Combination Magic
Combination magic is found by combining different kinds of magic to create something different and very powerful.
Accused (By Prettz)
Type: Black & Spirit
Range: Touch
Damage: None, but might cause internal mental
Duration: Indefinite or until removed
Saving Throw: Standard -2
MP: 130
This wicked spell is a nightmare for anyone who has been
infected. When the sorcerer decides to use ACCUSED on someone,
their fingernail becomes blue. From that point on, the victim
must follow an order given with the spell forever (or until the
curse of ACCUSED has been lifted) or the nail will turn colors.
It changes colors as the victim disobeys that command. The first
time, it changes to purple, then to red, then to blood, then the
victim suffers the ultimate wrath and is reduced to nothing more
than a mere toad.
"Ki Obos Plataro. King of demons night, who flies to me
with bat wings, possess my nail and seal this
Alter Soul: Angelic (200)
Alter Soul: Benevolent (100)
Alter Soul: Daemonic (200)
Alter Soul: Draconic (250)
Alter Soul: Eternal (400)
Alter Soul: Malevolent (100)
Armour of Neptune (40)
Atmospheric Manipulation (100)
Black Water (10)
Blood Curse
Type: Black & Water
Range: Touch
Duration:1 hour per level of
Saving Throw: Standard
Penetration: Must make contact with flesh.
MP: 20
This spell reduces the normal healing rate of the target to half
normal (this includes regeneration) and stops blood from
Blood Detonate
Type: Black & Fire
Range: 10m (33ft); line of sight.
Damage: Special.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: vs. Magic, +1 if directed against
limbs (arms, legs), +4 if directed against the torso or head.
Penetration: Will not affect body parts that are
covered by iron armour.
MP: 100
The most horrific spell of Hell Magic. By igniting oxygen in a
persons blood, and combining various organic elements into fuel,
and overloading mitochondrial energy output, this magic literally
causes a specific part of the person to explode in a very gory
display. This spell's effect is absolute if the saving throw vs.
magic is failed. Anyone seeing the person blown apart must save
vs. a Horror factor of 18.
Type: Black & Spirit
Range: Self or by touch
Duration: 1 melee plus an additional
melee for every odd level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
MP: 30
Causing in the target just as the name suggests, the recipient is
consumed by a lust to let the blood of others. If no enemy
presents itself when the spell is cast, the target must save vs.
insanity with a -6 penalty or attack the nerest living thing in
sight (even if it is a friend).
While under the affects of the blood lust, the recipient is
iummune to the horror factor of others and is +2 to strike and +4
to damage in hand to hand combat.
However, so deep is the bloodlust that no actions other than
movement and combat can be performed without the recipient making
a save vs. insanity with a -4 penality (even then, all skills are
-25%0. Also, the target will only attack with melee weapons or in
hand to hand; no ranged weapons, and even then is a -3 to parry
and dodge (no autododge, even if the target possesses the
To come out of the bloodlust prematurely, the target must make 3
consecutive saves vs. insanity with a -5 penalty.
Boil Blood (Simple)
Type: Black & Fire
Range: 10.5m(25ft)+1.5m(5ft) per level of
experience; line of sight.
Duration: 1 melee plus an additional
melee for every odd level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard
Penetration: Will not affect those in full iron
body armour.
MP: 14
The victim of this spell must have a cut from which fresh blood
can be seen.
The actually affect of this spell creates a sensation in the
victim of intense heat within their body, as though their bloody
were boiling. While no actual damage is being caused, it is so
painful and distracting that the victim automatically losses
their initiative and loses one attack per melee, and is -2/-20%
to all actions.
Any action that requires intense concentration, such as the use
of a psionic power or spell casting, require a save vs. insanity
-4 in order to do so. If the save fails, the attempt does as well
and the victim loses that action.
Those creatures immune to heat and fire, or that are resistant to
heat, apply such resistances to this spell (either completely
nullifying or reducing all penalties (with a minimum of 1), as
Boil Blood (Advanced)
Type: Black & Fire
Range: 15m(50ft)+3m(10ft)
Duration: 1 melee, plus one melee per
three levels of experience after the first.
