Ruling Rue Royale

Chapter Nine

The next evening, Lestat awoke, flanked by his fledglings. He sat up. The revelations of last night were uppermost in his mind. 'Good God,' he thought, 'what will I do now? But then Louis says that they both love me. And I have had many loves; Nicki, Louis, Akasha, David. Louis has had but Armand, whatever they may have done, and a few little encounters with me. Nothing like what I've done with David . . .at least nothing he was conscious for. David has no one but me. I did want them to get along. I suppose they cannot be blamed for getting along too well.' Lestat put his head in his hands, 'My God, my God, what am I going to do? Can I handle this?' He looked from Louis to David, stroked their hair. 'Who do I love more? Could I choose if I had to? Even if I could choose, which could I reject? Whom could I hurt that way? Which could I live without?'

"Lestat?" David's voice roused him from his troubled thoughts.

"Bonsoir David. Tell me, was your bed too hard or too soft?"

"I was hiding from my evil stepmother."

"Ah, and this one?" Lestat glanced to Louis and back.

"Pricked his finger on a spinning wheel," David said.

Lestat nodded.

"Louis said he told you last night, about what we've been doing together."

"Yes, he did."

"And what is your reaction?"

"Don't you have anything you would like to say to me?"

David sat up and leaned against the headboard. "Do you want an apology?"

"Do you feel apologetic?"

"I don't regret it, if that is what you mean."

"How DO you feel about it?"

"You don't deny that Louis is stunningly gorgeous?"

"I do not."

"You don't deny that Louis is irresistibly charming?"


"You don't deny that Louis has a cunning intelligence and -"

"David." Lestat said, quietly but impatiently.

"My point is, that I feel very lucky to have shared such experiences with him. They were wonderful and I do not feel that I have anything for which to apologize on that account. I am sorry for the pain it obviously causes you, that was certainly not my intent, nor his, I know."

"But you knew it would, David! You knew it would! How can you say such lies?!"

"Lestat, be reasonable. We are all grown men, certainly. Beyond that, we are all vampires and therefore are not bound by mortal standards of right and wrong. Finally, we are immortal. It is rare for humans to stay monogamous for as much as sixty years, you expected Louis and me to do so through eternity?"

Lestat sighed, "I don't know, David. I don't know what I expected."

"What are you going to do?"



"What can I do? Spank you? Send you to your rooms without supper?"

"So you want to punish us."

"I don't know, David, don't psychoanalyze every word I say, it is too early in the evening for that."

"Are you angry with us?"

Lestat thought for a moment. 'Angry? Am I angry? . . . No, not really. It's something else. It's a pain. I feel hurt. They aren't mine anymore, MY Louis and MY David, and I HATE that!' Lestat tried to put the pain into words for David, " I'm . . .I'm . . . Goddamnit, I'm jealous! I'm jealous and I'm pissed off that you didn't even ask my permission, and you aren't apologetic and I know that you'll say that I have no right to ever have expected either. But I AM your maker, for Christ's sake, AND your lover, both of you, and I deserve better treatment than this!"

David nodded, "I see what you mean, I understand that. I'm curious, if we had asked permission, what would you have said?"

Lestat looked at David, "Truthfully, I would have said yes."

David's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"But," Lestat continued, "I would have wanted it like this." He spread his arms out.

"Both of us with you," David said.


"Is that still what you want?"

"I wouldn't say no."

"Well, perhaps when Louis awakes we can discuss that."

Lestat snorted, "Louis would never agree to such a thing."

"You never know until you ask."

At just that moment, Louis rolled onto his side, toward Lestat. He blinked a few times and then looked up at his maker.

"Bonsoir, Sleeping Beauty," Lestat said, "Sit up and join the party."

Louis did so and looked over at David, "Good Evening."

"Good Evening, Louis," David returned.

Louis put his arm around Lestat, "Are you feeling better tonight, cheri?"

Lestat smiled and leaned into Louis's shoulder, "I think I am."

"Très bien," Louis said, petting the blond mane.

"You must have brought me back home."

"Yes," Louis answered.

"And undressed me?" Lestat asked with a sly grin.

