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Wizard Magic

Level One

Blinding Flash
Range: 3m radius (10ft), up to 20m (66ft) away.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard
M.P.: 1
This is the most basic of spells, which creates a sudden burst of intense, white light, temporarily blinding everyone in the radius. Victims are blinded for 1d4 melees, with a penalty for -5 to strike, and -10 to parry and dodge. The chance of falling is 1-50% for every 3m traveled. The saving throw is standard, so those who successfully save vs. magic are not blinded. Note: Does not affect bionic or cybernetic eyes.

Cloud of Smoke
Range: 30m (100ft)
Duration: 1 minute per level
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 2
This enables the sorcerer to create a cloud of dense, black smoke up to 10mx10mx10m maximum in size, up to 30m away. Victims caught in the cloud will be unable to see anything beyond it, and their vision is impaired; they can see no more than 1m infront of them. While in the cloud, victims will be -5 to strike, and -9 to parry and dodge.

Death Trance
Range: Self
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 1
A magically induced trance with makes the sorcerer appear to be dead. There is no breathing, pulse, heartbeat, or any other signs of life. While in the trance, the character is quite helpless (for obvious reasons). Only minor physical sensations can be felt, such as being jostled, carried or hearing voices, but no specific identification or memories can be recalled. The magic can be cancelled at will at any time. Also note that if the mage has the Sixth Sense psychic ability, then the spell well rouse them from the trance if they are threatened.

Dechipher Magic
Range: Self
Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 4
This spell enables the spell caster to read (decipher) any magic scroll and inscription, text, or book that uses magic symbols or runes at 94% proficiency. The ability lasts only for the duration of the spell and the spell casterw ill not be able to read those same inscriptions once the spell has elapsed. This spell does not interpret other languages and their alphabets, nor does it identify/decipher magic circles, only the symbols used in it. Likewise, this spell does not identify or decipher wards.

Globe of Daylight
Range: Near self or up to 10m (33ft) away
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 2
A small globe or sphere of true daylight is magically created. The light is bright enough to illuminate a 4m (14ft) area per level of experience. Since it is daylight, it can keep vampires at bay just beyond the edge of the light and may frighten subterranean or nocturnal creatures. The creator of the globe can mentally move it along with himself, or send it up to 10m ahead. The maximum speed at which the glove can travel is equal to Spd. 12.

Increase Weight
Range: Self or others up to 20m (66ft) away
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard. Those who successfully saev are not affect. However, objects have no saving throw and are affected automatically.
M.P.: 4
The spell caster is able to increase the weight of any one specific living creature or object 45kg (100lbs) per level of experience. A character who is made to weigh twice or more than their normal weight will see their Speed attribute reduced by half or even more (GM's call). Note that appearance does not change, only mass density.

See Aura
Range: Self, by sight
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None; but a mind block will mask the presence of psionic abilities, magical power, and possession.
M.P.: 6
All things, organic and inorganic, have a discernable aura. The aura has many distinctions, and can be used to see or sense things invisible to the eye.
Estimate general level of experience, low, medium, high.
Presence of magic talent (but no indications of level or type).
Presence of psychic abilities (will discern the general nature, healing, physical, or sensitive).
If the target is currently channeling magic energy, and how much. Low (1-10 M.P.), Medium (11-49), or High (50+).
The presence of possession.
The presence of serious illness.
The presence of an unusual aberration which will indicate extreme mutation, superpowers, or an inhuman, alien or supernatural nature, but does specify which.

See the Invisible
Range: Self, by sight
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 4
The characters can see forces, objects and creatures which can turn invisible or are naturally invisible. Even if the creature has no form per se, the mystic will be able to discern the vaporous image or energy sphere which is the being. This includes ghosts, entities, some elementals, and the astral body. Note that this spell does NOT pierce Mental Invisibility, as it works by tricking the mind, not bending light.

Sense Evil
Range: 25m (82.5ft) radius
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None, however, a psychic mind block anything designed to protect from magic (like a circle of protection) will prevent this spell from working on those under the protect.
M.P.: 2
This spell will enable the caster to feel or sense the presence of supernatural evil. It will indicate approximately how many supernatural evil presences are within the radius, one, a few, several, or many. It can also register the intensity of the evil and pinpoint the general location of the source to a particular room, object, or person, or an approximate distance (close, near, far etc.)
Evil emanations from human and most mortal beigns are much less distinct and cannot be sensed unless the source/person has an immediate and intense evil intention.

Sense Magic
Range: 40m (132m)
Duratin: 2 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 4
This spell enables teh character to sense or feel the presence of magic. Like a geiger counter, the individual can tell if it is near, or far. The ability can also indicate whether a person or object is enchanted/under a magic spell, is in the process of channeling magic energy, or if magic is being used in the range area. Note: To praciticioners of magic, most supernatural beings do not register as magic except when actually casting a spell/using magic. Psychic powers and manipulation cannot be detected with this.

Level Two

Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 3
A spell that enables the enchanted to climp with exceptional, almost inhuman speed, skill, and agility. Skill level is 98% for normal, rough, climbable surfaces; speed is equal to speed attribute. Smooth, presumably unclimable or extremely difficult surfaces to climb can be scaled with a skill level of 60% and at 80% of one's normal speed.

