Look,man, you're the one that wanted me to take this gig in the first place ! !!!" "I'm not cutting back my set for your shitty act !!!" "Stay the hell away from me.Stay as far as you can, or you'll find your wife in a ditch !!!" "Kiss my ass, jerk ! I'm not doing shit for you ever ! Have a great time tomorrow. I hope they kill you, cut you up, and eat the friggin pieces !" This is all the auidable dialouge that my source could hear from her table. The reason for the argument is unclear, but we think it has something to do with Wilson's temper for total creative control in everything he does, and I guess an artist like Donovan Clay works on spontinaity, something that Wilson sorely lacks... So Wilson's playing it solo tonight... Anyone going ??? TWRE **** From: Billy Bob > Date: Sun Feb 13, 2000 10:18pm Subject: [<---TWRE--->] stepping out A person should always know when and how to make an exit,the time is now. goodbye wilson. From: > Date: Sun Feb 13, 2000 10:39pm Subject: [<---TWRE--->] Re: [<.---TWRE--->] stepping out Contrary to popular belief, Wilson HAS NOT retired... Far from it! After the disastrous "Big Daddy's" performance, Wilson has taken time out to examine his past, present, and future... Wilson is alive and quite well, and is working on what he believes to be his best batch of poetry yet! He is also planning a live Rainway performance to take place in March, but he's being very secretive about it...shhhhh! Rainway is also switching servers for his website, which means more poems, more snapshots...and mp3's ??? Hmmmm..... Feels like Rain comin' 'round this way... From: Date: Sun Jun 18, 2000 9:50pm Subject: Wilson To File Lawsuit Agianst Paisley Park ! According to a message posted on Wilson's site, Wilson Rainway is filing a lawsuit against Paisley Park Enterprises, Prince, and the Chanhassen Police Department of Minnesota. The message reads; "I was one of the few that had obtained a VIP pass for the huge "Prince:A Celebration" that was to occur in Chanhassen, MN from June 7-13. I was very excited,and made the proper arrangements so that I could attend the full week. Each day, tours were given of Paisley Park (Princes studios), and parties were held nightly, each with their own "theme", meaning that the parties would run with a theme of a popular Prince album (Purple Rain, Dirty Mind, etc). So on "Lovesexy Night", I decided to dress like Prince from the cover of "Lovesexy When I showed up, I was laughed at and mocked by the staff. People threw NPG water bottles and cans of food from the Food Drive barrels at me, and spit on me at any oppurtunity.People verbally taunted me, hurled hateful insults, and threw whatever they could get their hands on.Several took it upon themselves to grope my genitals while the security staff os Paisley Park did nothing.I was thrown off the premises, taken to jail, and banned from Paisley Park for life, thus ruining my vacation. I thought Paisley Park stood for liberation and love? Apparently not, That is why I am filing a lawsuit against Prince,the entire staff of Paisley Park, and the Chanhassen police department for their cruel treatment they so hatefully displayed during my night in jail.I was emotionally shattered to begin with, but my night in jail was pure hell. I am too proud to desccribe the awful things that I was forced to go along with, but let me assure you,I've never been so humiliated in my life. I for one will not stand by as this culture grows more cynical and sarcastic, and I will not take this abuse from what was supposed to be a dream vacation. I have suffured great trauma and distress as a result, and cannot wait to see the staff of Paisley Park in court. Yes friends, justice WILL BE SERVED! Wilson Rainway" From: Sandy LoSchiavo Date: Mon Jun 19, 2000 12:20pm Subject: LoveSexy! Someone please, please tell me that there is a picture available of Wilson in his "LoveSexy" costume. Please? I really need to see this, even though I think my eyeballs will probably melt. From: Sandy LoSchiavo Date: Mon Jun 19, 2000 4:58pm Subject: