Trio in Rio

Disclaimer: This work is a piece of speculative fiction, masquerading as my 1998 Income Tax Report. As such, I take no responsibility for any lies within, but I will have it filed before April 15th (unless I need an extension!) it is not meant to infringe upon the rights of SOME CRAZY BITCH WHO SUES HER FANS, Knopf, Geffen Pictures, Random House, Ballantine, Rio, Brazilians, luggage, bathrooms, windows, ragged jeans. The Rio de Janeiro Tourist Board, The Caesar Park Hotel, Brazilians, vampires, Pamela Anderson Lee Anderson Lee Anderson, Yasmine Bleeth, BAYWATCH, BAYWATCH NIGHTS, nor David Hasselhoff (Music mega-superstar everywhere but at home!), The New Orleans Saints Football Organization, Charlton "Get your paws off me you damn filthy ape!" Heston, or anyone who really HATES it when people give each other disgustingly cute babytalk nicknames (All y'alls been warned now!) and the makers of fine souvenir clothing everywhere.

No offense meant to Brazilians or members of the Candomble faith.

"Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans"
E. DeLang, L. Alter, Harry Connick, Jr. and Dr. John

The following work of speculative fiction employs stolen characters who would otherwise be sitting around on their tight vampire butts collecting welfare! Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Spoilers - VampChron , especially TotBT, Louis and David, and also some stuff from Little Known Facts and Lucky crept in here. Next time I'll put up screens.

This SPEC would NOT be brought to you were it not for the tireless efforts of LA FEMME CHRIS!!!!
Let us all kiss her feet now!

Also I must thank Father of Lies and Morrigan, without whose efforts this SPEC would not have been finished.

This one is for Heather, who had a hell of a night last night. (10/6/98)


WARNING! This SPEC contains a disturbing sexual situation and an extreme act of violence.

DANGER, Will Robinson!!! Also it has a very very naughty phrase, which is even worse if you are British.

WARNING! The following SPEC contains unhealthy levels of Louis angst and a rather graphic description of vampire masturbation. So LOOK OUT! Hide the children, lock up the pets!! Enter at your own risk!

vm/f, vm/vm/vm, vm/vm/vm/m, oral, anal, and fang-related, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and lots of other dirty stuff!!!
MV/MV sex (Male Vampire)

No mortals under 18 , no Immortals under 212, past this point!
Thank you and enjoy our complimentary beverages.

I hope you like it and I freely admit that I am making all of this up! So don't confuse this with a guide to CARNIVAL in Rio or anything.

Dedicated to My Own Brat Prince, Father of Lies with all my love.

This SPEC is also dedicated to
Beloved Cat
November 27, 1980 - November 12, 1998

"Every New Beginning
Comes from some other
Beginnings' end."
- Feeling Strangely Fine

The Rise and Fall of a Coven
Book Two - Trio in Rio
by DarkAngel

Chapter One

David and Lestat had flown parallel for three hours, through the night. As they neared Rio, Lestat felt Louis's hands slip from around his neck. Too close to dawn, and the death sleep had taken him. Lestat tightened his hold on Louis's waist and put his other arm around Louis's back, to keep him from shifting off balance. Lestat noticed David watching him.

"Do you want me to take him?" David asked, coming close to Lestat's ear.

"No, of course not." Lestat told him. "Why?"

"I thought you might want a break, Lestat." David answered innocently.

"Don't be ridiculous David. It isn't as if he weighs anything. I AM stronger than you, you know."

David shook his head and almost grinned. "Lestat, I am not trying to impugn your reputation as the Alpha Vampire. I simply thought it a polite thing to ask."

"You'd probably drop him." Lestat said testily. David laughed.

Within the hour they were over Rio de Janeiro. Though it was Thursday, they could see Samba Schools parading through the streets. Carnival proper started Saturday, but the pre-carnival festivities started as early as Thursday. When David had said he did not want to miss a minute of it, he meant pre-carnival too. They landed in an alleyway, in the older part of the city. Lestat turned to David, "I hope the hotel is close."

"Which hotel?" David asked.

"The one where I know you are going to tell me that you DID make reservations." Lestat said a bit angrily.

David gave a small soundless laugh, "I really rather thought that we could arrange that when we arrived, Lestat. There are dozens of hotels in Rio. It shouldn't be difficult for us, even during carnival. Not with your unlimited wealth, telepathic ability and irresistible charm, certainly."

"David, we do not have TIME for that, for God's sake!" Lestat yelled. David had the distinct impression that, had he not been holding Louis, Lestat would have been shaking him by the lapels.