Detect Concealment
Range: 10m (33ft)
Area of Affect:
10m (33ft) diameter
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 6
A spell that will instantly negate any concealment spell and reveal any object which may have been mystically concealed. Can be directed at a specific area or individual, or made ot affect an entire diameter of 10m (33ft).

Range: 20m (66ft)
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
M.P.: 4
Weightlessness is the exact opposite of Increase Weight. The spell caster is able to reduce the weight of any one target by 45kg (100lbs) per level of experience, down to a maximum of one half of an ounce.
Characters whose weight is reduced to nearly nothing will see their speed reduced by 75% and may be forced to hold down on to rope or objects to prevent themselves from being carried away on the wind. A wind of one mile pe

Level Three

Armour of Ithan
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 10
This spell instantly creates an invisibile suit of mystic armour on the spell caster. This armour has an A.R. of 18 and 25 S.D.C. per level of experience. Furthermore, magic fire, lightning, and cold do half damage.

Energy Bolt
Range: 15m (49.5ft)
Duration: Instant
Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.
Saving Throw: Dodge of 14 or higher
Penetration: +2
M.P.: 5
Conjures up a standard magical energy bolt. Damage can be regulated in increments of 1d6, or the attack can simply be made to cause knockdowni with no damage.

Faerie Speak
Range: Self or others
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 5
This spell enables the spell caster (or two others by touch) to understand and speak the language of the faerie folk.

Light Target
Range: One target up to 3m (10ft) away or two by touch
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
M.P.: 6
This spell may seem quite harmless but is designed for ill intent. The sorcerer can create a rather bright glow of light around any one victim (two by touch). The glow is intended to mark the character and make him stand out in a crowd - it is especially effective at night. Covering oneself with clothes or armour to attempt to obscure the light is impossible, for it is the person, not his possessions that are affected and the aura will appear around him no matter what he wears (this magic does not affect inanimate objects). Hiding behind closed doors, in a closet or trunk, or inside a vehicle may conceal the character, providing the radiating light can't be seen through crack, keyholes, windows, or other opening through which light can be seen. A simple yet potentially nasty spell.

Magic Shield
Range: Self
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 6
This spell creates a pale white field of energy in the shape of a large, round shield with 60 S.D.C. The shield can be used by the spell caster or given to someone else. It functions as a normal shield to parry, with a bonus of +1 to parry. The shield is impenetrable until it's S.D.C. is depleted or the duration elapses. The shield wielder can also attempt to parry blasts and projectiles, but the user has no bonuses and is -3 to parry. The shield takes one quarter damage from all attacks it parries.

Mystic Fulcrum
Range: Self or two others by touch
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 5
This spell defies or tweaks the laws of physics.Those enchanted by the magica can pick up and move objects that they would otherwise not have the leverage and ability to do so without a lever or support. In addition, those enchanted b the magic can lift 50% more weight and carry 10% more.

See Wards
Range: By sight
Duration: 4 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 8
This enables the mage to see the normally invisible magic energies that radiate from wards. In this way he can tell if a ward is real or not. He can also see the magic energy that covers an area when a protection or area affect ward is used, and whether a ward is active or not.

Sense Traps
Range: Self
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 7
This spell endows the spell caster with a sixth sense which enables them to sense traps. This is done by simply looking over an object or area no further than 2m (6.6ft) away. Unfortunately, while the spell detects and locates traps, it does not identify the specific danger or deactivate them. Nor does this spell locacte secret compartments, doors, or passageways.

Level Four

Carpet of Adhesion
Range: 10m (33ft) plus 3m (10ft) per level of experience
Area of Affect: 18 square meters.
2.5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Special. If a save vs. magic is made, the player rolls 2d6 to see how many melee rounds it will take to pull free. Those failing to make the saving throw are stuck for the entire duration. Effective even against giants, and supernatural beings, and robots.
M.P.: 10
The spell caster creates a sticky carpet, up to 3m wide by 6m long, that will adhere firmly to anyone who touches it. The victim will stay stuck to the carpet until the duration elapses or the spell is canceled. Can be cast upon any flat surface, the size and shape of the the spell can be altered as long as it does not exceed 18 square meters, but it is always flat and two-dimensional. Note that this spell has absolutely no adhesive affect on iron.

Range: Self
Duration: One action per level of experience. The spell will last until all deflections have been used, or one melee per level level of experience, has passes.
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 10
This spell allows the spell caster to attempt to magically parry and deflect incoming ranged weapons attacks such as arrows, bullets, lasers, beams, fireballs, lightning, etc. The caster gets a normal d20 +4, for his or her parry (plus any P.P. attributes bonus, other parry bonuses do not apply). If successful, the attack is deflected by a small energy field, and hits the ground 1d4x10 meters away. Such a deflection may hit an ally or innoceont by standard if used in a crowded or heavily occupied area.
When powerful blasts (those that inflict 1d4x10 or more damage) are deflected, the character must roll a d20 again, but without the benefit of a bonus, to see whether or not the attack is deflected away without harm to others, or whether it strikes an innocent bystandard. 1-4 means the attack is deflected into the ally nearest the mage! 5-8 means it hits an innocent bystander. A roll of 9 or higher means the attack is deflected without harm to others, unless the area is densely populated, then innocents are almost certain to be injured. Area affect attacks like explosions may strike and injure or kill dozens of people; G.M.s should use their discrection in such determintations. No, the spell caster cannot accuractely deflect the attack into a specific enemy target or location.

