Louis and David

This work is an AMATEUR effort and is in no way expected to make any money. It is not intended to infringe upon the rights of SOME CRAZY BITCH WHO SUES HER FANS, Stan Rice, Mojo Rice, Knopf Publishing, Random House, Geffen Pictures, the officials and citizens of New Orleans, the shoppers of Westin Canal Place, nor you, dear readers.

SPOILERS: VampChron through TotBT

Hello my sweetest SPECtroscopes!

My dears, I must warn you that this work does contain a rather wordy insult to the PROMISE KEEPERS ORGANIZATION. If this offends you, then you probably won't like the rest of the spec either, so you needn't waste your time. Have I mentioned this is another one of those "What happened when David arrived at the town house that first time" SPECs? Well, it is. So if you have been there, done that, you have just wasted precious minutes reading this intro. Sorry. Go your way in peace.

The rest of you, who are up for another version of this, ENJOY!

4 Septembre 1998

' thoughts '

The Rise and Fall of a Coven
Book One: Louis and David
by DarkAngel

Chapter One

Hearing a knock at the door, Louis rose from his desk and cautiously advanced to the front hall.

He looked to clock standing there and noted that it was after 3 a.m. Very unusual for mortals to come calling at this hour, whatever the reason. Unless it was police, perhaps. Others of his kind rarely came, but if it had been, certainly they would not have bothered knocking. More likely they would have come straight in. He listened. He heard nothing. No voice, no movement, not even the soft sounds of mortal breathing. He could detect a faint scent of blood, but even very small humans had a much stronger aroma. He waited another fifteen or twenty minutes. Still no movement. Louis walked soundlessly to the door and peered out the small peephole Lestat had installed.

' Oh God, no,' Louis thought.

It was Lestat. Lestat in his human body. What had happened? Had he had another encounter with the body thief? Was he here to ask again that Louis give him the blood. Lestat had barely forgiven him for refusing the last time. Could he refuse again?

Louis pulled open the door.

"Good Evening."

Louis slammed the door closed immediately. That was not Lestat. That was not Lestat's accent, nor was it the kind of greeting Lestat would have given him. It was vampire. Louis had seen its fingernails. Raglan James? What has happened to Lestat? If it was Raglan James, then he could easily steal a mortal body as dawn came and destroy him in the day.

'I was right, Lestat led him to me. Mon Dieu, Lestat! What have you done now? Well, I have a better chance against this monster now, while I am conscious, than I will when the sun rises.'

Louis looked out again. The vampire remained, calmly standing on the gallery, hands behind his back, looking vaguely concerned, but patient. Waiting. Unafraid.

Suddenly, David heard a voice behind him.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

It was not a friendly voice. It was quite menacing, in fact. David recognized the accent as French and thought that some how Pointe du Lac must have exited the house and come upon him without his knowing. A surprising feat for one with as little power as David had always been led to believe. David turned toward the voice to confirm the identity of the speaker.

"DON'T turn around!" the voice commanded. David heard a scratching sound, he smelled fire. He turned back to the door, and wondered if he were about to be immolated.

"My name is David Talbot. Lestat de Lioncourt took my life the night before last, and made me a vampire. I have come to see Louis de Pointe du Lac, and to ask if Lestat has returned here." David related this information in as steady a voice as he could manage, given the circumstances.

"That is a lie. If David Talbot had been made into a vampire, he would go immediately to the Talamasca for help. If David Talbot had been made a vampire by Lestat, Lestat would certainly not have released him on his own so soon."

David felt the warmth of the fire against his back, very close. "Please! I mean no harm. I left Lestat. I wanted to be away from him. He took me by force. I thought that this would be where he would come. If he has not, then I shall leave you, if you will allow me, and I shall not return."

Louis recognized the cadence of the voice as the same as he had heard from David Talbot in London, when Lestat had first visited the Talamasca. Also, this being seemed quite comfortable in his body, his movements seemed natural. Lestat had said that the body thief had seemed stiff and ungainly in the body.

Besides, it sounded exactly like something Lestat would do. Louis sighed and dropped his torch into a rain barrel at the side of the gallery. He walked to his door. He bowed his head to David.

"I hope you will accept my apologies, Monsieur Talbot. I am Louis de Pointe du Lac."

David visibly relaxed. "But of course. I am pleased to meet you." David held out his hand.

Louis took David's hand. It was noticeably harder than his own. "Enchante." Louis opened the door. "Please come in."

"Thank you." David walked through the door of the town house in the Rue Royale. He had read about it so many times, in the books and in the files. This was the house where Jesse had seen the apparition. He never thought he might see it with his own eyes. And certainly not in this condition. "Splendid!" David commented, under his breath.

