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Rainbow Brite

Rainbow brite was sent from a higher source as a little girl called Wisp to save a planet from gloom and darkness. after she succeeds on her mission, the dark and gloomy planet turns into Rainbow Land, her home. Her job with the help of the Color Kids and the Sprites, is to bring colour and happiness to the universe. and yet,there is only one boy on earth who can actually see her. his name is Brian and Rainbow gave him the key to Rainbow Land whenever he is in trouble and need help.

when I was 8,I first saw her on the film " Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer", and I loved this movie SO much that I started to draw it.

Black Rainbow?

Image Gallery

~*please DO NOT take any picture*~

Classic Rainbow Brite

Rainbow brite and the star stealer

My Artworks

Click on Twink to hear what he says!

Quote from Wisp & Twink's first meeting

Wisp:"I'm looking for the sphere of light..."
Twink:"Sphere of light?! good. see ya.."

Quotes from the movie

Starlite:what do you take me for? the morning bus?!
Starlite:why,at a moment like this,is the most magnificent horse
in the universe,standing here doing nothing at all!
Stormy:no more fun for three whole seasons...
Lurky:Murky! you're dancing!

Stormy was adopted 
(That have no answer...)

1) Where did Wisp come from?
2) Does'nt she have parents?
3) Don't the color kids have parents?
4) Don't the color kids ever grow up?
5) Is Lurky a big Sprite?
6) How Does Rainbow Brite visit earth if they live on another planet?
6) How can Starlite breave when he runs in space?

If you have any answer to these questions-please write them in my guestbook (that should be interesting...)

The Rainbow Brite Webring

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