Trio in Rio

Chapter Four

"How many bedrooms are there?" David asked, emerging from Louis's room.

"Two," Lestat answered. "He isn't awake yet?"

"Not a flicker," David replied.

"It's getting late," Lestat said, walking toward Louis's room. David followed him. Lestat sat on the bed. "Louis?" he asked softly, brushing raven hair from his fledgling's closed eyes.

"He is still in the death sleep, Lestat. I can see it in his mind," David told him.

Lestat frowned. "Well, I guess he needs his rest." Lestat kissed Louis's cheek and got up from the bed. "I need to buy him some clothes, David," he said as they walked back into the main room.

"I believe he has clothes, Lestat. What do you think those items you packed for him were?" David asked.

"Those will never do. They are too warm for this climate, he'll be conspicuous. And besides, they are too rough and heavy for his skin now," Lestat said.

"So that is why you have dressed him as a refugee from Baywatch?" David inquired.

"David!" Lestat said in an overly shocked tone, "I didn't know you watched Baywatch!"

"He isn't going to be very happy about your fashion choices when he wakes up," David said.

"Perhaps you haven't noticed, David, but he has gone naked for two nights with nary a peep about it. I don't think he'll have any problem with shorts and a T-shirt. Now, is there a mall, or will I need to trade livestock at some local marketplace?" Lestat asked, knowing the question would annoy David.

"There are several establishments, Lestat. Good God, this isn't the Third World!"

Lestat laughed. "Alright, do you mind staying with him while I shop? Or do you need to hunt first?"

"How long will you be?" David asked.

"I don't know, perhaps you had better go first. In fact," Lestat said, coming over to kiss him, "why don't you go out and spend some time at Carnaval? Louis is right, it is the reason why we came."

"Yes, but it isn't the type of thing one can enjoy alone," David answered.

"Oh David, go on. A dashing young man such as yourself should have no trouble finding company," Lestat grinned.

"I meant with you, Lestat," David said.

Lestat took David in his arms and kissed him. David opened his mouth and boldly thrust his tongue into Lestat's. Lestat responded by pushing his hand under David's shirt and raking his fingernails down David's chest. David reached down for Lestat's bum and gave it a hard squeeze.

"Mmmmmmmm," Lestat answered, pulling his hand back swiftly, breaking all the buttons of David's shirt. David moaned into the unbroken kiss, as he grabbed the back of Lestat's T-shirt and ripped it free. Lestat unzipped David's trousers and pushed them down, then pulled the shirt off of David. David wound his hand in the waistbands of Lestat's shorts and underwear and with a quick hard motion yanked them down and ripped them off. Lestat slammed David's hips against his own. David pulled Lestat down to the floor. He quickly pinned Lestat beneath him and raked his fangs over Lestat's nipples. Lestat reared up and pulled David's neck to his mouth. He kissed the skin there, and sucked at it but did not break it.

"Lestat, don't tease me, please," David whispered.

Lestat laughed a deep dangerous laugh and seized David's shoulders, rolling David under him. David took the challenge and bucked hard, but he could not dislodge Lestat. Lestat laughed again and holding down with one hand on his pelvis and one on his thigh, Lestat ripped his fangs through David's underwear and fastened on an artery in David's groin sinking his fangs deep. David cried out and took Lestat's hair in his hands, scraping his scalp. Lestat grabbed David's hand and David was able to force Lestat's wrist to his mouth and bit it hard. As the blood flowed in this lover's circle, all pretense of struggle was given up and they moaned together in ecstasy.

Louis soundlessly returned to his room, and allowed the darkness to envelope him once more.

Lestat and David remained locked in the bloodsharing for several minutes longer. Then with both of them satisfied, yet starving, they broke the flow and rested in each other's arms while their wounds healed.

Lestat was the first to speak. "Ah, my David, my lover, how beautiful you are."

David smiled back at him. "High praise from such a gorgeous fiend."

Lestat laughed. He stood up, grabbed David's arm and pulled him to his feet. David reached down and pulled his trousers up over his ruined knickers. He picked up his shirt, but seeing the condition it was in, went to find his luggage.

Lestat indicated the door beside Louis's. "In our bedroom." Lestat retrieved his own shredded clothing and followed David into the second bedroom. "A bit randy, were we David?" Lestat asked, tossing his ripped underwear in front of David.

