Cooan- Cooan was madly in love with Rubeus. She was willing to do anything for him even though he usually shrugged her away. She was instructed to capture Chibi Usa but was stopped by Sailor Mars. After her failure Rubeus gave her a bomb and told her to blow everyone up including herself. Cooan lost the will to live and allowd herself to be captured by the Sailor Scouts. Sailor Mars took pity on her and asked everyone to stop attacking, and Sailor Moon used the Holy Silver Crystal to turn Cooan into a normal human being.
Beruche - Beruche discovered the identity of Sailor Mercury and then joined a chess competion that Amy was also in. Both of then beat everyone till they were in the showdown together and Beruche revealed her true identity. She was stopped however by Tuxedo Mask. Karaberas and Petz abandoned her, and told her it was better to leave her to die since she was a failure. Beruche lost her will to live and started freezing the entire place. But Cooan came and told her she loved her. Then she got Sailor Moon to turn her to a normal human to.
Karaberas-When her and Petz fought The Sailor Scouts, Petz was so overcome with the power she had that she was even attacking Karabaras. Karabaras was astonished that Sailor Moon still wouldn't give up on them. After the battle the remaining sisters found out that Rubeus had been using them and they asked Sailor Moon to make them normal humans to.
Petz- Petz was very much in love with Sapphire, the younger brother of Prince Diamond. Petz tried to dissuade Sapphire from going off to warn Prince Diamond about Wise Man in his injured state but Sapphire was adamant. He promised her he would return but he was killed by Wise Man.
Rubeus- Rubeus was originally in charge of a mission to capture Chibi Usa. The Ayakashi sisters were all under him. He thought them expendable and planned to take credit for their succeses. Rubeus managed to capture the Sailor Scouts to lure Sailor moon but they all escaped form his exploding UFO but Rubeus was left there to die by Esmeraude.
Sapphire Sapphire is the younger brother to Prince Diamond. He idolizes his brother very much and doubted Wise Man. He found out that Wise Man was just using the Black Moon Clan and he went out to destoy Wise Mans Power crystal. He was injured by him and sought refuge in Tokyo with Petz. Then Sapphire went back to Diamond to warn him about Wise Man but he was blasted away in front of Sailor Moon and Diamond before they could do anything.
Prince Diamond- Prince Diamond was out for revenge because his clan was exiled in 30th century Tokyo. He was under Wise Man guidance the whole time until, with Sailor Moons help, he realized that Wise Man had been using them. When Wise Man told him to kill Sailor moon he refused and was forced to fight with him. He could have won but instead he sacrifices himself for Sailor Moon and tells her to protect his remaining clan on Earth.
Wicked Lady-
Wicked Lady AKA Black Lady, Dark Lady is Chibi-Usa. Some wiseman character tricked her into reliving her old memories wrongly making her think she was unwanted and unloved. She is filled with anger and hatred, ages to 16 and turns into Wicked Lady. Yadda yadda yadda Sailor moon shows up and everything is better. Why can't the bad guys win just once?
Esmeraude-Esmeraude took over after Rubeus died. She was incredibly vain had an annoying laugh that drove everyone mad. She started to place dark figurines in all the negative every spots in Tokyo. This way the Black Gate would open and the Black moon Clan could use the crystal to destroy Earth. Wise Man gave her a tiara that would enhance her power and she turned into a giant dragon. Sailor Moon defeated the dragon and Esmeraude was sucked into a vortex calling out Prince Diamonds name.
Wise Man Wise Man was using the Black Moon clan for his own goal to summon the Death Phantom. Then the Death Phantom would wipe out all the life from the world. When he finally got the Black Gate opened, He declared himself The Death Phantom. He battled with Sailor Moon and she used the Holy Silver Crystal against him, but it was not enough. When Chibi Usa cried, her tears formed yet another Holy Silver Crystal and she then transformed into Princess Chibi Usagi and helped her mother defeat Wise Man.