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Lars Ulrich

Date Of Birth: December 26th, 1963
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark
Hometown: Berkley, California
Marital Status: Divorced

Other info

Hobbies: Sleeping/R&R, Scuba diving, Tennis, and TV
Sports: Scuba diving and Tennis

Favorite Sports Teams

Hockey: San Jose Sharks
Football: San Francisco 49ers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Favorite Bands/Music: AC/DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Deep Purple,
Diamondhead, and Thin Lizzy
Favorite Movies: Godfather II, Dog Day Afternoon, Midnight Express, and Scarface
Favorite TV Shows/Channels: CNN and MTV
Favorite Actors: Al Pacino, James Woods, Miskey Rourke, and Robert DeNiro
Favorite Actresses: Hapatlina Lee, Selana Steele, and Tori Welles
Favorite Book: The Hangman's Tale
Favorite Food: Caviar, Evian Water, Taco Bell, Cheese, & Mayonnaise
Former Jobs: Cashier and Newspaper Boy
Former Bands: None

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