David blushed and rummaged in his bag for replacement clothing. Lestat dressed quickly and, stopping to kiss David's cheek, went through Louis's doorway.

Louis seemed to be fast asleep still. Lestat sat on the bed beside him and ran his hands through his hair over and over, loving the feel of it. After a few minutes, Louis's eyes opened.

"Bonsoir Monsieur," Lestat said sweetly.

"Good evening, Lestat," Louis answered, sitting up.

"You must be feeling better!" Lestat said, surprised.

"Mmm," Louis said, pushing his hair back from his face. "Much better, merci."

"David!" Lestat called, " Come and see, Louis is sitting up!"

David rushed in, pulling on a shirt. "Louis! You look much improved! How do you feel?"

"Very well, David, thank you," Louis answered, smiling up at him.

"I am so glad to hear it," David said sincerely.

Lestat watched Louis's eyes follow David as he came to his side and took his hand. "Louis! You can see!! You can see us, can't you?!"

Louis turned to Lestat, blinked and nodded. "Oui, I can." He seemed surprised himself.

Lestat held his hand in front of Louis's face. "How many fingers do you see?"

"Twelve," Louis answered.

"Louis!" Lestat admonished him, angrily. "Be serious! Tell me how many you see."

"Five," Louis answered.



"And now?"


"Perfect!" Lestat exclaimed joyously and hugged him.

David patted his shoulder. "Well done!"

"And how does this feel?" Lestat asked, his arms still around Louis.

"A bit sensitive, but not very painful," Louis answered.

"I am so relieved, dear boy," David said smiling.

"Why David, I TOLD you he would be fine!" Lestat told him, still holding Louis.

David and Louis smiled at each other. Lestat gave Louis a tight squeeze.

"Lestat, please." Louis squirmed in his grasp.

"Sorry, Beautiful One." Lestat said, releasing him.

Louis realized for the first time that he could feel something on his skin. He was wearing clothing. He looked down. Ghastly, of course, they looked like Lestat's. He was about to protest when he glimpsed his own skin. He gasped, his eyes grew wide. Lestat, seeing this reaction, pulled the sheet off of his legs.

"C'est incroyable!" Louis whispered.

"It is quite a handsome effect," David said.

"This is very near what he looked like when I took him," Lestat said conversationally.

Louis hadn't heard either of them. He was still trying to accept what he was seeing. "But this is not possible! I look like a man, a mortal man!" he cried anxiously to Lestat.

"Well, yes Louis, it is the same thing that happened to me," Lestat said with amusement, indicating his own skin.

Louis bit his lip and brought his tormented emotions under control. He nodded. "Yes, of course." Louis said, his voice returning to normal. "How stupid of me."

"Louis, are you alright?" David asked.

"Yes David," Louis answered without looking at him. "It is just a bit of a surprise. I believe I've had a few too many shocks this evening." He took a deep breath and put his head in his hands.

"Louis?" David asked with concern.

Louis shook his head.

"He needs to feed," Lestat said, standing. "Come, Louis."

Louis didn't look up. " Non . . .I think . . .I don't think I can go out. I feel so tired."

"That's because you're hungry, come on." Lestat took Louis's arm, pulled him off the bed and stood him on the carpet. Lestat turned to go to the sitting room. "We need to find you some shoes first."

Louis took a step to follow him, stumbled and fell. David caught him before his head hit the floor. Lestat turned back.

"Louis, what's wrong?" David asked.

"Dizzy," Louis mumbled.

David carried him to the bed. "I think perhaps you should trust his impressions of his condition, Lestat."

Lestat threw David a look and sat beside Louis. "I'll bring you your dinner, cher. David will stay with you while you rest."

Louis nodded a tiny nod. His eyes were closed. Lestat bent and kissed his lips, startling him. Louis's eyes fluttered open, a confused look on his face. Lestat grinned at him and went out the door. David meanwhile had found the bathroom off of Louis's bedroom and soaked a washcloth in cold water. He brought it back and laid it on Louis's forehead.

"This should help some."

Louis made a sound of relief, "Oui."

After a while, Louis removed the cloth and opened his eyes. "You know, David, I forgot what this felt like."

"Being dizzy?"

"Yes, but being ill in general. I was quite ill the last night I was completely mortal."

"So you were. I remember reading that."

"I had forgotten how frustrating it is," Louis said with a slight smile.