"Lestat, what-" David began, a confused look on his face.

"Look at the sky, David! For the love of hell, we only have 10 or 15 minutes left!" Lestat was a bit frantic.

"Lestat, what do you mean?" David asked, looking up. "It is only just about to lighten, the sun is at least 40 minutes from the horizon at the very least. And I think we could even get away with perhaps-"

"Not US, you fool! LOUIS! The sun doesn't need to hit the horizon, as soon as the sky shows a hint of grey, he is in danger! His skin cannot withstand even the first weak light that filters through! He'll be scorched, David! Burned! ASHES!" Lestat was screaming furiously.

David felt frightened, and guilty, and stupid. Of course he had known that, but he hadn't actually thought about it. They should have left much earlier. He should have made reservations. "Dear Lord." David said, looking at Louis.

"Here!" Lestat said, handing Louis to David. "I'll take care of it. Just stay here! And make sure you stay in the Goddamned shadows!" Lestat looked up and was gone.

David gathered Louis close to himself and sat down facing the back wall of what seemed to be a bicycle shop. He hunched his head and shoulders over Louis. How could he have been such an idiot! What was he thinking of? Lestat. This is what he was thinking of. Himself and Lestat, together. He hadn't meant to put Louis in danger, he hadn't even considered it. He was never irresponsible! He did things on impulse, yes, dangerous things even, but he never never put someone else in danger. How could he? Good God was Lestat's presence that overwhelming? Was his need for Lestat strong enough to obliterate rational thought?

David scanned the mortal minds near him for some image of Lestat. As he was doing so, he became aware of Louis's consciousness rising. Not awake, but aware. Something was pulling him out of the death sleep. Something wrong. Something hot . .PAIN!

David clamped his hand over Louis's mouth the instant the scream rose from his throat. It muffled the sound enough to keep from attracting attention, but David could still hear it, through Louis' closed lips and his own hand.

'Please Lestat, hurry!' David shouted telepathically, even knowing that Lestat could not possibly hear him.

Louis was not completely conscious, but he was fighting to escape David's grip. Instinctively, Louis was trying to turn to the ground, dig for shelter. It was a vicious, heedless, animal drive for survival, and David was having a difficult time holding him, even though his own strength far outmatched Louis's. David was wondering if perhaps he shouldn't allow Louis to accomplish this, perhaps even dig for him, when Lestat appeared. He grabbed David by the shoulders and they were in the air and through a window in seconds, everything was a blur and then David heard a door slam. He found himself on the floor of a bathroom. According to the soap, it was in the Caesar Park Hotel. Louis was still struggling to open his mouth, to bite, and a the muffled screams were still coming from him under David's hand. Louis was clawing and kicking at him. David noticed heat rising from his skin. Lestat opened the door. He said nothing to David, but grabbed Louis out of David's arms and shook him.

"Louis stop it!" Lestat whispered harshly in Louis's ear. Louis opened his mouth to gasp for breath, his eyes were still closed. He opened his mouth again and screamed.

This time Lestat's hand came under his jaw, to close it and seal his mouth. "Louis SHUT UP!" Lestat said forcefully. Keeping one hand over his mouth, Lestat pinned Louis's arms to his sides with the other arm, then he lay down on his side and wrapped his legs around Louis's legs, to stop the kicking. There was a knock at the door. Lestat shot a look at David. David left the bathroom and went to the door.

"Is anything wrong sir?" asked the security guard, in English but with a heavy Portuguese accent. There was a couple standing in the hall, looking at him as well. David guessed they must be the occupants of the next room.

David smiled, "Yes, yes. Everything is fine. A bit of a problem with the hot water, we thought it turned the other way you see. A bit of a surprise. Sorry about the noise. It won't happen again." David looked toward the couple. "We do apologize for disturbing you."

The security guard relaxed. The couple smiled to each other in relief and nodded to David.

"I see. Was anyone hurt?" The security guard asked.

"No, not at all. Perfectly fine." David smiled to him.

"Good night, then." The security guard nodded and went back down the hall toward the elevators. The couple had moved back into their room. David pulled the door closed and sighed with relief.

David opened the door to the bathroom. Lestat still lay on the floor, wrapped around Louis, whispering soothing words into his ear. He could see evidence of tears on both of their faces.

