The Blue Lagoon

This movie was made in 1980. 2 years before,the director made the successful movie-"Grease", only this time The movie's plot was far from dancing and singing high-school students. The story begins with a man,whose taking two children with him to begin a new life in the far Saint-Fransisco. The two children,Emilie (Brooke Shields) and Richard (Christopher Atkins) are only 7-8 years old. Suddenly,there was a fire,and all the crew and passangers are escaping with boats. The two children found themselves with an old sailor named Peddy,and together,with only one box,they are carried away to an island. Peddy teaches the children how to survive and manage on the island. one night,Peddy got drunk,went to swim and didn't return. Em and Richard found him dead on another shore. The children decided to run away from this shore and build themselves a house on another shore.Through the years,Emilie and Richard grew up and learned to know eachother,and their passions. after 9 months of eating and "getting fat",Em brought a baby to the world. Both Em & Richard decided to call the baby after Peddy. I will not tell you the end-you'll have to see for yourself!

I first saw this film when I was 6 years old.although it is more for teens and adults-I loved this movie and watched it quite alot. 10 years after,I recalled this movie and wanted too see it very much,yet,I did not find it in any video store cause this is and old Movie. A year later,I found this movie and watched it. I remembered only 2-3 scenes and was excited to see it once more. many people think that the movie is a big kitch,but I look at it differently. I see this movie in a Philosophic way and maybe that what makes the different...

Pictures from the movie

Brooke Shields-Sexy!
Brooke Shields
B/W Brooke Shields
Both Sitting on the beach
Both Looking at something
Both Building something on the beach
Swimming Underwater
Shields & Atkins on the People magazine!
A parody picture of me,and my friend Tom in our own Blue Lagoon

The Best Quotes

Richard:You keep looking at me all the time in a strange way!
Em:And you are looking at my boobs all the time!
Rich:That's because they look so's like Paddy's Hootchi kootchi Girls...!
Rich:Kiss me...
Em:No! you're sticky!
Rich:My heart beats so fast...
Em:mine too...

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