"It is interesting how quickly one becomes used to things. The first week I was in this body, I was constantly amazed at how well I could breathe and move and how healthy I felt. But now, it hardly crosses my mind," David observed.

Louis sat up. David moved to support his back.

"Merci, David. I think I am fine now."

"Louis," David began, coming to sit in front of him. "I must apologize for this. I deeply regret that my ineptitude has caused you such injury. I only wish I could somehow relieve you of it."

"David," Louis said, kindly, laying his hand on David's arm. "I forgive you. It was an understandable mistake and I know there was no malice in it. I have made many, many more terrible mistakes, I assure you. Don't keep it on your conscience David. I should have inquired as to the traveling time myself. I believe Lestat's return left us both a bit, shall we say, flustered?" Louis gave a small grin.

David grinned as well, dropped his eyes and almost blushed. "Yes, well, I do thank you, but I wish I could make it up to you somehow."

"If you really wish to David, you could," Louis said thoughtfully, almost to himself.

"Whatever it is, consider it done," David said.

Louis regarded David for a long moment and then a look of uncertainty crossed his face and he turned away. "Well, actually, I shouldn't ask you this."

"No, please Louis, ask away. Ask anything, absolutely anything you wish," David said, sincerely.

Louis cleared his throat. He looked down at his hands. As he spoke, his voice was halting. "I know this is quite personal and quite . . . impolite of me to even discuss . . . but . . . I was wondering if . . . and I know how impulsive Lestat can be, I don't wish to make you at all uncomfortable," Louis ran his hand through his hair, " . . . but . . . if you could possibly prevail upon him to . . . to . . ."

David waited silently, having no idea what Louis was getting at, but determined to give him as much time as he needed to express himself.

Louis took an audible breath, he ran his hand through his hair again. "To keep your . . . intimacies behind closed doors, it would make things much less difficult . . . or no, rather much more . . . comfortable for me, if you could. I mean, if it were possible at all."

David blushed deep red, his eyes had widened in horror and shame. He didn't know what to say.

Louis continued to look down, occasionally running his hand unconsciously through his hair, as was his usual nervous habit. He waited in the silence, supposing David was outraged at his bringing up such a thing.

"I shall," David said quietly.

"Thank you," Louis replied. He looked up at David.
"I do apologize for that," David said ashamed to have caused Louis such pain. "I didn't realize. I mean, we thought you were asleep."

"Yes, I know," Louis assured him. "I understand. I shouldn't have even brought it up." Again, he combed his fingers through his fine dark hair, which immediately fell right back to where it was. "David, I want you to know that I rarely discuss such things and I wouldn't dream of ever speaking to you in this way normally, but . . ." Louis's distress seemed to grow a bit more urgent, a slight heightening of his voice. "It's only that we are in somewhat close quarters here, and I doubt that Lestat would let me leave, at least not at this point," Louis sighed. "Tomorrow night perhaps."

"Oh Louis, please, don't! I know how much you have missed Lestat . . ." David began.

"No, David," Louis looked at him calmly. "I've seen Lestat rarely. I am quite used to it, honestly. And it is obvious the two of you need this time together. I should never have let you talk me into coming with you." Louis shook his head, and laughed at himself. "I should know better than to let Lestat talk me into anything by now."

"But there is no need for you to leave, Louis, please!" David pleaded. "We were . . . inconsiderate and rude. It won't happen again. I am truly sorry."

"Oh it's fine David. I am sorry for invading your privacy. But also, if you could keep this from Lestat." Louis looked away again. "I don't wish him to know."

"Certainly Louis, of course."

"Merci," Louis said.

"Louis, I want to make it clear to you that I am not trying to come between you and Lestat. It isn't that way at all," David explained.

Louis smiled a slow, sad smile. "I realize that David. Lestat has had other lovers before you; Akasha, others. And Nicholas de Lenfent before me. And I have known from the first that Lestat was drawn to you. He and I don't engage in such activities, of course. I am happy that he has you, to be with him." Louis pushed his own feelings down so deep into his frozen heart that they were numbed out of existence. He looked deep into David's eyes, and with all honesty he said, "Lestat is truly lonely deep inside. I'm no good for him. He needs someone like you, David. You are perfect together. You can be a true companion for him. He knows this, and so must you. He came to you before he went to the sun, and he returned to you afterward. You comfort him. You are the friend he has always wanted and always needed. You aren't displacing me in any way. I never have been an adequate partner for him. I wish I were, but I am not. But you are. And you must be careful not to hurt him, David. He can be hurt far more easily than you think. Please David, make him happy."