Energy Field
Range: Self or others up to 20m (66ft) away
Area of Affect: 2m (6.6ft) radius
One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 10
Creates a protective energy field. The radius of the field is 2m (6.6ft), enabling it to protect a small roomful of people (about 6-10 individuals). The energy field appears as a semi-transparent wall or bubble that shimmers with a blue white-light. The field provides 15 S.D.C. protection per level of experience and is impenetrable until the S.D.C. is depleted.

Gestalt Circle
Range: Touch
Duration: See below.
M.P.: 5 M.P. per Sorcerer in the Circle.
The Gestalt Circle is a ritual spell which enables several Sorcerers to come together and pool their channeling abilities, thus enabling many to work even stronger than the sum of their parts. In order to cast the spell all the sorcerers most hold hands, and then the sorcerer casting this spell will link them together. One Sorcerer can link no more than thirteen sorcerers at once, any more requires another Sorcerer with knowledge of this spell. When all the Sorcerers have linked, they must pick the center of their flow, one Sorcerer who for the duration of the spell will gather all the magic energy the others channel. At each melee before casting any spells, each Sorcerer in the circle must use 5 M.P. to maintain the link, otherwise the entire circle is broken. In a Gestalt Circle there is a buffer attached which prevents any sorcerer from channeling past their CA.

Magic Net
Range: 6m (20ft) per level of experience
Duration: 30 seconds per level of experience
Saving Throw: Dodge 16 or higher
M.P.: 7
This spell creates a net composed of magic fibers which will insnare 1-6 human sized victims within a 3m (10ft) diameter. Normal weapons cannot cut through the net, only magic weapons and spells can affect it. In this case, the net counts as having an S.D.C. of 40 and a natural A.R. of 15. The dispel magic barriers spell will instantly destroy the net. Anyone caught in the magic net is helpess and unable to attack or defend. themselves. The spell caster can cancel it at any time.

Ricochet Strike
Range: Varies with the type of weapon, must be a physical melee weapon
Damage: Normal for the weapon uses
Duration: One action
Saving Throw: Dodge vs. caster's strike roll
M.P.: 12
This spell places a temporary enchantment on any melee weapon that could conceivably be thrown.
When the weapon is thrown it can strike multiple targets by ricocheting off the first to hit the second, and bounce again to hit a third. The weapon can strike three targets in a single action. It can strike the initial target twice, but only if it ricochets off someone (or someone) else as it's second strike. The spell caster rolls to strike as normal, and if the weapon hits, it inflicts damage, then skips off the initial target and streaks towards the next. The same strike roll is used for each hit, and if it hits again, it does damage and goes to the third target. The weapon can be parried or dodged as appropriate, and yes, if a 20 is orlled, all intended targets are hit for double damage. However, if it should, at any time, miss, or be dodged (not parried, a parry will still cause ricochet), the spell ends. In any case, it ends after the maximum number of targets (three) have been hit or parried.

Level Five

Energy Disruption
Range: 20m (66ft) away
Area of Affect: 5m (16.5ft) radius
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 15
This spell knocks out, stops, or immobilizes any electrical device it is aimed at. This includes normal automobiles, computers, radios, surveillance cameras, sensors, appliances, entire fuse boxes, batteries, electrical alarm systems, etc. The apparatus is not harmed it any way, it simply ceases to function for the duration of the spell.
In low-tech worlds, the spell will cause candles, lanterns and camp fires to sputter and go out (erupting back to full life the moment the spell ends, until then they can not be relit by any means). It can also be used to dimish the strength/damage of magic fire and energy structures, like circle/wall of fire, armour of ithan, energy field, energy based wards, etc., by half! However, this disruption only affects magic already put into place (it is not proactive so to speak), and will not dimish the damage caused by energy bolts, fire balls, lightning, dragons breath, wind, cold, kinetic force, and similiar magic attacks. Nor can it affect spells of legend or magic weapons, potions, circles, scrolls, or enchanted items.

Range: Self, touch, or 1.5m (5ft)
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 8
The escape spell enables the mage to magically escape any normal bonds or open any locking mechanism that bars his way. This includes being tied with rope, handcuffs, prison cells, doors, trunks, locks, straightjackets, etc. One restraint or lock can be undone per each invocation. Only gagging the mage will prevent the use of this magic, and only magic restraints and locks are unaffected by this spell.

Eyes of Thoth
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 8
This invocation enables the character to read and understand all written languages, modern and ancient, including runes and magic symbols. However, spoken languages are incomprehensible .

Level Six

Animate Object
Range: 20m (66ft); line of vision
Duration: 30 seconds per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 15
This incantation allows the spell caster to anime and control any object or objects under a total of 25kg (55lbs). The spell caster is able to mentally direct the object(s) to do just about anything: a table to wal, a broom to sweep, make a chair dance, etc. The spell caster can cause the object to hover up to 2m (6.6ft) off the ground and move in any direction. If the object(s) is used to attack, the total number of attacks possible per melee is equal to the spell casters. So if four brrom are animated and the mage has four attacks per melee round, one broom can strike four times, all four strike one each, or any combination. Roll to strike for each attacking object. Any parry or dodge by the object counts as an action. No combat bonuses apply other than +1 on initiative.
The animation of objects requires the spell caster's full attention and concentration until level 5, at which time they can be given basic orders and act on their own with 3 attacks per melee.