"You are safe, cheri, safe. I am here. I am with you. Be calm now. You need to sleep. Sleep Louis, sleep. Sleep will take the pain away, precious darling. Everything will be alright when you wake tomorrow night. I will not leave you, my beautiful one. I will never leave you. I have you, I will protect you. Sleep now, my love, my heart, my child. Sleep." Lestat was saying these things, over and over again, in a constant lulling stream of quiet French. Louis was slowly relaxing. His screams had turned to whimpers, but Lestat had not yet released his mouth. Lestat began to sing to him. David didn't recognize it, but it sounded like a lullaby. Again it was in that old Creole French that David had heard from Louis before. David felt almost as if he were intruding, but he didn't move to leave. He was fascinated. Not only by what was happening to Louis, horrifying as it was, but by Lestat's behavior.

David had never seen this side of Lestat. This gentle, loving . . .. David couldn't quite place the adjective. Caring? Nurturing? Parental? Paternal, that was it. Lestat was positively paternal.

David pulled the door closed behind him and slowly sank to the floor. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and rested his hand on his cheek. To his surprise, tears began to fall from his eyes as well.

As Lestat finished the song, he felt Louis' head fall back against his shoulder. Louis was quiet. His body was slack, he had fallen again into the death sleep. Lestat kissed his cheeks. Lestat then looked over to David. He waved for him to come closer. David looked a bit apprehensive as he scooted over to Lestat. Lestat reached out and took the back of David's head in his hand. David stiffened, thinking perhaps he was about to feel what is was like to have his head crushed. But Lestat only pulled him close and kissed his tears. He shifted Louis into the crook of his left arm, laid on his back and patted the place beside him.

"Lie down David. The sun is near the horizon." Lestat said, in a comforting voice.

David did so, and Lestat put his right arm around him.

"Lestat, I am so sorry. I failed to take it into consideration. I would never hurt Louis purposely. I am very fond of him. I am just so sorry." David said, helplessly.

"I know, David. I know. Close your eyes." Lestat said, in that same soft tone.

David felt the heaviness in his limbs, he listened to the sounds of samba bands and laughter as he drifted to sleep.

'Claudia, Claudia," thought Lestat. 'I said I would be patient. Did you have to push it so far so soon? I thought I had made you into my conscience, little one, not my inquisitor. Did you have to put my vow to such a difficult test? I will not choose one over the other, as you did with Louis and I dear daughter. I won't fault David for this, it was a mistake. And I will not allow anger or resentment to build up between them either. Not over this, not over me, not over anything. I WILL have peace in this coven, no matter what. We will not live in the shadow of your betrayal. I will not have your spectre haunt our little family. If this is going to be a battle, I will not be defeated. Whether I am battling you, or my memory of you, or perhaps it is my own dark side, which I suppose I am projecting on to you, I will still win. I am the Vampire Lestat, after all. I will have what I want.' Lestat looked once more to his right and to his left, taking in the beauty of his fledglings, and closed his eyes on the day.

Lestat woke the next night just as dusk was falling. His back ached from sleeping on the bathroom floor. He opened his eyes to see himself held down by a fledgling on each arm. He realized they had never turned the light on. He did so, using his little trick of the mind. Ah, light. He turned to David, carefully pulling his right arm free. David looked peaceful, his handsome young face only slightly marred by the tracks his tears of blood had left down his cheeks as they dried. Then Lestat turned to Louis. His eyes widened in shock.

"Oh Louis! My God! My God!" Lestat said aloud. Louis's skin was burnt a bright red. Not the terrible dark brown Lestat's had been when he first awoke in the Gobi, Louis wasn't burned that deeply, but he was burnt badly. Lestat sat up and began removing Louis's clothing. Steam had been trapped between the shirt and vest and the cloth next to Louis's skin had been scorched, as if it had been left under an iron too long. Louis's skin beneath the clothing was the same raw color.

"Christ bugger me." Lestat heard David's voice behind him, soft and full of fear.

"He will heal, David," Lestat told him. David turned his wide brown eyes from Louis to Lestat.

"It must have been torture, the burning, then us touching him, my gripping his skin . . ." David blinked, tears welled in his eyes again. "Oh Louis, I didn't mean it."

"David, it was a mistake. Now get a grip on yourself, you'll have to help me with him," Lestat said. David nodded.

"Of course."

"Now I want you to locate where they keep their towels in this place and bring me as many as you can. I think it will be best if we can bring his skin temperature down as far as possible before he wakes. It is going to be much easier to handle him this way. Then bring ice, lots of it."

David had stood and smoothed his clothes, he was almost out the door when Lestat stopped him.


David looked back, "Yes?"

"Wash your face."