David was so touched and awed by Louis's ability to remain , not only cordial, but actually friendly to him, when he was so obviously in love with Lestat. As David opened his mouth to reply, Lestat came through the window carrying a very large, very unconscious man.

"Louis, your dinner is served!" Lestat announced.

Louis was somewhat horrified. He stared at Lestat.

"Well?!" Lestat dropped the man in Louis's lap.

"Merci," Louis said quietly, looking at the man. He waited. Lestat and David remained. Louis looked up. "If you don't mind?" he said politely, looking toward the door. David left the room immediately. Lestat didn't move.

"Lestat, leave me to do what I must," Louis asked.

"Louis, don't be such a prig. I have watched you feed twice already. I held the bodies for you for God's sake!" Lestat said in amused annoyance.

"Leave!" Louis demanded.

"And do you propose to dispose of the evidence yourself, petit monsieur?" Lestat asked patronizingly. "I believe that will prove somewhat difficult as you cannot take one step without falling."

"Lestat, you may dispose of it as you wish, but let me alone now."

"Perhaps I don't wish to," Lestat taunted. "Perhaps I'll leave it here with you. To keep you company. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Louis?" Lestat smiled a malicious smile.

"Lestat, what do you want?" Louis asked.

"I want to watch. I procured the meal, I believe it is my right." Lestat stood, his feet planted, his arms at his sides, he wasn't going anywhere.

Louis looked at him with the absolute hate a child can have for his parent, especially when he knows that though the parent has all the power, the parent is wrong.

Lestat stared right back with the smug and superior look parents get to use when they say such things as, 'because I'm the Mom, that's why' and 'well when you pay all the bills you can make the rules.' No matter what Louis said or did, Lestat was holding all the cards, and they both knew it.

Louis went for the only defense he had. He threw the man off the bed. "I will not, then," he told Lestat.

Lestat grinned at him and shook his head. "I can wait longer than you can, Louis," Lestat said, folding his arms and sitting on the bed.

Louis looked straight into his eyes and folded his arms as well. "We'll see," he answered.

David could not believe this was happening. It was the most immature display he had ever seen. Was this really necessary? Were they fighting over nothing, just to fight? What was going on here? He decided to ignore them, perhaps they would work it out more quickly without an audience. But after an hour of silent staring, David felt he could stay out of it no longer.

"This is the most childish and meaningless power struggle I have even had the misfortune to witness!" he said, coming into the room.

"Get out, David. This is between Louis and me," Lestat told him in a cold voice, his eyes never leaving Louis's.

"If you don't stop this soon, this mortal is going to wake," David informed them.

"Yes, David, we are both aware of that, thank you." Louis's eyes continued to stare into Lestat's as he answered but his voice was not cold. It was highly controlled and full of suppressed rage, but certainly not cold.

David could not believe that this was the same Louis who had just been so concerned about Lestat being lonely and Lestat being hurt. Likewise, he could not believe that this was the same Lestat who had been so sweetly protective of Louis for the last two nights. "Lestat, Louis isn't well. Don't do this, please."

Lestat looked to David, as if coming out of a trance. Then he turned back to Louis. He reached out and stroked Louis's cheek. Louis remained still.

"He is right, my Beautiful One," Lestat said. He placed the mortal again on Louis's lap. He bent and kissed Louis's cheek, then taking David by the arm, he said, "Come along, David." And left the room, closing the door behind him. Louis stared after him in complete shock.

Twenty minutes later, Louis walked into the main room, closing his door behind him.

David saw him first and stood up, smiling. "You're walking!"

"Yes, I believe I have recovered," Louis answered. "And as soon as I am dressed," he shot a pointed look at Lestat, who grinned. "I should like to go out and see the carnival."

Now it was Lestat's turn to be shocked. "Why Louis! How wonderfully uncharacteristic of you! But you are dressed, all you need is these." Lestat tossed him a shoe box.

Louis pulled out a black pair of Converse running shoes.

"Quick, put them on, let's go!" Lestat told him impatiently.

"Lestat, I am barely dressed!" Louis said. "And the clothes in the case in that room are not mine."