Range: 30m (100ft)+10m (33ft) per level of experience
Duration: 7 seconds
Damage: 3 damage per strike - 3 hammering force blasts + 1 per level of experience
Saving Throw: Dodge or parry against caster's strike roll (+3 to strike)
Penetration: +3
M.P.: 15
This spell unleashes a succession of force blasts to batter its intended target like a swarm of tiny comets striking one after the other. Each blast is visible, about the size of a softball with a vapor trail, and fast moving. Once unleashed against the target, the barrage continues until all blasts are used up. Even if the victim runs, flies up, or dives for cover, the barrage will follow him like tiny guided missilses. However the blast pulses are reasonably large and visible, the character can try to dodge or parry then with an appropriate weapon or shield. A successful dodge means the magical blast misses and dispels. A successful parry means it is batted away and dispels on impact. Of course, the downside is that the barrage of magic force will either strike, injure, and distract the victim, or will cause him to spend his time and actions trying to defend against the attack! Either way, the character is distracted and injured.
In addition to taking damage, the victim is distracted from events and activity around him (focused on the pounding attack) and is -3 to defend against any other attack(s) leveled at him during the barrage. Worse, even if the character stands his place and takes the pummeling of force, hge loses two melee actions, because he cannot take any offensive while being hammered by the barrage.

Detect Poison
Range: 5m (16.5ft)
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 10
The spell caster is able to direct his sight and concentration on a particular object, powder, liquid, plant, drink, or food, and detect whether or not it is poisonous or laced with poison. Poison includes harmful or mind, mood, and physically altering drugs.

Energize Spell
M.P.: 12+the ammount of the original spell
Basically pumps energy into the spell, so that it's duration is doubled. If they wish to triple the duration, they have to pay 24+the original ammount, if they wish to quadruple, 48+the original ammount, and so on.

Power Bolt
Range: 500m (1650ft)+30m (100ft) per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Damage: 5d6+2 per level of experience
Saving Throw: Dodge 20 or higher
Penetration: +5
M.P.: 30
Power Bolt is a long-ranger magical attack that creates a blue beam of energy. This attack is incredibly accurate, and delivers mean damage over a massive range. The spell caster may regulate damage by increments of 1d6.

Targeted Deflection
Range: Effective targeting deflection is 30m (100ft)+10m(33ft) per level of experience. This spell only can be cast on the sorcerer.
Duration: One action per level of experience
Saving Throw: Dodge
Limitation: Energy or magical attacks only
M.P.: 25
A more advanced form of the Deflect spell. After invoking this magic, the mage can magically parry energy and magical blasts/attacks witrh his arms and hands (a small field of energy mommentarily appears around the hands and forearms). Best of all, he can deflect them in such a way that the attack is directed back at it's source! Unless the attacker dodges, he takes full damage from his own attack and the mage takes none! To successfully return the attack the mage rolls to parry +3 (in addition to P.P. bonuses and/or Targeting skill bonuses). A successful parry will block and deflect the attack harmlessly away. A roll of 13 or higher will bounce the blast back at the attacker. The attacker can try to dodge the bounce-back energy blast, but does so without bonuses and must match or beat the mages parry roll. A roll of 5-13 simply deflects the attack out of harm's way, and a natural roll of 1-4 means a fumbled deflection and the blast hits the mage without it being deflected.

Teleport: Lesser
Range: 8km (5 miles) per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 15
This spell magically transmits non-living matter from one place to another. Up to 25kg (55lbs) can be instantly transported from the location of the caster to any location miles away. the only requirements are that the mage touches the object to be teleported and that the location of where it is being sent is known to him. Success Ratio: 80+2% per level of experience. An unsuccessful role means that the object never arrived where it was supposed to, and could be anywhere within the mage's range (he has no idea where).

Time Slip
Range: Self
Duration: 7 seconds
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 20
This powerful temporal spell momentarily suspends time, enabling the spell caster to technically slip seven seconds into the future. The magic is such that the character cannot do any kind of physical alteration, but he can move, open doors, grab an item, run away, etc. To others, it will appear as if the mage disappear for a few seconds and suddenly reappear at a different location. All around him lose two attacks in the melee round in which he reappears, but the mage retains all of his.

Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 12
This magic enables the character to perfectly understand and speak all spoken languages at 98% proficiency, including elemental and alien tongues.

Words of Truth
Range: 1.5m (5ft)
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard, but the enchanted person makes a saving throw for each question asked. A successful saving throw means he doesn't have to answer. Questions can be repeated.
M.P.: 15
A person affected by this enchantment is compelled to answer any and all questions truthfully. The spell caster must be within range and he can aks two brief questions per melee. It is wise to keep questions simple and to avoid confusion. The victim is compelled to answer only the spell caster.

