I must warn you I tend to wander of subject now and then...
I for one don't mind a little bit of skin showing in the films but not that ronche stuff. I'm not even going to get into that. I mean give me a break! I go to public school! It's nothing I haven't seen before! {I'm not attempting to degrade the image of public schools either...I'd rather not be forced to wear a uniform}
A friend of mine once went to a anime convention some where in the States. There was a sign outside the door that read: Warning! Just because it's a cartoon doesn't mean it's for kids! An anime film may feature gore, violence, nudity, and *gasp* a plot!
Anime is not by any means just for kids. I mean take Smith for example {Hi Smith!!!} He owns more anime than I'm going to probably going to see in my entire life. Unless that is I get can score some plane tickets to London so he can share with me {wink wink}
It's very innapropriate to show one's self nude here, but in Japan {and Sweden} it's alright. Why is this? If someone has figured this out please tell me!
Awile ago a friend and I rented Dirty Pair Flash. Of course we get home my mom looks at the box...Warning this video contains suggestive scenes and language. so my mom has an anyarism but we still watched it. I don't know about you but I don't consider damn a swear word. There was a tiny bit of nudity but who cares? My six year old sister watched it with me. Is she going to be scarred for the rest of her life because she saw som nudity? Do you know how many times she's watched Titanic? So why all of the sudden is it Ok for real people to be naked on the big screen?
I've also have numerous people freak out at the pictures in my art book. I drew the cast of Ranma is bathing suits for one of my penpals. Look at the two pictures below. I want you to tell me who has more clothes on. {don't worry no nudity}
Nabiki in a bathing suit
A picture from Disney's new movie Tarzan
Someone tell me, whose wearing more clothes? So why is the first picture so feared when some of us {the nice ones} took our little sisters to see Tarzan. No one walked out of Tarzan in discust.
There. I hope I gave you something to think about {and possibly to argue about} Next time you're renting movies.
Wanna send me praise?, arguements?, Death threats? E-mail me