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Lower Hierarchy Mazoku

Zorom, the first Mazoku we see in Slayers
Mazoku are extremely powerful beings of magic, their only true purpose is to cause chaos, and destroy everything. But this doesn't mean some of them don't have their own personal goals or aims (Xelloss & Gaav are good examples of this).
Seigram the FacelessKanzel
Their powers can vary in amazing ways. We can see these differences in many different episodes. Some Mazoku are elementally aligned (Evia was aligned with Water), others specialize in summoning (like Seigram), or dimensional manipulation (Kanzel is a good example).
Because Mazoku are spirit beings they feed off the emotons of other living beigns, negative emotions like hatred, sorrow, and agression are most 'delicious' to them, so they like to cause anarchy.

Note: Mazoku shouldn't be monsters you toss around, they should be powerful individuals which act as major antagonists in any campaign or adventure.

Alignment: Mazoku are all evil, most miscreant, a good number diabolic, and some Aberrant.
Attributes: I.Q. 4d6+3 (you rarely meet a stupid Mazoku), M.E. 4d6+3, M.A. 5d6 (in human or true form, Mazoku can be very intimidating), P.S. 4d6+6, P.P. 4d6+4, P.E. 3d6+6, P.B. Varies in human and beast form (the more powerful a mazoku, the more human their human form appears, GMs be creative), Spd. 3d6+10; 4d6+6 flying.
Size: Varies, change change as little or as much as wanted from human to beast form.
Weight: Infinitesimal. A creature of pure magic has little in the way of mass.
Natural A.R.: SPECIAL; See Below. M.R.F.: 10+1 per level of experience (SPECIAL; See Below)
Hit Points: 1d4x10+P.E., roll 1d6 for each additional level.
S.D.C.: 3d4x10+20, roll 3d6 for each additional level.
M.P. (SPECIAL!): A Mazoku is literally a CONSTANT source of Magic Energy, it makes up their entire body. So therefore, they have no real C.A. or C.P. values, just a constant number which is always available to them. M.P. is equal to M.E. multiplied by the Mazoku's level.
Zazan, damn that's put fugly!Horror Factor: 14+1 in beast form at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. In human form the Mazoku still gives of a aura of creepiness or danger, 6+1 at levels 5, 10, and 15.

Mazenda, humminahumminaEquivalent OCC Skills: A Mazoku's skills vary. Some of the craftiest Mazoku take up skill proficiencies akin to Priests (of Darkness, Xelloss is an example), Wizards, Warlocks, Thiefs or Assassins. Others sometimes go along the path of the true warrior (like Gaav), selecting skills the equivalent of Mercenary, Knight or Palladin. However their are some reductions. Bonuses toward skill %'s are half, and the Mazoku gets 25% less O.C.C. related skills, and 50% less secondary skills (rounded down), they also get half as many new skills at level ups. Also note that bonuses from Physical skills DO NOT up a Mazoku's attributes.

Average Level of Experience: 1d4+2. If used as a campaign antagonist, it might be wise to have the Mazoku gain levels every so often. If used as an NPC use the Dragon Experience table from Rifts RPG.

Natural Abilties: Fly, See Invisible, Teleport (500ft+100ft per level), Bio Regeneration 5d6 per minute, Impervious to Poison, Immune to Transformation, Transform to Human Form (the Human form is a unique one and cannot be altered. Mazoku cannot tap their full power in their human form, PS, PE, and M.P. are reduced to 75%. After taking 3/4 of their total S.D.C. the Mazoku must make a save vs. M.E. to determine if they cannot hold their human form).
Energy Bolts: Mazoku can hurl powerful bolts of energy. It's believed that this energy is actually a concentrated part of the Mazoku, which is gathered from it's own M.P., aswell as negative emotions in battle.
These bolts do 5d6 S.D.C.+1d6 at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15, and cost 2 M.P. to use, and have a range of 100ft+10ft per level. By pumping 4 extra M.P. into the attack the damage can be raised by +2d6 for each 4 extra M.P. (a maximum of 8 M.P. can be pumped per level).
The Immortality Pledge: Only available to the lower hierarchy mazoku because of the humility it implies. A human may make a pledge of eternal loyalty and service to the Mazoku in exchange for supreme immortality. Naturally this implies that the Mazoku is in need of assistance or help from the human. Of course Mazoku normally come to the human at a point near death. What this means though is that the human in the pledge CANNOT BE KILLED. While this may seem drastic there is one FATAL weakness to the pledge. The ultimate symbol of the pledge is a stone mask that the Mazoku wears. If this stone is broken, then the pledge ends and the human DIES. The stone mask has an S.D.C. of 30. No more than one human may pledge to one Mazoku at any time.