"What?" David ducked back into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. "Oh," he said, seeing the reddish streaks down his cheeks. He ran water, lathered the soap and scrubbed. He dried his face on the nearest towel, and asked, "What are you going to be doing?"

"I think I'll put him in a cold bath, then I'll see about getting us checked into much larger, far more suitable accommodations," Lestat said.

"Well, before you go out, wash your face," David said, closing the door behind himself.

Lestat put his hand to his face, he could feel the dried tears there. "Louis," he said to the sleeping figure, "you missed your big opportunity to see me weep."

David scanned the minds around him and located a maid. From her he found out where the linens and such were kept and he moved quickly, too quickly for mortals to see, to retrieve them. He took all he could possibly carry, three stacks, and returned, just as quickly, to their room. Lestat was just turning off the water.

"I'll need something large to put the ice in," David said.

"Hmmm, you're right," Lestat said, walking out of the bathroom. "Let's see . . ."

As Lestat was walking around the room, to see if it contained anything large enough, David checked the bathroom. Louis wasn't on the floor.

"Where is Louis?" David asked, alarmed.

"In the bathtub," Lestat answered. "Listen, I'll take care of the ice problem, you had better go and hunt."

"Are you going to leave him unattended?" David asked, incredulous.

"What do you think he is going to do, David? Drown?" Lestat grinned.

David gave an irritated sigh. "Of course not, Lestat, but what if he wakes?"

"Well, if he does, which I doubt he will before at least one of us gets back, he isn't going anywhere. Not with those burns," Lestat said.

David opened his mouth, but closed it again saying nothing. He looked worriedly toward the bathroom.

Lestat walked to him and gave him a playful push toward the door. "Go. Hunt." Lestat opened the door for him. David looked back.

"Out! Now!" Lestat said, swatting his rump and closing the door on him.

David walked down the hallway to the lifts. He was feeling his thirst very strongly, now that he was thinking about it. He hoped no mortals would be on the elevator with him. No such luck, he was packed in with several mortals, drunk and loud. And, by the feel of the hands curving around his bum, lustful. Interesting.

David his head to locate the owner of the hands. It turned out to be a rather young girl of perhaps 19, and a well-muscled man whom David guessed to be 28. When they saw him look back they smiled to each other and continued their explorations more boldly. David was shocked, but with the over crowding in the lift there was no room for him to move. He tried to turn and face them but he found he didn't have the space to do even that. It was an interesting situation. He had to try to appear helpless in order not to call attention, when in fact he was the most powerful being in the lift. He could turn quite easily if he wished, it would only involve breaking the arms, shoulders and hips of those around him, which he could do with a fast spin, as his hard body contacted the soft mortals. David searched out the minds of the two behind him. They were friends. They had come to Rio for carnival. They were both having lascivious thoughts about him. They were going to continue this as far as they could. It was a favorite game of theirs. They considered the game won when they could make the hapless subject ejaculate, preferably in the lift. The object of the game was public humiliation. David found this to be a rather distasteful hobby and planned to have one or both of them for his dinner if this damned lift ever reached the lobby. The woman tried to slip her hand between his legs. David frowned and tensed his thighs, preventing her. She laughed. David felt the man's hand shove through and smack his right thigh rather forcefully. This was supposed to cause his legs to separate. David allowed this, and did as the man expected, wondering what the next move would be. He heard them both laugh. The man brought his hand up and cupped David's genitals. David tried unsuccessfully to move forward outdistancing the man's reach, but again, there was not enough room to do so. David declined to make use of his vampire strength. He was disgusted, yet intrigued. He felt used and yet in control. The man began to slowly manipulate David through his trousers. He was very experienced in this. At one point David found himself thinking that if he had still been mortal, they would have won their game by now. But David's lack of response puzzled the man. He signaled to the woman to slide her arm around David's hip and rub him from the front. She did so and was equally confused as to David's absent erection. They took this as a challenge. The man rubbed his wide hand down David's bum as the woman licked his ear.

The thought, 'Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained vampires unawares' ran through David's head. He chuckled inwardly at his own joke.

They continued their ministrations until the elevator opened on the ground floor and as the passengers began to file out, David pretended to make his escape. They laughed again as he ran into the lobby and out the doors. But David waited for them in the shadows. He followed them until they passed an alleyway when he appeared, as if from nowhere and pulled them both into the darkness of the alley.

