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James Hetfield

Date Of Birth: August 3rd, 1963
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Marital Status: Single

Other Info
Hobbies: Hunting and drinking.
Car: Chevy Blazer and a Dodge Ram
Favorite Sports: Football
Sports Team: The Raiders (NFL)
Favorite Bands/Music: Thin Lizzy, Black Sabbath, and Motorhead.
Favorite Movie: The Good, the bad, and the ugly.
Favorite Actor: Clint Eastwood.
Favorite Actress: Amber Lynn.
Favorite Book: The Dictionary.
Favorite Foods: Mexican and Meat-n-potatoes.
Former Jobs: Mover and worked in a sticker factory.
Former Bands: Obsession, Phantom Lord, and Leather Charm

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