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Robotech Masters

Robotech Masters

As all of us know, it's all the Robotech Masters fault for what're known as the Robotech Wars (or as some call, the Protoculture Wars). Here we'll be going over information on the Robotech Masters homeworld of Tirol, the condition of the world before, and after the REF made it it's planetary HQ for the remainder of the Invid Wars. As well as new rules for Bioroids & Terminators.


Refined Bioroid Drum Weapon Rules: Considering the massive the payload used in Bioroid Drums, we simply can't use the normal Palladium Burst rules (which make little sense in the first place). So for using bursts w/ the Weapon Drum, use the following (note: This does not apply to the Red Bioroid Blaster Weapon): The drum has 2000 rounds of ammunition, which provides enough ammo for 2000 aimed shots, 200 short bursts, 80 long bursts, or 40 full melee bursts. Damage is as per standard burst damage rules (w/ a full melee burst being the equivalent of empting the clip).(Yeah I know this makes Bioroids REAALLLY nasty, but this makes up for lack of M.D.C.)

Revised Attacks Per Melee: Red Bioroid HTH Training gives THREE attacks per melee (giving a total of 6 attacks per melee), and Bioroid Invid Figthers should have 7 total attacks (considering the math of the Red bioroid shows you that Stage 3 clones have 3 attacks, so 3 attacks plus the 4 given by the Invid Fighter makes 7, BAD TYPO DAEMON!).

Revised HTH Damage: The following HTH damage given applies to ALL bioroids except the Worker, whose damage is shown in ( ).
Punch 3d6+2 M.D. (4d6+1 M.D.)
Power Punch 6d6+4 M.D. (1d4x10 M.D.)
Kick 2d6+3 M.D. (N/A)
Leap Kick 4d6+6 M.D. (N/A)
Stomp 5d4 M.D.
