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Magic Stuff To...much...Slayers....being taken obsession...over...magic.....AUGGGGGHHH!!!
Magic Stuff

From the name you'd think it was the literal thing, but no. Daemons Blood is a special stone which can be used to amplify a persons magic power and magic reserves! This rare stone is hard to find however, believed to be weaker parts of the Staff of the Gods which holds up the Earth, much like the Philosopher's Stone, only about 1/10 the strength (that is when all talismen are used).
To activate the stones power, four talismen must be possessed, and the person must spend an action in order to recite the chant
"Lord of the Darkness and the Four Worlds, I call upon you, grant me all the power that you possess!"
Bonuses: The 4 Talismen increase the effectiveness of the casters spells by x2. This however, does not apply to spells the Sorcerer/Sorceress could not cast with his own energy (see below).
The Talismen also allow the Sorcerer/Sorceress to draw upon more magic energy then they normally could. Increase the user's C.A. by x3 and C.P. by x2. Cost: 5,500,000 per gold set of 4 talismen. This is just a base cost, depending on how hard it was to obtain the stone, or the person selling them, the price can be 4 or 5 times greater!!


In Alumaces world, where Vorfeed & Dark Star fought, five weapons from Dark Star were created to split his power. These weapons were scattered throughout the 4 worlds to scatter himself (Dark Star is supposed to mean 'The one who scatters Darkness')
The weapon that stayed in Alumaces world was Alumaces weapon Ragudo Mezeghis which goes through anything, Serius's weapon Mezardu which drills though anything (it's actually a pole arm w/ 3 claws of light) was found in Death Fogs world, and Gordigaru which crushes anything (looks like a hammer with crushers of light) was found in Chaotic Blues world.
The weapons that ended up in Lina's world were Gull Nova (more commonly known as the Hikari no Ken or Sword of Light) which cuts anything, and Garvera (a bow with a string and arrows of light) which shoots through anything.
After the destruction of Dark Star, Serius took the weapons back to his world. However who says that they didn't come back somehow. ;).

Requirements: Unlike most rune/holy weapons, the Dark Star Weapons can be used by creatures of ANY ALIGNMENT with no penelty (which enables Lina Inverse, Xelloss, and Valgaav to use them). However in order to activate the blade of light the person must have an M.E. of atleast 8 (see below). The weapons also works off the users life force (Hit Points) when Hit Points are below 75%, the person must make a save vs. magic on a 10 higher, if failed the blade will fade until the person heals their life force.
Damage: The Gull Nova when not using the Light Blade has an above average sword blade. 5d6 damage. The light blades of all Dark Star Weapons do 1d6 damage for every two points of M.E. the wielder has (Gourry may be an idiot and lack perception, but he's got a pretty strong will, however Grabos and Jiras obviously had rather weak wills which caused the the blades to be odd and rather useless), double damage against mazoku and other supernatural evil creatures, triple against Darkstar, for every 10 PPE over 30 the wielder has, the damage is +5, at a maximum of +25. Also they are able to hurl the energy of the blades. Range is 600ft, and does 1d4 damage for every 2 points of M.E. the wielder has, double against mazoku and other supernatural evil creatures, triple against Dark Star. Garvera the Bow of Light is the most powerful of Darkstar Weapons, able to shoot an arrow of light doing 3d4 damage for every 2 points of M.E. the wielder has, double against mazoku and other supernatural evil creatures, triple against Dark Star, range is 1000ft.
Special Abilities: By using the Dark Star Weapons at a special gateway (GM's call), Dark Star can be summoned to the world the gate is in. If he's summoned with only two weapons, he can come all the way through the gate to destroy the world. If 4 weapons are used, he will be trapped between two worlds in the gate for 5d6 days before he comes through, if the 5th weapon comes before 3/4 of the time is up, Dark Star will be trapped between two worlds as long as the weapons stay in place. However if the 5th weapon doesn't arrive in time, Dark Star will eventually brake through.
The Dark Star Weapons are very receptive to magic. If the user has an ME of 16 or higher, they can actually absorb attack spells and redirect it at half the normal effect of the spell. If the user is already skilled in the use of magic, then they can actually cast attack spells through the weapon, multiplying all effect by 50%.
It is very dangerous for two Dark Star Weapons to cross blades. This causes a massive storm as the blades seem to wrap around each other, creating a powerful outsurge of magical energy. It takes a very powerful intervention to seperate two Dark Star Weapons, and no one is quite sure what could happen if two weapons stay bound together for an extended period (GM's be creative).
If all Dark Star Weapons are within 100ft of each other, their power is increased 2 times! Also by using all Dark Star Weapons in a simultaneous attack, Dark Stars power can be split in half for 1d4 hours, sealing it in the gate he enters the world through, however after the time is up, his power will return and cannot be split again.
NOTES: Dark Star Weapons cannot be duplicated no matter what, no idiot would ever sell them (not even Gourry), and getting them should be a VERY RARE EVENT.


In the Slayers World it's possible to magically bond different creatures togther. So far the only actual combinations I've seen in the series are Zelgadiss (part Brau-Daemon, part Golem, part Human) and then there was the Brau-Daemon Shoulder-Guard Chimera used by Kuaras (Demia's Bodyguard) in Slayers Next Episode 3.
The process of a human being bonded with other creatures to become a Chimera, is VERY, VERY PAINFUL! If the person doesn't start out with atleast a P.E. & M.E. of 12 the process will reduce their minds to berzerk madman state from the massive ammount of pain. So far the only conversion for humans known is the Brau-Daemon/Rock-Golem conversion. Heartless monster? I love it...
Prerequistites for Conversion: The converter must be an Alchemist of atleast 10th level. Also one Rock-Golem (of size equal to the converte), and a Brau-Daemon.
Time Required for Conversion: The conversion takes 2 hours. The converte must recupperate for 1d4+1 days (-1 day for every 10 points of P.E.) afterwards.
Cost: Cost for the conversion is usually around 600,000 gold (often 2-4 times more). However if the person wanted to be converted offers a term of indentured servitude usual time of service is 1-2 years. Also some Alchemists like to try out their new converting skills and may offer free conversion (but these can also be the riskiest conversions).
Bonuses/Penelties of Conversion: The person gains a tough and rocky skin, granting them a natural A.R. of 12, aswell as 5d6 additional S.D.C. Their physical endurance & strength is increased by 2d6. The Brau-Daemon bond increases the persons ability to store magic energy, increasing their base C.A. by 10%, and increasing C.A. growth by 4d6 per level (making this a somewhat favorable conversion for sorcerers). However the conversion makes the person look the furthest thing from human now, giving them pointy ears, a bluish-skin, and turning their hair into wire (+1d6 damage on a headbutt however). Reduce P.B. by 2d6, and give a Horror Factor of 14 when the person reveals themselves to other mortals.

If I get help we MIGHT see more Chimera's. Xelloss-kun, Laz-kun, and the rest of you Slayers Fans, send me your ideas!