Louis laughed quietly. "Merci, Monsieur. It is all Lestat's doing, of course." Louis closed the door behind himself. "Would you like to sit in the parlour?" Louis indicated a well furnished room beyond the door.

"Yes, thank you very much." David walked through the doorway. The parlor was decorated with Louis XV furnishings, in beautiful condition. The spinet against the wall held the warm glow of polished wood, and looked antique. The carpet was thick and soft, Persian. Heavy curtains of red velvet hung on the windows. Between the windows sat an exquisite antique desk. It looked like a museum display of a room from the nineteenth century - that is, until Louis tapped a light switch on the wall. The chandelier above blazed into brilliant light, reflected back and again from each delicate crystal hanging and sparkling from the thirteen separate lights. The electric light may have been anachronistic to the time period, but it only made the room more dazzling.

Louis politely waited while David stared up at the chandelier. They may have been there all night, but 40 minutes later, the clock chimed the hour, and roused David from his trance. At the sound he lowered his head and blinked a few times.

"Perhaps you would be more comfortable on the divan, Monsieur," Louis said.

"Oh, yes," David laughed, a bit embarrassed. He sat down. Louis sat after him.

"I am sorry," David explained. "I became somewhat enthralled."

Louis smiled warmly. "I understand. These new powers, the heightened senses. It can be overwhelming, especially at first."

"Yes," David smiled gratefully. "Yes, exactly so."

"Lestat is not here, Monsieur," Louis told him. "I do not know when he will return."

"Please, call me David."

"David," Louis acknowledged.

"Actually, I didn't expect him to be. Not quite so soon, at any rate. I would think he has only just discovered my disappearance. But I do believe that he will return here."

"He may, but he just as likely may not. It could be weeks or months before he returns. Lestat's travels are seldom predictable. May I ask what it is you want of him? Is it revenge?" Louis asked, his expression worried.

"No, no, nothing like that. I simply wish to be with him again. But first I should like to talk to you, if you are willing."

"I am. You want to talk about Lestat, I assume." Louis looked at him. David became lost in Louis's eyes, so deep, such a vivid shade of green. They were magnificent. They were magnetizing.

"David?" Louis tried to call him back to the moment.

"Yes, Louis." David shook his head, as if to clear it. "I was distracted. But yes, I would like to discuss Lestat." David caught himself, "May I call you Louis?"

Louis smiled. "Please."

"Thank you," David took a deep breath. "I don't know where to begin,' he laughed.

"May I ask a question?" Louis inquired.

"Yes, of course," David nodded.

"How did you obtain this body?" Louis asked.

"Oh! Oh yes, of course," David laughed again. "I suppose you must have many questions yourself. Raglan James," David stopped, looking to Louis, to see if he recognized the name. Louis nodded. "Was forced out of Lestat's body, and we had planned then to shoot this body with him in it. But instead, he forced me out of my body, so I had no choice but to take this one, you see?"

"Oui. But now he has your old body? Has he infiltrated the Talamasca?" Louis asked.

"No, no. He approached Lestat in my old body, and tried to convince Lestat that he was David Talbot and that he wanted the Dark Gift. Well, of course as Lestat drank from him, he learned the truth. At that I am afraid Lestat became quite angry and threw my body, with Raglan James in it, against a wall and crushed the head, killing him. So I was left in this body."

Louis eyes had widened during the telling of this tale. "Lestat injured your body, knowing that you would not be able then to regain it?"

"In the heat of the moment he acted rashly. But that is not unexpected from him, is it?" David grinned at Louis, Louis grinned back.

"I suppose it is well documented in his file."

"Yes, in his OWN file," David answered. "In all fairness, I must say that he did try to get medical help for the body, but I was in the vicinity and I stopped him. It was useless really. And I admit, the thought of having several more years in this young healthy body did appeal to me."

"But not eternity," Louis said.

David looked away. "No. I wasn't inclined to ask for this."

"I am sorry, David. As you say, he acts rashly." Louis's voice was full of sympathy.

"Yes, well, what is done is done. And to be honest, Louis, I don't know that it isn't exactly what I wanted all along."

"Immortality, perhaps, but surely not to be taken against your will. David, that is unforgivable. Lestat has passed a limit this time. I do not see that the others will sit still for it. This is not the expected rulebreaking antics of the Vampire Lestat. This is rape." Louis's voice remained quiet, but there was shock and anger in it.

"Do you really think the others will go after him?" David asked, with concern.