LoveSexy I am not that big of a follower of Prince, so I was unaware that he (Prince), although strategically posed, is butt-naked on the cover of the album "LoveSexy". I realize I have unleashed Armageddon by asking if anyone had a picture of Wilson in his LoveSexy costume - if such a thing exists, it must be destroyed!. As God as my witness, if I had but understood the real horror of what I was requesting, I would have gouged my eyes out with rusty knitting needles rather than let loose this potential evil on the world. Please forgive my ignorance. From: Date: Mon Jun 19, 2000 5:24pm Subject: Re: [WRX] LoveSexy << I am not that big of a follower of Prince, so I was unaware that he (Prince), although strategically posed, is butt-naked on the cover of the album "LoveSexy". I realize I have unleashed Armageddon by asking if anyone had a picture of Wilson in his LoveSexy costume - if such a thing exists, it must be destroyed!. As God as my witness, if I had but understood the real horror of what I was requesting, I would have gouged my eyes out with rusty knitting needles rather than let loose this potential evil on the world. Please forgive my ignorance. >> HA HA HA !!! Although I have yet to see an actual photograph of Wilson's "costume" on his site, I sincerely doubt that one exists, due to the strict "no cameras" rule at Paisley Park... But many people there were completly ignoring the anti-camera clause, so there just might be a picture of this somewhere...I will post on "," begging for a copy, since I honestly don't think that Wilson would post it on his site. Besides, Wilson only seems to have only two scanned photos of himself anyway. I did notice that he made a photo collage on the "Rainway Sues Paisley" page, in which he slapped his head on the Lovesexy album cover ; But if Wilson's claim is genuine, and he WAS arrested, there would have to be a mug shot somewhere... God, I'd love to get my hands on that.....! ... From: Date: Wed Jun 21, 2000 3:18pm Subject: you are a fucking dick your poetry is shit, ur a complete wanker and u know it. From: "crystalline hansel" Date: Fri Sep 15, 2000 2:50 am Subject: What a sexy, sexy man Wilson is. I had to go to the bathroom so many times while on the site. If only I could lick all over his sweet gravy lard ass(ummmmm). One can only dream of being blessed with the chance to live out such a fantasy. I bet his cum taste like gravy sweet, sweet gravy. I would rub it all over my biscuits and pour it all over my mashed potatoes. Wilson, if by some chance that the heavens smile upon me and you stumble across this, keep me in mind, I know I will keep you in mine. From: "Becky Pugh" Date: Wed Sep 20, 2000 12:42 pm Subject: Re: [WRX] (unknown) Like I care. Luv B.xx. From: Date: Wed Sep 20, 2000 11:25 am Subject: Re: [wilsonrainway] Re: [WRX] (unknown) I would have his children From: "crystalline hansel" Date: Thu Sep 21, 2000 1:13 am Subject: Re: [wilsonrainway] Re: [WRX] (unknown) Well, if you don't care then why respond???? Mabey you should think befor typing. Best Regards, Kali From: Date: Thu Sep 21, 2000 1:25 am Subject: Re: [WRX] (unknown) Who the fuck is Becky Pugh ?!?!? And god dammit, this fucking list sure took a nosedive into oblivion since "Wilson" went into seclusion! I had to kick tons of people off the list, mainly since they are now on my personal "shit list", including my ex-girlfriend and her new fuck buddy.. Oh yeah, I just got a link to one of the most pathetic sites I've ever seen...worse than Wilsons! It's supposivly written by this girl who's taken it upon herself to create a "tribute" to Rainway... It's really bad.. I'm not too sure if this site is a joke or not,so if anyone knows, you MUST let me know !!! (I won't tell..) Victor M. NB Media Inc. "I'm proud to be a part of this gigantic deception..." From: Date: Thu Sep 21, 2000 4:00 pm Subject: Re: [wilsonrainway] Re: [WRX] (unknown) Every time I think of Wilson thats when I get out my toys.. I would love to have just one night with him, Long enough to bare his children!