"Louis, you look the innocently sexy young tourist! Doesn't he David?"

"Well, you certainly will be able to go about unnoticed," David answered. He had changed into a red golf shirt and white shorts.

Seeing that he had no support from David, Louis looked down at himself and sighed.

"Louis, you know perfectly well that this is the standard uniform of vacationing mortals. You see them all the time wandering about the Quarter, asking everyone whether riverside is east and lakeside is west or vice versa. Now put on the shoes," Lestat said reasonably.

It seemed as if Louis would have to capitulate or face another fight, which he really hadn't the strength for tonight. He was not about to bring up the subject of just whose underwear he was wearing or why. Or how the hell one was supposed to keep them from moving about and gathering into all sorts of uncomfortable places. He vowed to get through the night with as much dignity as possible. And then forget it as fast as he could. He frowned slightly, but sat down, pulled on the shoes and began tying the laces.

As soon as he released the second shoe string, Lestat pulled him to his feet. Lestat's other arm was around David. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

"Umm," Louis looked toward his closed bedroom door.

Lestat snapped his fingers. "Ah yes, I nearly forgot." Lestat disappeared behind the door.

David turned to Louis, "I do think you will enjoy it."

"I'm sure," Louis said, pulling downward on the legs of his shorts, trying vainly to stretch them further down his thighs.

"You have never worn short trousers before?" David asked.

"Never," Louis said.

"You'll get used to them."

"I sincerely doubt it."

Lestat burst out of the door. "All taken care of, mes chers!" He took each of them by the arm and nearly danced out of the door.

Lestat pulled them both into the sights and sounds of Carnaval. He noticed the appreciative looks he was receiving, and he reveled in it. He also noticed the attention Louis and David were receiving from the surrounding mortals and cast predatory looks of ownership at anyone whose gaze lingered too long on one of his fledglings. 'Yes, they are beautiful, but they are MINE!' the look said.

Lestat allowed David to participate in the excitement that was Carnaval, reining him in only if he seemed about to stray too far from him. Lestat allowed Louis to observe the passing scene, pulling him out into the action when he seemed about to fade into an alley and just watch. When Lestat became a bit weary of babysitting duties, he took them each by the hand and pulled them to the sidelines of a Samba Parade. They were at once enthralled. Lestat loved to see the delight in David's face at the passing dancers. It must bring back great memories to him. David turned and flashed his beautiful smile at Lestat. Lestat smiled back and leaned close to kiss his lips. David looked quickly past Lestat, toward Louis, with alarm. But Louis was entranced by the colors and sounds assaulting him. He didn't seem to have noticed them. David was happy to see this, he wouldn't want Louis to think he had broken his word so soon.

Lestat took Louis's hand and spun him away and back to him. Louis was taken off guard, and laughed but did not lose his balance, nor any of his natural grace. David was laughing as well, dancing and flirting with Lestat and also occasionally with Louis, when they were crushed into one another. He grabbed Lestat and ran his fangs down his arm, not breaking the skin.

"Ah, David, you are a tease!" Lestat laughed, pulling Louis between them.

Lestat handed Louis off to David who twirled him and then pulled him close to dance circles around Lestat. David hugged Louis and kissed him just below his left ear. Louis was not so much dancing himself as he was simply trying gracefully to keep himself from tripping over one of them. Periodically one would hand him off to the other, never letting him go, because they knew if they did, Louis would drift off into the crowd, and possibly back to the hotel if he could.

Lestat lasciviously pulled them both to him, one against each hip, and began dancing with them. He twirled them out on both of his arms, and then spun them back to him. He kissed them, one and then the other, and then began to make as erotic a scene as he could of them. Licking Louis's neck, and then kissing David's throat. One hand up Louis shirt, the other hand down David's shorts. Laughing and loving being a spectacle and holding the center of attention.

David was laughing as well, but Louis was blushing furiously. For once he could not ignore Lestat, nor could he hide his embarrassment. He wasn't used to being handled this way in the privacy of a darkened bedroom, much less on a public street. Added to this was the continuing reminder of the air on his arms and legs that he was barely dressed and very quickly his characteristic calm had been undermined by his natural shyness. Which was why, when it became clear that Lestat was not going to release him, nor stop his lewd advances, Louis finally turned and buried his face in Lestat's shoulder.

Trio in Rio - Chapter Five

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