Saving Throw: Standard
Penetration: Automatic, iron body armour will
not protect the target.
MP: 34
Basically the same as the simple version with the following
changes: It does not require an open wound on the victim, the
victim loses half their attacks per melee, and is -6/-60% to all
actions, and they have a -8 penalty to save vs. insanity require
to perform actiosn requiring concentration.
Cap Volcano
Type: Earth & Fire
Range:100m (330ft) per level of experience, line of sight.
Duration: Six hours per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
MP: 100
This spell enables the sorcerer to place a temporary cap on a volcano, stopping the flow of lava, ash, and soot.
Carnivorous Blood
Type: Black & Fire
Range: 1m(3.3ft) per level of the caster.
Duration: 1 melee per level fo the
Saving Throw: Standard
Penetration: Automatic, iron body armour will
not protect the target.
MP: 50
The victim of this spell must have a cut from which fresh
blood can be seen.
This spell creates the horrific affect of causing the target's
blood to start dissovling his insides. The damage caused is 3d10
S.D.C. per ACTION! Also, the damage cannot be healed by an means
less than surgery (-15%) or magic/psionics. Until such a healing
process is performed, none of the damage will be repaired.
Such is the pain caused by this spell, that until the damage is
healed, the target will suffer the following penalties: -5 to
initiative, strike, parry, roll, and dodge, and -25% to all
Change Current (30)
Chill Blood (Simple)
Type: Black & Water
Range: 10.5m(25ft)+1.5m(5ft) per level of
experience; line of sight.
Duration: 1 melee plus an additional
melee for every odd level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard
Penetration: Will not affect those in full iron
body armour.
MP: 14
This spell is essentially identical to Boil Blood, but instead,
it creates the affect of extreme cold within ones blood.
It affects those with resistances to heat but it likewise reduced
in effect upon those resistant or immune to cold.
Chill Blood (Advanced)
Type: Black & Water
Range: 15m(50ft)+3m(10ft)
Duration: 1 melee, plus one melee per
three levels of experience after the first.
Saving Throw: Standard
Penetration: Automatic, iron body armour will
not protect the target.
MP: 34
This spell is essentially identical to Boil Blood (advanced), but
instead, it creates the affect of extreme cold within ones blood.
It affects those with resistances to heat but it likewise reduced
in effect upon those resistant or immune to cold.
Communicate with Sea Creature (20)
Coral Armour (20)
Create Wood (10/20)
Crimson Rain (10+)
Divine Touch ()
Type: Air & Spirit
M.P.: 60
A goddess of wind from the far eastern lands. Is responsible for the torrent winds that cause tornadoes and coriolis storms in the deserts. See Summoning Magic
Firequake ()
Flame Breath
Type: White & Fire
Range: 20m (66ft) long and 10m (33ft) wide gout of flame.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 5d6x10 damage to all those in the path
Saving Throw: Dodge 18 or higher.
Penetration: +5
M.P.: 200
A spell which enables the caster to create a powerful blast of holy flames from their mouth as if they were Karyuuoh, the Fire Dragon King.
Float Underwater (10)
Grow Plants (16)
Grow Tentacles (60)
Type: Black & Spirit
MP: 125
Dark king of the underworld, holding dominion over the souls of
the damned, and the spirit of evil. See Summoning Magic
Healing Waters (30)
Heart Attack
Type: Black & Fire
Range: Touch or 0.4m(1ft) for every level of experience
after five.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard for effect 1, special for
effect 2
MP: Effect 1:20 Effect 2: 14 per level of
This spell has two very distinct effects, the second of which can
only be used when the caster reaches fifth level.
Effect 1: The target of the spell suddenly suffers from pains in
their chest that will distrupt their concentration, causing them
to loose their initiative, half their attacks, and be at -3/-30%
to all actions/skills.
Effect 2: The target has an actual heart attack and must save vs.
shock with a penalty of the caster's level x3% or go into a coma.