"They have never enforced the rules upon him before, but in this case it seems likely," Louis said. "Only Maharet and Mekare exceed his power now. Mekare does not concern herself with the coven. I do not know that Maharet will. Marius will be furious. As will Jesse, I am sure."

"I do not wish to cause any action to be taken against Lestat!" David exclaimed. "Louis, how can I stop it?"

Louis was startled at this reaction. "David, please, do not be upset. I do not know that there will be anything to stop. It is only an educated guess. The actions of the others are never a given, under any circumstance."

"How can I contact them? How can I be sure? I have forgiven Lestat. I do not want any harm to come to him!" David stood and began pacing.

Louis was a bit confused, "David, don't worry, please. Lestat can take care of himself in any event. He always does. You have forgiven him?"

"Yes. I cannot say with any certainty that I wouldn't do it all over again. I am enjoying my vampiric existence immensely. I am just now beginning to understand that it is possible that I wanted it all along, but I simply could not morally justify asking for it." David said this almost as if he were talking to himself. He was only considering this as he heard it come out of his own mouth. "Do you understand? It is as if Lestat has done me the great service of removing my own culpability for this action."

Louis looked a bit sad. "I see." He stood and stepped a few feet in front of David, to bring a halt to his pacing. "There is no cause for this agitation. Please sit down. If this is your true feeling, then I am sure that the others will be able to read it from you, and they will take no action. David, stop this, please. You are only upsetting yourself further," Louis told him, but not with the sharpness of authority. Louis's voice remained calm and respectful.

David did stop. He looked at Louis for a long moment and then nodded, retaking his seat. "Yes, you are right, Louis. I am a bit excitable tonight, I suppose," David let out a long sigh. "I am not myself. I am usually far more controlled than this."

Louis gently laid his hand on David's shoulder. "You must take into account your change. It is not something one recovers from by the next night, David." Louis stopped and thought how to phrase this next question. "David . . .did Lestat . . .teach you to . . . feed?"

David smiled. "He didn't need to, Louis. I am quite capable, I assure you. And yes, I have done so tonight. But thank you for asking. I do appreciate your concern."

"Ah. Well. Bien." Louis looked a bit uncomfortable. 'It seems that I am the only one that Lestat has had to practically force feed the first time,' he thought. Aloud, he asked, "Where were you when you last saw Lestat?"

"Barbados," David answered him.

"You traveled from Barbados to New Orleans in one night?" Louis was not skeptical, but he was amazed. "How?"

"I have the benefit of the ancient blood that flows in Lestat now. I flew." David wondered if this information would provoke any jealousy in Louis. He needn't have worried.

Louis registered surprise. "You must be very tired," he said.

David thought about it. "Actually I am," he laughed.

"I hope you will stay here, then. Lestat has taken precautions, and all of the bedrooms are completely secure and impervious to sunlight." Louis seemed to want him to accept this invitation very much; David briefly wondered if he simply wanted the company. But whatever the reason it was extended, he would accept the invitation. He had nowhere else to go.

"I would be happy to stay. Thank you."

"De rien. It seems the least I can do," Louis answered. "I am sorry, but I must retire soon. May I show you to a room?"

"Ah, yes, indeed. I should have realized. It is becoming early, isn't it?"

"It is for me. Please," Louis rose gestured for David to follow him. They walked to the stairs.

"The bedrooms are on the second floor?" David asked.

"Yes," Louis looked puzzled. "Why do you ask?"

"I suppose I expected them to be below ground," David answered.

"Very few things in New Orleans are below ground, Monsieur." Louis gave him a slight smile, climbing the steps.

"Oh," David chuckled. "I should have known that."

"But as I said, you will be safe."

"I have no doubt of your word, Louis."

As they entered the hall, David saw that the room at the end had been left with its door wide open. Through it he could see a large four poster bed made up with beautiful blue satin sheets, which were in wild disarray. There was a velvet coverlet in a heap on the floor. There was a stack of books, perhaps 10 or 12, to the right side of the bed. Articles of clothing were strewn hither and yon. The room seemed enormous. David had the irresistible urge to touch the satin. It drew him. The shine, the texture, he wanted to press it to his face. And then he was doing exactly that. It was cool on his skin. He could see the pattern of the machine woven threads. So perfect. There was a door, it led to a washroom. White marble and golden fixtures. So clean, so beautiful. He bent and pressed his cheek to the marble sink. Polished smooth. Then he saw the shower, behind glass doors. He slid the door open. The bathtub was large enough for him to lie down in. He spread his arms out. So wide! What would this be in American measurements? Three feet perhaps? Four? He looked up. It seemed the shower heads were so far away. One on each side. And another further down the wall. And on the other side as well. The water pressure must be extreme. Ah water, yes. David remembered the feel of the water on his body as he swam for his first kill in Barbados. Soothing, it had caressed and held his body, the sensation had been immensely comforting and invigorating. He reached above his head for the knob. As he started to turn it, he was stopped by a cold hand.

