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1997 * Color * 90 Minutes

Rated R


Long ago, when God created the heavens and the Earth, he also created a netherworld. A place full of demonic creatures called the Djinn. Now, the Djinn plan to escape from their confines by granting wishes given to them by humans. Hideously distorting their dreams, the Djinn's leader leaves a blood-soaked trail of murder as the lost creations of the lord ready for their chance at our world... a chance they will only get if the one who has released them uses up their three wishes.

My Views: Well, there really isn't much to say about this one except that it follows the tradiational horror movie patter. Great graphics but bad storyline. And all the actors did a great hob in the movie so there was no bad acting. And look for other great horror icons such as Tony Todd (Candyman), and Kane Hodder (Jason).

My Views On Robert: Robert did as always, a very good job in this movie. Although he was selfish and strange at the same time. He wasn't in the movie very long. But he got credited greatly at the beginning.

My Rating: 3

Robert's Rating: 5-did a good job, but sane as Urban Legend, he wasn't in the movie very long.

Overall rating of the film in a whole: 5.5-Bad story, good effects.


No soundtrack as of my recollection. Becuase I don't think that there were many really good songs in it except for the score.