UNIQUE Abilities (Select 1)
Elemental Control (SPECIAL): Some Mazoku are elementally aligned. As such when in direct contact with their element they are able to control it naturally (Elemental selection is the same as Warlock, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, however control over the air only counts when there is high winds or a storm). The Mazoku can make attacks with their element when in direct contact, the attack can vary, but always does 5d6 damage and has a range of 100ft+10ft per level. Also note that the Mazoku's non-human form on our plane resembles something akin to their element (Evia took the form of an ice puppet and a weird water worm thing).
Michigan J. JoylockDimensional Manipulation (SPECIAL): This Mazoku is EXTREMELY good at it's teleport ability, first it gains a +3 to it's normal teleport auto-dodge. Second, the Mazoku is able to create a dimensional pocket to hide in. From there it can open holes within a 100ft area that it can stick it's body parts out of, enabling it to make quick attacks from and then retreat back to the pocket (we saw Kanzel expand his size in order to make mean attacks from his dimensional pocket). All dodges against these attacks are made at -3 and auto-dodge is nullified. If someone is able to find where the pocket is an open it, the Mazoku would be forced to exit the pocket.
Summoning (SPECIAL): This Mazoku is able to summon Maju (Low Grade Magic Beasts, stats coming soon) in MASSIVE numbers (approximately 1d4x100+10 per level) once a month, and able to create 6d6+6 Brass Daemons (stats coming soon) every month.

Magic Body (SPECIAL): Mazoku are beings of pure magic. Their body is like a high density ghost. They cannot be harmed by ANY normal weapons, wether they're swords, cannon fire, arrows, no NORMAL WEAPON will ever harm a Mazoku. However other mazoku or supernaturally strong beings, specially enchanted weapons, magic weapons, and rune weapons are fully effective (and may do additional damage, Mazoku count as Daemons). As stated on the Mazoku main page, Silver is very effective at channeling ones will, hence a person with a silver weapon has a chance of hurting a mazoku, when striking a mazoku with a silver weapon the person must roll a d20 under their Mental Endurance attribute, if they succeed, the weapon will do half damage to the mazoku. Normal weapons also can be effective IF the user has a strong enough will, first the persons will MUST exceed the Mazokus, then they must roll under 10 on a d20, if they suceed then weapon will do 10% it's normal damage. Also because of their magic bodies, they're specially resistant to magic. Mazoku have an MRF (Magic Resistance Factor). When ever a spell is used on the Mazoku, they attempt to roll below their MRF. The MRF is -1 for every 3 levels of the spell (i.e. Energy Bolt is a Level 3 spell, which would cause a -1 MRF Modifier, while Balus Rod is level 6 causing a -2 modifier). Spells of Legend are special however and even a Mazoku cannot resist it's power (Spells like Giga Slave and Laguna Blade fall well under these catagories). Spell Power Modifiers cause a -1. If two spells are thrown at the Mazoku at once, it has a -5 to resist the second spell plus any normal modifiers (like when Sylphiel threw a Dragu Slave at Fibrizo after Lina did).
NOTE: Even if the spell is not resisted the Mazoku can still attempt to dodge and/or save against the spell when appropriate.

Combat: 6 attacks per melee. Gains one additional attack at levels 8, 11, 13, and 15.

Damage: Has Supernatural P.S. Depending on the Mazoku's true form there may be additional damage for claws, bites, tail slaps, etc.

Bonuses: +4 on init, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, +3 teleport auto-dodge, +4 to roll w/ impact, +5 to magic saving throws (-3 with no bonuses against astral oriented spells, like Elmekia Lance & Ra Tilt), +12 to save vs. horror factor; all in addition to attribute bonuses.

Equipment: NONE! Mazoku are unable to use ANY kind of equipment at all, because to do such would be to deny there own powers, causing their death. Gaav was able to use a sword because he was partly human. You may ask why Xelloss has a staff, because that staff is actually a PART of Xelloss! If the staff is attacked, Xelloss will be hurt, it is mearly part of the illusion of his human form.

Magic: None! To even try to use Magic would place a Mazoku's life in jeopardy. (Xelloss is probably the only Mazoku to ever use magic, and it was only under a rare circumstance).

Psionics: Empathy, Astral Transferance (see Nightbane World Book One: Between the Shadows pg. 113), Mind Block, Telepathy, P.P.E. Shield. All psionics are natural abilities and consume NO I.S.P.

NOTES: A Mazoku's personality can be as varied as any human, so some may or may not have treasure hoardes. Mazoku NEVER use armour or weapons, unless they need to disguise themselves.
Mazoku strangely enough can be easily psychologically damaged, in some aspects.
As odd as it may sound, Mazoku actually start feeling abit weak if they start saying stuff like "Life is Wonderful". If a group of people begin making praises to life and goodness, the Mazoku will find themselves to be incapacitated after 1 melee of this psychological assault! They will not be able to do ANYTHING until it stops. However if the Mazoku silences the voice before they perform the assault for a full melee, then they may be saved.
Also if a Mazoku is EVER defeated by mortals, they will lose one level of experience, because a part of a Mazoku's power comes from it's belief in it's own strength, and losing will cause it to lose that belief and therefore lose power.
It may be nasty, but the limit of these powers you see is not the Mazoku's TRUE extent. This is only the extent Mazoku will test themselves to when facing any mortal opponent, due to their arrogance. When fighting powerful beings such as Dragons or high-ranking daemons/deevils, any attack they make is DOUBLED in damage! This is because Mazoku feel that humans are so below them that giving their all is just a waste of their time, however creatures like Dragons are true opponents worthy of their full power.

Sore wa himitsu desu
Don't be a baka, Mazoku aren't to be abused. Also remember if ASH gets enough support, you may see stats for Mazoku like me! Oya oya
