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The Rosicrucian Fellowship

Rosicrucian Plan Of Study

This page is intended to provide the beginning student of Rosicrucianism with a plan of study that will facilitate his/her entry into this fascinating world. All of the materials referenced here can be found online at the web site of The Rosicrucian fellowship.

The Curriculum

1. Read The Rosicrucian Mysteries. This is an elementary treatise on some of the basic principles of Rosicrucian thought and is a good place to begin.

2. Read Ancient and Modern Initiation. This book presents some of the more esoteric principles behind what happens during spiritual initiation and relates them to Christ's Mission

3. Read The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. This is the "biggie" book from The Rosicrucian Felowship and lays out the principle ideas and philosophies in detail. It is the core text for the main two correspondence courses.

4. Read The Rosicrucian Philosophy In Questions And Answers Vol 1. This is a series of questions and answers on various topics relating to Rosicrucian Philosophy. In actuality, one could begin reading this and vol 2 at any time, but some of the material requires a familiarity with basic ideas developed in the above books and, frankly, doesn't make much sense without that background.

5. Read The Rosicrucian Philosophy In Questions And Answers Vol 2. This is the second volume of the question and answer series begun in vol 1.

6. Register to take the Online Courses. There are three basic courses you can register for and some advanced ones as well. The Complete Curriculum is provided for you to look at as well as a complete breakdown of the courses available . After registering, you will be emailed the urls of the first lessons which you can complete and submit electronically. After each lesson is graded, you will be sent back a corrected form with the url of the next lesson. Be sure to save the urls as you get them as they are not available publically from the web site.

After finishing the readings suggested above, you will be well equipped to study the online courses. The courses focus your attention on the basic principles and help you to get the most out of the readings as well as providing some supplementary information.

In the near future, I intend to add some material relating to other sources of The Western Mystery Tradition, especially The Secret Doctrine, Theosophy and works on The Seven Rays. The purpose will be to allow fellow students of Rosicrucianism to explore related information which helps to put some of the more modern Rosicrucian teachings into better focus.

I am a member of several Rosicrucian Organizations and have been studying the Western Mystery Tradition since 1969. I welcome all seekers after spiritual truth who are truly interested in personal and planetary transformation!

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