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Zentraedi (Revised)

Zentraedi (Revised)

The Zentraedi has to be one of the largest fixer-upper opportunties in the Robotech Universe. With some nasty inconsistencies here and there, things that just need to be drawn into the face of reality, and just some really BIG screw ups. So here goes nothing!


I always felt the Mega-Damage done by Zentraedi is way to little considering their massive size and obvious strength (come on Breetai smashed the hell outta Rick Hunter w/ just a lead pipe, I so I believe he does more than 7 M.D. a swing! So here's the new table. NOTE: +1 M.D. to the punches listed for every 400 P.S. rounded down as listed in Robotech Book 3: Zentraedi, pg. 7. EXAMPLE: Breetai is a badass full sized Zentraedi w/ a P.S. of 2800 does 4d6+7 M.D. per punch (nasty mofo ain't he!).


Zentraedi Power Armour only adds to the amazing HTH Power of the massive giants!
Male Power Armour (Nousjadeul-Ger): The Male Power Armour sees his P.S. increased by 500 Points (which atleast raises HTH damage by 1 M.D.). However to emphasize how the Giant Exo-Skeleton increases endurance, the lifting power is increased by 50%.
Female Power Armour (Queadlunn-Rau): Because this Power Armour is really not a Power Armour in the sense, the Female only sees her P.S. increased by 100 points. No lifting bonuses.


Kevin Siembieda "Okay I'm very sorry for all the mistakes you Robotech Fans have had to endure over the years and here's is where I'll fix some of them!"
Actually he didn't say that but don't we wish he'd admit it?!
Revised Zentraedi Assault Rifle
The Zentraedi use an assault rifle, or gun pod, which is very similiar to the GU-11 Pod used by the Veritech Fighter.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 short burst, 4d6 M.D. long or 1d4x10 for a full melee burst.
Range: 4000ft
Payload: 200 rounds, 20 short bursts, 10 long, or 5 full melee.
Rate of Fire: 4 short bursts, 2 long or 1 full melee of continuous fire.

Revised Laser Pistol Instead of just an unlimited payload, I say this weapon has 40 shots per e-clip, and instead does 2d4 M.D.

Battle Pod Particle Beams
For those of you who HAVEN'T figured this out yet, the Particle Beams on Battle Pods are easier to roll damage for if you just roll 1d4x10 each.

Queadlunn-Rau Tri-Barrel Lasers
I felt these things should do alittle more damage, all the power of the power armour shouldn't be in it's missiles, so we increase the damage to 5d6+5 M.D. per burst each.


Revised Zentraedi Reentry Pod
After doing some math..I've found it impossible for the Reentry Pod of that size to hold 480 Battle Pods or 960 Foot Soldiers.
Using the picture provided w/ the Reentry Pod in Robotech Book 1: Macross, pg. 93, I've concured that the Reentry Pod is ACTUALLY 230ft long and wide (I rounded it up from 229.something), and doing some more math, I've discovered that in reality it can only hold 64 Battle Pods, I'm not quiet sure how many foot soldiers it could hold, I'll try to figure that out soon.


As we've seen in the series, it is possible for some of the hardiest Zentraedi to survive in the vacuum without any sort of artifical protection.
For every 100 P.E. points past 1600 the Zentraedi can survive in the vacuum for one minute. So Breetai who has a P.E. of 2400 can survive in the vacuum for 8 minutes! Not to shabby.