David had them both by the throat, cutting off any noise they might make. He drained the girl first, while the man watched, growing more and more horrified by the second. David dropped her lifeless body and turned to the man. He released his hold on the man's throat, just enough so the man wouldn't lose consciousness. Then he reached down and ripped the zipper out of the man's trousers. The man was figuring out that he and his little chippie may have just played with the wrong man. David pulled the man's penis free of his clothing, lifted the man off of his feet by this handle, and sunk his fangs into the underside of it. David brought his other hand under the man's back, and drained him completely dry, finally removing his fangs with a savage twist of his head, which severed the appendage. Satiated, revenge taken, and stress relieved, the mighty lion hunter disposed of the bodies and returned to the hotel.

Lestat had removed Louis from the bathtub and again he lay on the bathroom floor, packed in ice. Louis's skin had turned a rosy beige which was a great change from the angry red, but still looked sore. Lestat was sitting on the bed, watching television.

"That was quick," he said as David entered.

"Yes, luckily I found prey just outside the doors," David explained. He went into the bathroom and knelt by Louis. David noticed the ice was melting. He stroked Louis's cheek. It felt hot. "How soon until he wakes?"

"Very soon," Lestat sighed. "We'll have to feed him, you know."

"But he doesn't want your blood, and with the strength you gave me I am sure he doesn't want mine either," David protested.

Lestat simply looked at him, only a slight narrowing of the eyes showed any expression.

"Lestat, you mustn't," David said.

"And why not, David?" Lestat asked, folding his arms. "You admitted that I knew what was right for you, even though you couldn't admit it. I know what is right for Louis as well."

"Lestat, no, you mustn't take this advantage with him," David said.

"Oh, I am not going to take advantage David, certainly not. I'll give him a choice when he wakes." Lestat walked close to David and kissed his cheek, "You may keep the honor of being the only one I took advantage of, my David." Lestat trailed his fingers down David's chest seductively.

David moved Lestat's hand away. "This is no time for your games."

"David, go and retrieve the bags," Lestat said, abruptly.

"Lestat . . ."

"David, they must have arrived by now, you don't think they'll hold them for us forever, do you?" Lestat said patronizingly.

"Lestat, I am not leaving you alone with him," David stated.

"Oh yes you are, David." Lestat smiled. "Either you leave now, and come back when you have gotten our luggage, or I'll take him and fly from you and possibly never see you again. In either circumstance, I'll have my way."

"But Lestat," David argued, "how could you do this?"

"I'm evil David. I thought you knew that already," Lestat grinned.

"I'll stop you," David said, menacingly.

"Oh? And how will you do that?"

"We have comparable strength, I can prevent you from feeding him from yourself," David said.
Lestat laughed. "Comparable strength? David, I could incinerate you where you stand. And even if you managed to prevent it tonight, what do you propose to do? Become his personal bodyguard? Do you intend to stay by his side for eternity?"

"Lestat, please, think of what you are doing! Louis will never forgive you."

"That will make us even then because I haven't forgiven him," Lestat answered.

David thought for a moment. "What was that song you sang to him last night?"

"What?" Lestat looked at him as if he were crazy.

"The song, that lullaby you sang to Louis, last night," David clarified.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Lestat turned away from David, picked up the remote control and began flipping through the television stations so quickly the screen was a blur.

"You know what I mean," David pressed. "It was in old French, Creolized French I think." David began softly humming the tune.

"Shut up, David," Lestat said, not taking his eyes from the screen.

"Don't you remember?" David hummed some more. "I only want to know the name."

Lestat threw the remote control at the television set. It crashed through the screen. They both were silent for a beat. Then Lestat walked to the window and opened it.

"Lestat?" David called to him.

"I have to hunt, stay with him," Lestat said and jumped out of the window.

As David stood, staring after him, he heard a terrible pain-filled groan. He rushed to the bathroom.

Louis awoke with his mind in a haze. Everything felt wrong. He didn't know where he was. Nothing smelled familiar. He couldn't see. It was difficult to breathe. He recognized the weight of something on his face. He reached to move the obstruction, an ice filled towel. This small unconscious movement ignited searing pain through his entire body. Even as he lifted the towel, he felt it scrape his face and his palm, as if it were made of steel wool rather than soft cotton. He opened his eyes but he could not penetrate the darkness. His eyes burned, as if they'd been washed with acid. He became aware of more pain. Towels, on his body, everywhere, pricking his skin. Unbearable. He turned to his side and the towels began sliding off of him, grating as they fell. Excruciating. He fell back, but now even the feel of the smooth floor against his raw back was unendurable. He couldn't move and he couldn't lie still. He heard a voice.

Trio in Rio - Chapter Two

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