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Carbonaran Smith
Left picture by Cyclone, right picture by Talis D. Merrill.
Structure of Carbonarite Life
Life on Carbonara was simple & happy before the great strife of the Masters & Invid fell upon them. The people had productive lives working in many industrial facilities.
Like Garudans, Carbonarite's mate for life, selfish acts like divorce are unheard of and the thought of such a thing is looked down upon. Large families are encouraged, ranging from 4-12 offspring! The Carbonarite average natural life span in Earth years is twice that of humans (ranging from 150-200 Earth years), but in comparison to Carbonara years it's only 1.5 times longer.
The political system on Carbonara is a Republic, much like the Roman Empire was at one time. It has a planetary capitol with a senate designed to represent the people. In all there are about 25 Senators representing various nations, and a 26th representing the politicians of the planet.
The planet has 5 continents, each divided into 5 nations (hence 25 senators). The continents from East to West of the planets International Dateline are: Nigeru, Rhinau, Pougla, Mosetc, and Calios.
Note that while Carbonarites enjoy a life without war, physical competition is very popular on Carbonara. They've developed their own style of wrestling & boxing. They also have rare events of Gladitorial combat, but the fights are not to the death, and medics are always on stand by.
A note on Carbonarites English: Carbonarites speak english in rather incomplete sentances. "Who this?" or "Me Ranix! Good meet you!". Also, when speaking to friends or loved ones, a title is used with their name, along the lines of friend ("FRIEND KOE!"), Wife/Husband/Partner, Son, etc. When speaking to Elders or Parents, their name is not spoken, only their title.
Before the Invid, Carbonarite cities were bustling metropolises. Media, recreation, and commerical buisnesses wer about as widespread as Earth before the Global Civil War. Residential houses are very large to support large families, as are apartment complexes.
Carbonarites went through religious 'evolution" muhc like humans. In the beginning the worship of nature & multiple gods was the norm, but after sometime a monothestic religion arose and took over as the mainstream belief. The Carbonarites envision their god, Altiag, as a divine smith that forged the universe from the energies of the Alkarak (the Carbonarite term for 'The Big Bang').
Despite the populations slightly lower than average I.Q., Carbonara has a decent education system. All Carbonarites born and raised on their homeworld automatically have the following skills: Math Basic (+5%), Basic Mechanics (+5%), a fully literacy with their native tongue, and Pilot Automobile (+5%).
As we know, the Carbonarites are strong bear like creatures from an ore-rich industrial planet. They are powerful (but not always bright) individuals with a strong sense of justice (most of them anyways).
Here in this section of the book we will go over some new rules involving Carbonaran's and the Carbonaran Weapons Industry products (available for sale throughout half of the Milky Way!).

NEW! Carbonarite P.S. Bonuses: Because of the Carbonaran's IMMENSE strength, they are able to do mega-damage, but only when they use a power punch. This is only applicable if the Carbonarite has a PS of 24 or higher.

  • P.S. of 24 inflicts one mega-damage point when delivered as a power punch; counts as two melee attacks.
  • P.S. 25-27 inflicts 1d4 M.D. with a power punch or power kick; counts as two melee attacks.
  • P.S. 28-30 inflicts 1d6 M.D. with a power punch or power kick; counts as two melee attacks.
  • P.S. 31-40 inflicts 2d4 M.D. with a power punch or power kick; counts as two melee attacks.
  • P.S. 41 or highers (not likely to exist) inflicts 3d4 M.D. with a power punch or power kick; counts as two melee attacks.

After the Robotech Masters gave the Carbonaran's protoculture technology, they needed some form of industry to gain income to buy more, and regain prosperity. So they decided to start making weapons, for their own defense and for sale. They plainly named this weapons company Carbonaran Weapons Industries. Luckily when the Invid invaded Carbonara, weapons plans were saved as someday they would be used to combat the Invid foe. When the REF joined up with the Sentinals Forces, the Carbonaran Weapons only added to the armory of weapons they had.

CWI-BFG-10 Particle Cannon
The original translation for this weapon was just BG (Big Gun). However the designer was a vulgar man, amazed by the explicity of human vulgarity and changed the name to BFG (which we all know stands for Big F(_)$&ing Gun). This weapon is a powerful particle accelerator weapon. However the weapon is bulky and unwieldly even in the hands of a Cyclone. Any non-Carbonarite wielding the weapon is a -3 to strike at all times. Of course it can be mounted on a large vehicle or large tripod w/ no strike penelty. (This is the gun shown held by the Carbonarite on the cover)
Weight: 25lbs
Mega-Damage: 1d4x10+10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 2 times per melee (bursts are not possible)
Effective Range: 3,000ft
Payload: 10 blasts per e-drum
Cost: 40,000 credits. E-drums costs 5,000 credits each.

CW-AT-07 Anti-Tank Laser
This large bore nergy weapon is commonly found mounted on AAT-30's, Dune Buggies and other fast ATV's. Favored as a support weapon.
Weight: 20lbs
Mega-Damage: 5d6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Effective Range: 5,000ft
Payload: 20 blasts per e-drum.
Cost: 25,000 credits.

CW-PX Plasma Ejector
Derived from Invid Plasma weapons, the Plasma Ejector is a large bazooka-like weapon which launches super hot plasma energy. This weapon boasts more damage than average Invid weapons, but suffers a range reduction.
Weight: 16lbs
Mega-Damage: 6d6+5 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 2 times per melee
Effective Range: 1,000ft
Payload: 15 blasts per e-drum
Cost: 35,000 credits.

The I-25 as an energy rifle which fires charged particles similiar to the Southern Cross Ion Blaster. This is a favored weapon among the Carbonarites for it's power and payload.
Weight: 12lbs
Mega-Damage: 2d6+8 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst, or Wild
Effective Range: 1,000ft
Payload: 25 blasts per e-clip
Cost: 15,000 credits. 2,000 credits an e-clip.

CW-M1 Carbonaran Musket
These are the original musket weapons used by the Carbonaran's. Updated for use in the wars w/ the Invid, these primative weapons fire powerful high-explosive rounds. They are a favorite among Resistance forces unsupported or unreached by the REF/Sentinals.
Weight: 12lbs
Mega-Damage: 1d6+4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 2 shots per melee
Effective Range: 500ft
Payload: 1 shot, rounds must be loaded individually between shots (reload takes 1 action).
Cost:5,000 credits. Rounds cost 100 credits to a dozen.
Note: The simplicity of this weapon makes it VERY easy to repair. (+20% on all repair rolls!).