Even if the save is successful, the target must then make a
standard save or suffer symptoms equal to Effect 1.
Hell Blade (By dizzyintellect)
Type: Black & Spirit
Range: The blade has a length of 1m(3.3ft)-2m
Damage: 3d6+1d6 damage per level.
Duration: 1 melee per level of
Saving Throw: Dodge
Penetration: Automatic, ignores all protecions
except those magical or psionic in nature.
MP: 30
This summons a blade of black/red hellish energy which will
ignore all protections except magical or psionic in nature. It
will also restore ½ the damage caused to the wielder, making it
particularly effective.
Hurricane (120)
Identify Plants (6)
Type: Fire & Black
MP: 50
One of the three most common summons. Resides in the Underworld, Lord of the Inferno. See Summoning Magic
Ironwood (50+)
Type: White & Spirit
Saving Throw:
Mega Vraimer
Type: Earth & Spirit
Saving Throw:
Metamorphosis: Crustacean (60/140)
Metamorphosis: Fish (50)
Metamorphosis: Shark (90/220)
Mystic Sea Horse (30)
Northwind (14)
Open Wound
Type: Black & White
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard
MP: 10 for small wounds and scratches, 20 for
medium, and 30 for large wounds.
First, for this spell to work, the caster must be able to see a
sealed wound (such as stitches or a scar).
If such a mark exists, the touch of it and casting of this spell
causes it to reopen, no matter how long the wound has been sealed
for. The reopening itself will cause damage and start it to bleed
again as thought it were freshly made.
The damage caused by the reopening of the wound depends on the
original size of the wound. (G.M.'s descretion): Scratches: only
1 S.D.C., Small: 1d10 S.D.C., Medium: 2d10 S.D.C., Large: 3d10
Rainbow (120)
Type: Air & White
MP: 50
One of the three most common summons. Lord of judgment, thunder, and lightning, right hand man to Odin. See Summoning Magic
River of Lava ()
Rot Wood (8)
Sense Direction Underwater (8)
Senses of the Shark (30)
Type: Air & Water
MP: 50
One of the three most common summons. Queen of the ice, holding dominion over the north and south winds. See Summoning Magic
Smite Evil (100)
Snow Storm (50)
Song of Calling (40)
Song of Danger (8)
Song of Destruction
Song of Doubt (12)
Song of Fear (20)
Song of Grief (4)
Song of Healing ()
Song of Joy (8)
Song of Protection ()
Song of Revenge ()
Song of Reversal ()
Song of Sleep (30)
Song of Summoning (200)
Soul Shatter ()
Soul Shield ()
Soul Twist ()
Sound Blast (20)
Sound Spike (30)
Stormsong (250)
Strength of the Whale (40)
Striver (85)
Type: Earth & Spirit
MP: 60
Holds dominion over the Earth, considered more powerful than Ifrit, Shiva, or Ramuh. See Summoning Magic
Valorsong (50)
Vascular Eruption
Type: Black & Water
Range: 3m(10ft) per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard
MP: Varies
Grisly to behold (HF 12), this spell causes the veins and
capillaries near the victim's skin to erupt with such force that
blood comes shooting through the skin, reaching distances of up
to 1m (3ft)!
The damage caused by this spell can be varied: 2d6 S.D.C., 10 MP;
4d6 S.D.C, 20 MP; 7d6 S.D.C., 30 MP; or 1d6x10+10 S.D.C., 40 MP.
Venom (By Prettz)
Type: Black & Spirit
Range: 150ft + 20 per level
Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d4x10, +20 per level
Saving Throw: Natural 20 dodge only
M.P.: 120
A feared spell which consumes the target with magic energy which
attacks them inside and out, from all sides.
"Zazard, zazard, sorono, rono-sook. Burning in the
depths of darkness, fires of hell. Become my sword and strike
down my enemy
Vlave Howl
Type: Earth & Fire
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw:
Wall of Thorns (30)
Water Rush (30)
Weed Snare (16)
Wither Plants (20)
Wood to Stone (60)