Louis cleared his throat, "Well, yes, but that was only so that David could put the pajamas on you."

"David, you chose these? Thank you."

"Not at all, Lestat."

Lestat turned back to Louis, "David and I were just having a very interesting conversation, Beautiful One."


"Hmm, yes, about the three of us."

Louis looked to David, but David was watching Lestat. "What about us?" Louis asked.

"We were thinking that the three of us could have a little fun together."


"Yes, you know," David began unbuttoning Lestat's pajama top, he winked at Louis, "fun."

"Ah" Louis blushed a bit, but he pulled Lestat over into his lap.

Lestat laughed, "Now, wait -"

Louis cut him off with a kiss. David had opened the pajama top and was pulling off the sleeve. Louis broke the kiss and began nuzzling Lestat's neck. David tugged on the pajama bottoms and the elastic waistband slid down to Lestat's knees.

"What is this, my little fledglings?" Lestat asked. He wasn't sure if he should be pleased or irritated.

"Shh," Louis said. "Relax, notre Marquis."

"Let us do all of the work," David added, chuckling as he nipped at Lestat's thigh.

"Mmmmm" Lestat said. He reached up and ran his fingers through Louis's hair.

Louis moved from behind Lestat and came to lie down over him, kissing his chest and licking at his nipples.

"Louis!" Lestat exclaimed, surprised.

David had pulled the pajama bottoms off and snaked one hand up the leg opening of the briefs he had dressed Lestat in the evening before. Lestat gave a little jump. David grinned at Louis. Louis rubbed his cheek down Lestat's chest and kissed his belly button. David ran his other hand up Lestat's thigh. He took the waistband of Lestat's briefs in his teeth and pulled them down, exposing Lestat fully.

Lestat felt a pleasant quiver as the air hit him, but his reaction was muffled again by Louis's tongue which had found it's way back into his mouth. His fledglings continued their ministrations; kissing, rubbing, licking, kneading, squeezing, petting. Lestat's body seemed to vibrate. He was warm all over. Every touch brought his skin alive. And it was Louis and it was David, his loves, touching him. A hand came up over his eyes, Louis's. Then another hand parted his thighs, David's. He felt a cool tongue licking circles in the hollow of his throat. He felt soft fingers lightly stroke down his length. It sent surges up and own his body, like pulling a bow across violin strings. Lestat moaned. Louis's mouth was at his nipples again, tickling them, teasing him. Lestat grabbed Louis's shirt and pulled it off of him. Louis just smiled and eluded his grip. He stepped away from the bed, his green eyes sparkling, and turned away, unzipping his trousers. He let them fall.

"Louis!" Lestat gasped at his nakedness.

Louis pretended not to hear. He went to David and whispered something in his ear. David nodded, giving Lestat a devious grin and stood on the bed, with Lestat between his legs. Louis stood on the bed behind David, mostly obscured by the British vampire's height and width.

Lestat propped himself up on his elbows. This couldn't be what he thought, could it? Louis's hands came around David's chest and pulled up the bottom of David's T-shirt, exposing first the rippled brown belly and then the broad chest. Slowly, slowly, Louis inched it upwards. David held his hands behind his back and looked down at Lestat teasingly. The shirt off, Louis went to David's waist and began unfastening his fly.

Lestat's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He meant to say something, but when he opened his mouth all that came out was a tiny squeak. Louis pulled down David's trousers, and David stepped out of them. Louis turned David's back to Lestat and rolled David's knickers down his legs. Lestat could feel himself actually shaking. This was almost too much for him. This was beyond fantasy. He kept expecting to wake up.

David stepped out of his shorts and clasped his hands in front of himself. Louis turned him to face Lestat, and then grinned at Lestat from over David's shoulder. Louis reached and took David's hands, bringing them behind his back again. David towered over Lestat in all his glory. Lestat felt sweat break out all over his body.

Louis put his hands on David's shoulders and pressed him to his knees, still holding his hands behind his back. David knelt between Lestat's legs, looked once into the wide grey eyes and then lowered his gaze demurely. Louis gripped the back of David's neck, and seemed to force David's head between Lestat's legs. This little performance thrilled Lestat more than even he cared to admit. Louis's fingers guided Lestat's member into David's open mouth.

