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Soldiers of The Civil War

Please help me identify Richard's descendants who served by sending their Names, Dates of Birth, Death, Place of Birth, Names of Parents,Spouses Name and date of Marriage if known, to me at and I will include your data in the next update of this page.

Anson PHILLIPS: b. 13 Mar 1840; s/o Olive WHTAKER and Jonathan PHIPPS

Enlisted 11 Aug 1862, age 22, at Owegon, New York; Privt. "H" Company, NY 109th. Inf.: Mustereout Jun 1865 at Delaney House, DC


Daniel WHITAKER: (1836-1863) Pomfert, Windham, Connecticut; spouse not married; s/o George & Mary (Colegrove) WHITAKER

Submitted by Rea Benner

Edward W. WHITAKER: (1841-1922) Killings, Windham, Connecticut; s/o George & Mary (Colegrove) WHITAKER; spouse Theodosia Davis

FIRST REGIMENT CONNECTICUT INFANTEY VOLUNTTEERS: Enlisted at Hartford, Conneticut 15 Apr 1861; Elected Corperal 18 Apr 1861; Musteredinas Corperal 22 Apr 1861

SECOND REGEMENT NEW YORK CAVALERY VOLUNTEERS: Enlested at Hartford, Connecticut, Company "B", in the Connecticut Squadron 21 Aug 1861; Mustered in as Sergent Company "D" 29 Aug 1861; Promoted Sergent-Major 24 Sep 1862; Mustered in as 2nd. Lieutant, to date 16 Nov 1862; Appointed 1st Lieutenent 9 May 1863, to date 16 Mar 1863; Mustered in as 1st Lieutenant Co. "C", to date 11 Jun 1863; Re-enlisted for three years, or the War 29 Dec 1863; Appointed Captian 29 Apr 1864 to date 30 Jan 1864; Honorably discharged to enable to accept appointmena as Captian from Governer of Connecticut 29 Apr 1864

FIRST REGIMENT CONNICTUT CAVALERY VOLUNTEERS: Appointed Caption 25 Apr 1864, to date 23 Apr 1864; Mustered in as Captian Company "E" 2 May 1864; Commended and promoted to be Major in Special Order No. 135, from Headquarters, State of Connecticut, for meritorious service in cutting through the enemy lines at Reams Station Va. 29 Jun 1864: Appointed Major Sep 1864, to date 14 Sep 1864; Mustered in as Major 1 Oct 1864; Appointed Lieut. Col. 12 Jan 1865, 11 Jan 1865; Mustered in as Lieut. Colonel 17 Jan 1865; Breveted Brigadier-General of Vol. to date, 13 Mar 1865, "For gallantry and skill displayed in turning the enemy's flank a Waynesboro, 2 Mar 1865, and for gallantry and uniform good conduct at the battle of Five Forks, 1 Apr and Appomattox Station, 8 Apr 1865, and throught the entire campaign," the recommendation of Gen. Sheridan, dated 19 Apr 1865; Approved and ordered 19 MAy 1865; Mustered out at New Haven, Connecticut 17 Aug 1865

APPOINTED CAPTIAN SEVENTH UNITED STATES CAVALRY: 16 oCT 1866, To date 28 Jul 1866, Declined the appointment


Minute Man Medal: from Legislature, through Governor of Connecticut; Gettysburg Veterans Medal: from Legislature, through Govenor of New York; Congressional Medal of Hornor: from President of the U.S. for act of charging through enemy's lines at Reams Station, Va. 29 Jun 1864

submitted by Rea Benner

Elisha WHITTAKER: (1840- ....) Michigan; spouse Isabella; s/o James B. & Eliza (Utley) WHITAKER

submitted by Rea Benner

Ezra Jabez Whitaker:(1839-1895) N. Adams, Massachusetts; spouse Cornelia Clard; s/o Ezra D. & Amanda M. (Jones) WHITAKER

Sorce; Sara (Whitaker) Hale for more data see

George H. WHITAKER:(1827-1909) Eastford, Windham, Connecticut; spouse Olive A. Dean; s/o George & Mary (Colegrove) WHITAKER

submitted by Rea Benner

Levi WHITAKER: (1825-1864) Ashford,TWP, Windham, Connecticur; spouse (1) Sara Jane ------, (2) Susan Maria Shurtleff; s/o Cyrel and Alinna Whitaker

Source: Al Whitaker William C. WHITAKER:(1833-1917) Ashford, Windham, Connecticut; spouse (1)Sarah A. Wilson; (2) Addie F Whitmore; (3) Fannie Curtis; s/o George and Mary (Colegrove) WHITAKER

submitted by Rea Benner