Level Seven

Globe of Silence
Range: Can be cast and moved anywhere within 30m (100ft) of the caster.
Area of Affect: 3m (10ft) diameter
1.5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None; there's no saving throw because it is actually the physical space around the person that is being altered. A negate magic spell can dispel/cancel the globe.
M.P.: 20
Thsi spell immediately creates an invisible globe. No sound can be heard by the people inside the globe, nor can the noise made by them be heard by those outside of it. The globe absorbs everything, so while it can prevent those from within the globe from making noise, it also prevents sound from outside to enter. Those within the globe can't hear anything. The globe itself can be fixated in a stationary posistion or metally moved by the spell caster. However, the spell caster cannot cast another spell while manipulating the globe, and once fixed to one spot, that is where it eramins until the spell duration time elapses or it is cancelled. The globe can be cast up to 30m (100ft) away.

Range: 20m (66ft)
Area of Affect: 6mx12m cone (20ftx40ft)
Duration: 30 seconds per level of experience
Saving Throw: Special; if a successful save is made, the player rolls 1d4 to determine how many melee rounds his character is immobilized. After that time he is able to move freely out of the cone, but cannot move to affect anything inside of it.
M.P.: 25
This spell creates a glittering, transparent cone 6m in diameter and 12m tall. The cone halts all motion within it's scope. Missile weapons, speech, movement, flight, everything is momentarily frozen in time. Anyone entering or touching the glittering cone of light is also instantly immobilized. When the spell time elapses, any missile weapons or creatures in flight will drop to the ground (their inertia spent) while speech and movement will continue.

Second Sight
Range: Self; 8km (5 miles) per level of experience
Duration: 30 seconds
Saving Throw: Mind block will temporarily prevent the use of second sight.
M.P.: 25
A unique magic that enables the mage to see and hear what another person is doing at that very moment. The mage just has to think about that person and he will get a clairvoyant-like vision of what that person is doing and say, and who he/she is with. The vision is what one might expect to see in a crystal ball except that the mage sees it only in his mind. The vision lasts 30 seconds each time it is invoked. To use second sight, the character must have previously encountered/met the individual for more than a few seconds, or have a personal belonging of the person, or a lock of hair.
A mage can also use seocnd sight to transmit their present activity to another person. This is a great way to show somebody that you are in trouble. Note: The vision cannot be altered in any way from the truth.

Spinning Blades
Range: Varies
Duration: One melee round per level of experience or until used up in offensive attacks.
Damage: 2d6 S.D.C. per blade
Saving Throw: Parry (when applicable) and dodge
Penetration: +2 for each blade
M.P.: 20
This spell temporarily transforms an ordinary knife or short sword into a magical weapon. The enchanted weapon floats in the air and one new, additional blade, appears for every odd level of experience, creating a circular fan of blades. The blades then spin in place near the mage, waiting for use.
Used for defense, the blades will move to parry all physical attacks, including attacks from other blades, arrows, bullets, and energy blasts, +6 to parry most attacks, but only +2 to parry energy blasts and projectiles.
When used as an offensive weapon, the fan of blades can be sent hurling like a single buzz-saw blade at a single target. The attack is impossible to parry by any normal waepons, and inflicts an ammount of damage equal to 2d6 times the number of blades! Maximum range is 10m (33ft). The magic blades disappear after they strike, which means if the buzz-saw attack misses , the mage can mentally direct it to strike again. Each attempt counts as one of the caster's attacks. A pair of sorcerers sending this attack against each other will cause a clash of blades that negates it eachother.
An alternative attack is to fire each of the blades like rocketed projectiles, one at a time or in pairs (pairs count as a melee attack). Each firing of the blades counts as one melee attack, but has an impressive range of 30m (100ft). Once the magical blade is fired, it disappears after it has hit or missed, +3 to strike (no other bonuses), but can be dodged or parried.

Range: Self
Duration: Varies
Saving Throw: None
Limitations: THe spell only affects the spell caster until he is fifth level or greater. Experienced mages can take two people with them but must be touching both at the moment the spell is cast. The exact spot that the character warped from is the exact location where he reappears.
M.P.: 20 for one minute, +10 for each additional minute to a maximum of 5 minutes (60 M.P.)
The character seems to disappear and then reappear an undetermined amount of time later. In reality, the spell caster has created and stepped into a very temporary time hole in another dimension.
Time inside the wink-out time hole passes at the rate of 1 minute real time to 15 seconds in the hole. During the wink out phase, the character cannot be located by most means (those who can sense temporal disturbances or anamolies will notice one right around where the caster disappeared); they have literally disappeared off the physical plane. While winked out, the character can use their itme to perform any necessary actions. Note, nothing can be left behind in the temporary time pocket.

X-Ray Vision
Range: Self
Duration: 30 seconds per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 25
This spell empowers the mage with the ability to see through solid matter. However, it takes varying amounts of time to see throuh various substances. They cannot see through structures thicker than listed below, or through lead or containers magically "sealed". The following time is needed to see through these materials.
15 seconds: 1m (3.3ft) of wood, cloth, or leather, 0.5m (1.65ft) of dirt, clay, or stone, 0.25m (0.825ft) of metal.
30 seconds: 2m (6.6ft) of wood or cloth, 1m (3.3ft) of dirt, clay, or stone, 0.5m (1.65ft) of metal.