"OH GOD!" Lestat yelled. He grabbed David's thick brown hair in his hands. Louis pushed Lestat up into a sitting position and then sat behind him, gently but firmly forcing him to stop pulling David's hair. He pulled Lestat back into his arms and kissed him ferociously. Lestat licked Louis's ear. Lestat was panting now, and was very close to reaching his peak. Louis took Lestat's arms and crossed them over the golden chest. At the same time, Lestat felt David release him and push his thighs together.

"Noooo." Lestat moaned. He stopped just short of a sob.

David brought Lestat's knees up, Louis turned him on his side. They had his body packed tight in a fetal position. Lestat could feel his nipples and even more his member pulsing, but seemingly buried in his own flesh. Then David was on his side in front of him and Louis behind. They enclosed him in their arms and legs, their skin against his skin.

"J'taime, Lestat," Louis whispered in his ear, kissing him.

"I love you , Lestat." David said, rubbing a strong hand over Lestat's hip.

They seemed to massage him, rubbing their bodies against his. Lestat could hear their voices like a chant.

"Love you."

"Mon amour."




"Want you."







"Need you."



"Je t'adore"





Lestat's body was electric. His blood was pounding through every vein, every capillary. He could hear himself panting and moaning, but had no control over his own voice or breath. He felt he might explode. David uncrossed his arms and began kissing his chest. Louis rubbed circles down Lestat's spine, to his tailbone and deep into the cavern. Lestat jerked forward as he felt himself entered by a long thin finger.

"Ah! Oh! Ah . .yes, yes." Lestat heard himself say.

It was too hard to believe that Louis was actually doing this. David had returned to the nether regions and allowed Lestat straighten his legs and part his thighs. David worked intently, kissing and stroking, around, below behind, above. Louis added a second finger. Lestat gave a short cry of pain and passion. He still heard his fledgling's soothing voices.

"Yours, Lestat."

"Forever, Lestat"

"Love you."

"With you, Lestat."

"You have me."






"Worship you."


"Love you."


Lestat felt as if his body was being pumped with blood, he felt swollen with it, but it was ecstasy, as if he were caught in a swoon. David pulled Lestat's organ into the soft warm recesses of his mouth. Lestat could see his own limbs trembling. He could taste the blood sweat, his, David's, Louis's.

Louis kissed the back of his neck and removed his fingers. "Lestat, mon maitre, mon amant, mon ame."

Lestat felt Louis's organ enter him. He screamed, but not out of pain. It was the sheer unreality of the action, the sharp thrill, the carnal indulgence, the completeness of the feeling, as if he'd been waiting for it all his life, it was the whole damn unbelievable situation.

Louis and David seemed to synch immediately into a rhythm that had Lestat reeling: push, pull, pump, constrict, thrust, suck, press, release, in, out, in, out, hold, stop, wait, tease, slower, slower, slower, squeeze, twist, lunge, impale, and again, and again, harder, harder, faster, faster.

Louis ran one hand over Lestat's face, leaving his wrist over Lestat's mouth, a few seconds later, David sank his fangs. Lestat did the same and tasted Louis's blood. Love. Love was in the blood. Love was in their bodies. They were one thing, one perfect being, one sustained orgasm, one complete cycle.

Lestat awoke first. He had passed out, amazing! He looked around. Louis was draped over his back, David's head was resting on his body, with the rest of his body entwined in Lestat's legs. Lestat could hear their hearts beating. He could feel the gentle rise and fall of their breathing.

How could this happiness have come to him? Who were these two men, and where was his shy Victorian Louis and his proper English David? Perhaps they'd been possessed. What would they do when they awoke? Make excuses? Run and hide in embarrassment? Possibly even do it again? Lestat laughed.