"I'm sorry, but you may scald yourself, if you do that. Lestat has it heated to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Open the cold water faucet first." Louis moved David's hand to the next knob.

David was quickly brought to his senses. It registered how ridiculous he must look, lying fully dressed in a bathtub, about to soak himself. Not to mention he hadn't even been invited into this room. What if it belonged to Louis? He sat up and apologized as he tried to step out of the tub.

"This is quite rude. I do apologize-" He slipped as he tried to bring his left foot over the side of the tub.

Louis caught him before he fell and lifted him out. "Are you alright?" Louis held David with one arm around his waist and the other around his shoulders. It was as close as David had been to another vampire. He suddenly felt a bit dizzy. He reached to his waist and grasped Louis' arm.

"Give me a moment, would you?" David said, his voice was trembling.

"Yes," Louis tightened his hold.

David took a few deep breaths. Then he brought his head up and looked into Louis's face. Louis was concerned, but not agitated. He seemed well in control, as if having strange vampires invade his lair, tell wild stories and then ensconce themselves in one of the bathrooms was not at all unusual. David looked closer. Louis looked weary. Exhausted, in fact. 'Of course,' he thought, 'the morning will come for him far sooner than for me. And here I am keeping him from his resting place.'

"The sun, I think," David said. "It is taking my strength. Thank you."

Louis released him and stepped back respectfully. "Perhaps you should lie here. Lestat will not be back tonight certainly." Louis walked to the bed and began pulling the covers into some semblance of order.

"Here, I can do that. Don't go to any trouble," David said, following Louis back into the bedroom.

"Will you be comfortable here? This is Lestat's room," Louis said, as if that fact was a possible deterrent.

"It is fine Louis. Thank you so much. Thank you for your hospitality," David said gratefully.

Louis kneeled to retrieve the coverlet from the floor, and grasped the nearest dresser to help himself rise. David took the coverlet from him.

"Rest well," Louis said, and again bowed his head.

"Bonne Nuit," David returned.

Louis smiled in acknowledgment of the French, then he turned and walked out of the room, closing the door. David heard him stumble once, then heard a door closing, and then the sound of something very heavy hitting the floor. David wondered briefly if he should go and see that Louis was alright, but he found that the thought of walking to the door was too tiring to contemplate. He kicked off his shoes and fell into bed.

The next night David rose just as the sun was beginning to set. He searched telepathically for signs of life. No one but Louis and a few elementals. Louis was still in the death sleep. He wondered if he dared to explore the house on his own. No, Louis had been far too gracious to be repaid by having someone poke about through his things while he slept. David decided it would be alright to check on Louis, to determine what had hit the floor this morning. He left Lestat's room and stood in the hall. He could sense Louis behind the second door to his right. David walked to the door and opened it.

Louis lay where he had fallen, face down on the hard wood floor.

"That is what I thought that noise was," David commented to himself. He went to Louis and turned him over to determine the extent of the damage. But if there had been any, it had healed during the day. Louis's face was unmarred. His eyes were closed and he was completely limp, without a spark of consciousness. So vulnerable, David thought. He felt Louis's arms and legs, nothing seemed to be broken. He gathered Louis into his arms and lifted him; he was surprised at how little Louis weighed. Then he realized that it was his own vampire strength that caused the discrepancy. David carried him to the bed. It was also a four poster, but it had been made. David wondered briefly if he should undress Louis, or at least remove his shoes. Perhaps not. He didn't want Louis to be embarrassed. David thought it would certainly make him uncomfortable to know that someone he hardly knew had been handling him in his sleep. 'I wonder if he will know that I put him on the bed? Perhaps he will think he got there himself.' David thought briefly of putting Louis back on the floor, but that seemed rather extraneous. David looked about the room. Here also there were piles of books on the floor, but it did seem somewhat more orderly. The two doors that David took to be the closet and the washroom were closed. There was a beautiful copy of Botticelli's "Mystical Nativity" on the wall facing the bed. It was a copy, wasn't it? There were several book shelves. One of them was filled with videotapes. There was a rather startling painting over the bed of Mars chastising Cupid, but David couldn't place the artist. He checked to see that Louis looked comfortable and left the room, closing the door behind himself.

David returned to Lestat's room. He thought briefly of tidying it up a bit, but then he thought that wasn't really his place. Besides, he had no idea where anything went.

Louis and David - Chapter Two

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