Level Eight

Eyes of the Wolf
Range: Self
Duration: Eight minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 25
This spell bestows the following basic abilities.
Keen, 20/20 vision, but sees in black and white.
Nightvision: 30m (100ft)
See the invisible: 1-75% likelihood
Identify Tracks: 85% skill
Track (by sight): 50%

Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Special
M.P.: 25
This spell, transforms ordinary materials (chains, leather strips, rope, or even strips of cloth, string, yarn, or rubber bands) into magical restraints that glow with mystic force. The captive must already be subdued, or has surrendered and been tied with some ordinary material. A single captive can be bound at the wrists and/or ankles, or at the wrists with two bands around the arms and upper torso.
Forcebonds requires a combined supernatural P.S. of 45 to pull free or break the bonds (takes 2d4 minutes of trying to do song), or 200 S.D.C. to destroy the them. Dispel Magic barries and negate magic can be used to make them disappear, but the forcebonds get a +2 to save. Characters with the escape skill will find the Forcebonds to be very difficult to escape from, reduced skill by half, and takes three times as long. When bound by this magic, the Escape spell functions as the escape skill at 50% maximum proficiency. An escape can be tried once every five minutes. Teleporting away, while still bound, will take the victim to a new location, but he will still be bound. Metamorphosis into a mist works wonderfully, metamorphing into any animal or insect with legs and a body is futile, as the animal will remain tied up by the Forcebonds.

Range: 25km (19m) per level of experience
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 30
This invocation enables the spell caster to sense the general location of a friend or foe. The location is limited to a general area or environment , like a specific building, house, shop, church, park, a carriage headed for the Timiro Kingdom, wherever.
To located a particular person, the character must either know the person or know them by reputation and have seen a painting or drawing or photograph of them. The success ratio is 41%, 88% for ritual. However, the latter also requires an object owned by the person, a lock of hair, fingernail clippings, or dried blood from that person.

Range: Self
Duration: One minute
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 30
The equivalent of clairvoyance. The spell caster recieves one dream-like vision of a possible future. The focus of the vision will depend on what, when, or whom the mage is thinking about. The same basic rules apply to clairvoyance apply to the "oracle" invocation.

Power Weapon
Range: One weapon by touch
Duration: 30 seconds per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 35
This spell temporarily infuses a normal weapon with magical energy, doubling it's damage and making it count as a magical weapon. Energy blasts or spells can be parried with the weapon, but with no bonuses and at -3. Note that this spell will not work on magic, rune, or holy weapons, or anything else of the sort.

Sense Dimensional Anomaly
Range: Self
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 30
This spell enables the wizard to feel ripples in the space-time continuum and often sense the general location of such anomalies. Senses the following
The opening, closing, and general location of dimensional Rifts and doorways within an 80km (50 mile) area.
The opening and closing of mystic portals, dimensional teleportation, ley line storms, and time holes within 2km (1.2 miles).
The opening, closing, and general location of dimensional envelopes within 30m (100ft
The opening, closing, and general location of dimensional pockets withn 3m (10ft), can see into the pocket if they find it.
Sense when a space warp, wink-out, or time warp is occuring within a 30m (100ft) radius
Sense the presence/essence of astral beigns, two and fourth-dimensional beigns, entities and alien intelligences within a 30m (100ft) radius, but cannot pinpoint their location.

Time Capsule
Range: Touch
Duration: Varies, up to 50 years per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
Limitations: Can encapsule 25kg (55lbs) per level of experience. Effective only on picked plants and non-living materials, including, herbs, fruit, vegetables, grains, other foods, water, alcohol, potions, books, clothing, weapons, machines, etc. Humanoids, animals, and insects cannot be placed in the time capsule.
M.P.: 30
Everything placed in the time capsule is perfectly preserved. The equivalent of one minute passes for every year inside the capsule. To create a time capsule, the spell caster must place the items to be preserved into a container of some kind. The container can be a wooden crate, metal trunk, cardboard box, knapsack, bag, or just about anything as long as it can be completely closed. When the container is closed the spell can be cast. The magic creates an energy field that takes the container and everything inside it out of the normal time continuum. As long as the container remains unopened the magic remains in effect. The instant it is opened the time capsule spell ends. The time capsule can be hidden, buried or just placed on a shelf. How easy it is to open the capsule depends entirely on the strength of the container. The seal spell can be used in conjunction with this spell.

Level Nine

Range: 10m (66ft)
Duration: 1.5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
M.P.: 50
This spell magically transforms its victim, humanoid or animal, to the limit of their natural age! Only supernatural beings and creatures of magic are unaffected by this spell. The aged person will suffer the following: -4 to initiative, -5 to strike, -5 to dodge/parry, -4 to damage, Reduce P.S., P.P., P.E., P.B., and Spd. by half! Reduce attacks per melee round and combat bonuses by half (before subtraction).