The sound and the movement, soft though it was, awoke his fledglings. Louis's arm moved on Lestat's chest. David moaned and turned his head. Louis pulled away from Lestat and sat up, combing his hands through his hair. He grabbed the coverlets and pulled them up over himself. Lestat rolled onto his back and gently helped David disentangle himself. David then sat up as well. Louis crossed his legs and folded his arms beneath the coverlet, he seemed to be studying the patterns in the velvet. David looked over and patted Louis's leg. Louis looked up and gave him a shy grin. David smiled back. Lestat liked that. It was nice to see. He supposed it was alright, really, if they enjoyed each other's company. He could stand them being a bit closer to each other. He could cope.

Lestat then Sat up between them and rested his back against the headboard. He looked slowly and deliberately from one to the other. "Mon Dieu! I have never been so shocked in all my life!"

"We aim to please," David smiled, a bit smugly.

"You succeed, mon amour," Lestat told him. He turned to Louis, "So, you have been hiding this kind of talent from me all of these years, Pointe du Lac?"

Louis blushed and shrugged a little, but there was something shining in his deep green eyes . . . pride. He was proud of himself. Proud that he had gone through with it, proud that he had shocked Lestat and even more proud that he had pleased Lestat. So proud that he found himself biting his bottom lip to keep the wide boastful grin from bursting out.

Lestat gathered them up in his arms abruptly. He crushed David and Louis to him, kissing their mouths, burying his face in their hair. Holding them, feeling them, smelling them, tasting them, as they squirmed wordlessly to find comfortable positions in the tight grip. They didn't dare protest. Not from fear of Lestat, but from fear of ruining the moment. They each recognized that their relationships had changed, all of them, irrevocably. It was important that this new stage in their lives start off well.

"Look at me, both of you, my beautiful fledglings, my lovers. Listen, stop whatever thoughts are in your heads and listen closely to me," Lestat looked from emerald to topaz, both were focused solely on him. "This moment, what he have right now, will not last. It will fade and die, as all precious things do. But we will remember it. We MUST remember it, and think of it each time we see each other throughout our eternity. Remember, mes chers, that we had this peace, this love, and we were happy together once. Do you understand?"

"Oui, Lestat," Louis answered.

"Of course," David nodded.

Lestat smiled, relieved. "Yes, bien. Now, look at each other."

Louis and David each glanced past Lestat to the other.

"No, no, no," Lestat said in an amused voice. He pushed them both forward and turned them so that they faced each other. "Now, go on, look at each other, look in each other's eyes."

This time they did so. Lestat put an arm around each fledgling's back and pulled them all together.

"Hold on to this moment, whatever comes next, hold on to it!" There was a seriousness in Lestat's voice which neither Louis, nor David, had ever heard before. Lestat meant these words with all his heart, all of his soul. His fledglings were quiet, reverent. They paid attention. They would remember. "No matter where we go, or who we are with, the three of us have this connection." Lestat puts his hands to their cheeks and turned their faces toward him. "The same fangs pierced both of you, and brought you from the mortal world to this one, my fangs. You both drew the same blood into your drained and dying bodies, my blood." Lestat stopped, too overcome with emotion to continue. He closed his eyes and bowed his head, releasing his fledglings. Running through his mind were his memories of times with all of his fledglings: Gabrielle, Nicki, Louis, Claudia, David. He was reliving his abandonments, his betrayals, his disappointments. He was trying desperately to avoid this again. When he looked up, there were tears on his cheeks. Louis and David embraced him immediately.

"Lestat, what is it?" David asked.

Lestat took a deep breath and gave a short laugh. "It's nothing, nothing my friend. I am becoming as maudlin as Louis." Lestat playfully tugged a lock of jet black hair. Louis smiled.

"Alright, alright, enough of this!" Lestat leapt to his feet on his bed. "Let's hit the shower!"

David walked to the door as Louis pulled a sheet from the bed to wrap around himself. Lestat appeared at once before David.

"Where do you think you're going, Monsieur Talbot?"

"I was endeavoring to take a shower."

"That is the wrong door, "Lestat said. "You want that one." He turned David around and pointed him toward the door of his private bathroom.

Seeing this, Louis's eyes widened, and he hurried to reach the bedroom door while Lestat was busy with David. It was a bit prudish, yes, but certain agreed upon bedroom games played between consenting gentlemen were perfectly acceptable, whereas cleaning the resultant effects of these activities from one's body was an absolutely private affair. It was hygiene, for God's sake, not a group activity. Lestat caught him around the waist.

