Best Scene - Trio in Rio by DarkAngel

"What time is it?" Louis asked.

David looked at his watch and did a quick calculation in his head. "It must be near midnight here, I should think."

"It is Friday here?" Louis asked him.

"Yes, nearly Saturday," David told him.

"So you still have time," Louis said.

"Time for what, cher?" Lestat asked with concern.

"To go out. To see Rio before Carnaval proper starts. I believe that was the purpose of this visit, was it not?" Louis answered him.

"Not tonight, Louis," David said.

"You don't need to keep watch over me," Louis said. "The windows can be covered, can they not?"

"Yes," Lestat answered him. "But it wouldn't be safe to leave you here alone, cheri."

Louis was about to answer as a knock came at the door. "Housekeeping," said a female voice.

Lestat crossed the room and answered the door. David quickly pulled the heavy blanket and bedspread over Louis. Louis winced. David stroked his hair lightly in apology.

Lestat had admitted the woman. She went immediately to the bathroom. At the sight of fourteen or so towels lying on the floor, soaking wet, she exclaimed something in Portuguese that described tourists in general and their unwholesome sexual habits in particular. She exited the bathroom with a furious glance at David, who was a bit stunned, and at Lestat, who was trying to hide his laughter, but not trying very hard. She pulled her laundry hamper in from the hall and angrily threw the towels into it, while making rather rude comments about their parentage. She mopped up the water and changed the other towels in the bathroom. Coming back into the room with David and Lestat she demanded, in English, "How did you get all these towels here?"

Lestat gave her a blank look and turned to David. "What do you think of this color on me?" he asked in classical French.

"Hideous, brings out the blue in your skin," David answered him in Italian, looking toward the bathroom and shrugging.

Lestat turned back to the woman. "Perhaps the buttonhooks." He suggested in the old Creole dialect he had learned from Louis.

The woman pulled a wet towel out of the hamper and spoke very loudly and slowly. "THESE TOWELS. HERE. HOW?" She pointed to the bathroom floor.

David looked as if he had just understood her meaning. "Ah, it cannot be without the sauerbraten." He told Lestat in German. Louis was biting his lips, painful as it was, and trying to look asleep.

Lestat smiled and nodded to the woman. "Do not operate machinery while taking this drug," Lestat explained to her in modern French.

The woman stared at them. Valiantly she tried once more. "TOWELS!" she said shaking one in her fist.

"Zima," Lestat said nodding to David.

"Altoids," David agreed. They smiled at the woman.

Thinking she had gotten this concept through to them, she went on to the next one. "FLOOR." She said walking to the bathroom doorway and kneeling and smacking the floor with her hand.

"Should I just confuse her mind and get rid of her, or are you still having fun?" Lestat asked David in French, looking seriously at the floor.

"You know you are really only speaking a lower class gutter form of Latin," David answered in Latin, looking at the woman and rubbing his chin, thoughtfully.

"YES, FLOOR." The woman said. " HOW DID THE TOWELS," she shook a towel, "GET ON THE FLOOR?" She threw a towel to the floor in explanation and frustration.

"You are enflaming me with passion," David told her Polish while politely retrieving the towel and handing it to her.

She took the towel and looked from one to the other. They smiled and nodded. She sighed deeply and swore some more in Portuguese as she rolled the hamper back out into the hall, slamming the door behind her.

Louis was shaking with laughter. Lestat pulled the covers down off of him, leaving the sheet. David collapsed onto the other bed and laughed. Lestat walked over to the bathroom, and in a quick motion knelt down and slapped the floor. "FLOOR!" he demanded.

David curled up with laughter and in the process rolled off of the bed. Lestat fell over in giggles.

This mayhem lasted perhaps ten minutes, perhaps longer, but finally it did wear itself out, leaving them all with smiles and an overall feeling of camaraderie that has been lost in the tense atmosphere before.

from Trio in Rio - Chapter Two

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