Beat Insurmountable Odds
Range: Self or one other, can be cast up to 300m (1000ft) away
Duration: One specific action, a few seconds
Limitation Note: This cannot be used in combination with other magic spells.
Saving Throw: Not applicable
M.P.: 70
This spell warps the powers of probability of one specific event/action in the favor of the caster or one individual who has been enchanted by this magic.The action of which the probability is being "tweaked" must have some real chance of success, even if it's a one in a million chance (ideally, one in a thousand or less).
One in a thousand (or less): Example: If a character or his riding animal can leap approximately 5-7m (16.5-23.1ft) high or lengthwise, using this spell will guarantee successs. If the leaping distance was longer, but if lucky, the character or his animal "might" be able to do it, this spell will make the attempt a success if the character rolls 8 or higher on an unmodified d20 roll. Any roll under 8 means it was close, but fails.
The same produce applies to rolls involing lunging or grabbing hold of an object, person, or vehicle, maintaining balance, swing, or dodging out of harms way, leaping through a door or hatching before it closes, making a diving catch, hiding unseen, rolling to save vs. impact/fall, using a skill successfully and quickly (50-100% faster than usual, applies to one skill action or deed). This roll can also be used to save against mind controll, illusions, possession, poison, and disease (but not to save vs. magic or magic potions).
Coma & Death: Can be cast on a character who has collapsed from serious injuries and needs to make a save vs. coma. In this case, the character rolls to save as usual, but is +40% to save. Failure to save vs. coma & death means death.
Combat Note: Except for dodging, leaps, actions to grab, this roll does not apply to combat actions. To strike, parry, disarm, get initiative, or to make an aimed shot, the character rolls as normal, but gets a +4 applies to half his total melee actions for one melee round, dodges are automatic and he can engage as many as three opponents simultaneously. Long range attacks can be done at 50% greater distance than is typically considered maximum effective range.
One in a Million Odds: If the character is attempting something outlandish, but still withing the realm of probability, he must roll a 15 or higher on an unmodified d20 roll. Any roll under 15 means it was close, but fails.
A roll of natural 20 means not only is the deed a success, but perfect and spectactular in it's performance/execution. Witnesses will be stunned with amazement (lose initiative and one melee action) and may be intimidated or frightened by the character.
Coma & Death: This spell enables a character, near death, to make a conventional attempt to save vs. coma & death when he is as much as 20 points below the number usually necessary tos ave. For example, a character with a P.E. of 12 can see his hit points reudced to as much as 32 below zero before he is beyond saving. Failure to save vs. coma & death means death.
Combat Note: Accept for dodging, leaps, actions to grab, this roll does not apply to combat actions. To strike, parry, disarm, get initiative, or to make an aimed shot, the character rolls as normal, but gets a +1 applies to half his total melee actions for one melee round. Long range attacks can be done at 50% greater distance than is typically considered maximum effective range.
This spell cannot affect anything non-living.

Familiar Link
Range: Self and animal; 200m (660ft)
Duration: Indefinate
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 55
At thrid level, a pracititioner of magic is experienced enough to mentally link with a small animal. This link is permanent, producing a rather impressive symbiotic relationship. No matter how wild or mean the animal may have been, it will instantly consider the mage to be its friend, companion, and master. To him, the animal is always docile and submissive, because the two are now one; an extension of each other. As such, both man and animal will understand each other completely. For the mage, the familiar is now a sensory extension enabling him to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel everything the animal experiences. Thus, familiars make great spies, listening to conversations and prowling into areas not easily accessible to their masters. Although the familiar understands and obeys the mage, it cannot actually speak to him.
Just as the mage knows what the familiar is feeling, so the familiar knows what its master is experiencing on an empathic and telepathic level. If one is in danger the other will know it. The magical nature of the union also provides the mage and the familiar both with an additional six hit points. However, if the familiar is hurt or attacked, its master also feels the damage as if it were happening to him, even if miles apart. If the familiar is killed, the arcanist permanently loses 10 hit points! There is also a 50% chance he will suffer shock from the ordeal. If he does, he will lapse into a coma for 1d6 hours, another familiar link cannot be tried again for atleast 1d4 years.
Other Limitations & Notes About the Familiar Link:
1. Two-way telepathic and empathic communication, maximum 200m (660ft). Beyond this range the two cannot communicate but each will know if the other is in dnager or hurt regardless of the distance between them. The animal will also understand spoken commands by its master on an almost human level. The mage will have a keen understand and perception of his animal companion's reactions, growls, noises, and body language.
2. The familiar possess all the abilities common for that type of animal.
3. Familiar size, 11kg (25lbs) maximum.

Monster Insect
Range: 1m (3.3ft); line of vision
Duration: Five minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
M.P.: 50 for dog-sized, 100 for bull/horse sized.
The caster can magically transform any ordinary insect into a monster the size of a dog or horse. The creature will obey simply commands frm the mage who created it and is very agressive, will fight to the death.
Typical monster insect (dog sized)
Horror Factor: 13
A.R.: 16
Hit Points:1d4x10 S.D.C.: 2d4x10
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: 2d6 damage from claws, 3d6 damage from bite or stinger.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 strike and dodge, +1 to parry.
Skills of Note: Climb 90/85, Swim 80%, land navigation 80%, track humanoids and animals 80%, and can run or fly at a speed of 58.
For further details on insects and their applications in larger sizes, see Control Insects, pgs. 262-266 in Heroes Unlimited Second Edition.

Slow Time
Range: 20m (66ft)
Duration: 30 seconds per level of the spell caster
Saving Throw: Standard
M.P.: 50
A time distortion spell, slowing time around several target areas (2m radius spherical areas) by a magnitude of 3 (for every 3 seconds in real time, the time around the target is 1 second). This in effect reduces physical prowess, speed, and mobility to 1/3 their normal ability. Attacks per melee, dodge, and parry bonuses are all reduced to 1/3 (after P.P. reduction!). This spell can be cast upon 1d6 targets within 20m (66ft), of the caster, but within line of vision.