"What do you want, an engraved invitation?"

"Lestat, I don't think I'd be comfortable-"

"Comfortable?" Lestat laughed. "Louis, perhaps you are forgetting the reason that you need a shower?"

"But Lestat, bathing is . . .is . . ." Louis was at a loss.

"Intimate? Personal? Private?" Lestat offered, amusedly.

"Yes, all of those, and I know, you will say that what we just did was all of those as well, but-"

David could tell from his experience with both of them that this could quickly degenerate, Lestat would become irritated, Louis would become indignant and the night would be ruined. He wondered why they always opted to push each other's buttons when it was perfectly obvious what each wanted. Lestat wanted his way, Louis wanted a bit of courtesy and need polite persuasion. It was so simple. "Louis?" David interrupted, quietly crossing the room to them.

Louis looked at him.

"I understand what you mean, but may I ask that you please share this with us? I would like very much for you to, and you know that Lestat would."

Louis looked unsure, his eyes moved from David's face to Lestat's and back again.

"Remember," David said, adding just the smallest amount of coaxing, "it is still just the three of us. We know you Louis, you know us, it isn't really a breech of propriety."

"Yes, I suppose . . ." Louis looked down and dropped the sheet.

"Good!" Lestat took them by the hands and led them at once to his enormous bathroom with its massive shower.

Very quickly, with some jostling and finding position, Louis found himself situated between Lestat and David. Lestat adjusted the temperature and pressure a bit lower in deference to his fledglings and the pulled the golden handle, activating all of the faucets on both ends, soaking them all immediately. David and Lestat set upon Louis at once with soapy sponges. It wasn't quite so bad as Louis had imagined. The water in his eyes blurred the bodies, making things a bit less blatant, and Lestat and David relieved him of the dreaded experience of washing one's self in front of others, while trying to maintain some dignity. In fact, David and Lestat were lathering him thoroughly, top to bottom, tickling him mercilessly and holding him still when necessary. They were laughing as well and deftly negated all attempts by Louis to twist and wiggle out of their grasp.

Once Louis was well rinsed, it was David's turn in the middle, which Louis took as a special opportunity for revenge, having discovered a few of David's more ticklish spots during earlier encounters. David's height advantage served him well, and he was able to escape the more insistent tickling when necessary, but Louis and Lestat were relentless and David got a good going over anyway.

Finally, Lestat took his place between David and Louis. Lestat however, absolutely languished in their ablutions, and it took them twice as long to finish with him as it had for the both of them. Even the ticklish strokes of the sponge, simply sent him pressing more closely to the opposite fledgling. David and Louis paid special attention to each crease, cavern and crevasse, and Lestat nearly purred.

Once all of the blood sweat, soap, and shampoo were rinsed away, Lestat turned the faucets off. They stepped out into the bathroom. Louis grabbed the towels and threw one to David and one to Lestat, keeping one for himself.

Lestat and David began giving each other thorough rubdowns, while Louis turned his back to them and dried himself. Once David realized this he tapped Lestat on the shoulder and glanced to Louis. Lestat grinned, nodded and winked. They fell upon Louis, rubbing him furiously. Louis tried to protest but was once again foiled by his own laughter, as well as that of Lestat and David. Lestat picked Louis up and sat him on the marble counter. Louis grabbed Lestat's towel and yanked. He couldn't break Lestat's hold, but the towel tore in half.

Lestat gasped, "Why Louis, look what you did!"

Louis laughed and whipped his half of the towel across David's arm, as David got closer.

"Why you!" David exclaimed, ducking Louis's next lash and rubbing up and down Louis ribs.
Louis grabbed for David's towel too, but David caught his hands. At this same time, Lestat had decided to tickle the backs of David's knees, this caused David to collapse on top of Lestat, dragging Louis down with him. Their attempts to rise while keeping the other two down turned into a no holds barred round of slap and tickle, which Louis finally won by escaping through the door and slamming it behind him.

Ruling Rue Royale - Chapter Ten

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