Level Ten

Dimensional Pocket
Range: Self only
Duration: Varies. Temporary pockets last for one hour per level of experience. Long-term pockets exist for 6 months per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
Limitations: Items must be small, ideally, something that can be picked up and held with one hand. About 15kg (33lbs) can be stored in the d-pocket, depending on it's size.
M.P.: 30 for short term, 140 for long term
This spell creates a portable dimensional pocket inside a sack (big enough to fit one's hand in, purse, satchel, backpack, etc. The spell requires a psychological orientation, so without a sack, back or pocket the power cannot work. The character will select one bag or pocket as their focus. The character can reach into the 'pocket', a limbo dimension, to retrieve items they have placed there. The anybody else, the container appears ordinary and empty.
Wizards seldom have more than one or two long term pockets themselves and rarely sell "magic" bags with more than 3 years of life in them. The retail cost for such can range from 90,000 to half a million hold, however the maker seldom gets more than 20%.

Magic Warrior
Range: 30m (100ft)
Duration: Two melee rounds per level of experience
Saving Throw: Special "disbelieve" option.
M.P.: 60
This spell creates the image of an armored warrior tailored to the caster's imagination. The magical phantom is slightly translucent, which may cause some to believe it is an illusion. This is only partly true. The Warrior is constructed of magical energy, and as such, is mostly real. However, if the enemy choose to "disbelieve" it is real,allow each disbelieving character a normal save vs. magic. If successful, the Phantom Warrior only inflicts half the normal damage. The warrior is completely under the mages mental command, but does not require his or her concentration to maintain it, provided it is given clear and simple commands.
S.D.C.: 1d4x10
Size: 1.2-3.6m (4-12ft) tall
Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.S. 30, P.P. 22, P.E. 30, Spd. 20; all physical attributes are supernatural and the magical warrior is impervious to all attacks except iron weapons, silver weapons, magic weapons, black magic, white magic, and spirit shamanism.
Combat: Five attacks per melee, does 4d6 damage with punches and kicks as per Supernatural Strength, or via some particular weapon, modern or ancient, and it can parry projecticles.
Bonuses: +4 initiative, +5 to strike, parry, and dodge, Spd. 20; the Phantom WArrior can lift up to 3000lbs, but will not carry things. It can aid in clearing rubble, move objects, etc., but it is not a beast of burden (doesn't last long enough anyway).
Limitations: If the warrior moves more than 30m (100ft) away from it's creator, it instantly fades away. Does half damage if people don't believe in it.

Mystic Portal
Range: Up to 6m (20ft) away
Size: 3m (10ft) wide by 3m (10ft) tall opening, can be increased by 1m for each side at levels 5, 10, and 15.
Duration: 1 minute per level of experience
Limitation: One way passage! Once a person steps through, the opening behind is gone (although people on the other side can se both the portal and the person who just stepped through)
Saving Throw:
M.P.: 60
This spell creates a dimensional Rift in the fabric of space, allowing the spell caster to use it in the following ways.
Pass through solid walls: The mage has but to weave the spell on a particular area of a wall or locked door. The area will shimmer brightly, and suddeny, a protal or passage will appear as if cut out of the very stone. The portal can create a 4m (ft) deep passageway per level of experience in any substance!
Teleportation: The mystic portal can be a dorrway to a nearby location known to the spell caster, flawlessly traveling hundreds of feet in an insant. The portal can be placed on a vertical wall, the floor or ceiling. Looking into it reveals wat will appear to be just the other side of the wayy, even thhough the view may be completely incongrous to one's present location. Steeping through it will instantly place the person in that location.
Range: 30m (100ft) per level of experience

Plane Skip
Range: Self and one other by touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 65
This is a dangerous spell, because the mage has very limited control over the result. Whenever the mage steps into a dimensional portal/rift/gateway/circle or is caught in a dimensional disturbance that will send him to another dimension, he can cast Plane Skip to escape and "skip" past the original destination to a different dimension. Problem is that it's usualy random, and an alien place.
01-20 To a dimension known by the spell caster; back home, the astral plane, or another other place known to the mage.
21-25 The Astral Plane, but the spell caster may be stuck for a long time unless the character can find a way back to the physical plane.
26-30 The Dimensional Market at Splynn, in Atlantis!
31-00 Another dimension of the G.M.'s choice.

Warped Space
Range: Can be cast up to 50m (165ft) away
Area of Affect: 3m (10ft) per level of experience
Damage: None per se; varies
Duration: 15 seconds
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 90
Casting the spell causes the reality in the area of affect to twist, bubble, and essentially distort. For a full fifteen seconds, all creatures, vehicles, and objects are wildly distorted and resemble something see in a carnival house of mirrors. During this time, everyone in the area of affect is fairly helpess, reduce the normal number of melee actions and usual combat bonuses by half, speed by 75%. Anyone trying to shoot into the area from a safe distance will suffe a -9 to strike as the shot/attack is also warped or completely dispelled.
Anyone, including the spell caster netering the area while Warped Space is in effect will be struck by the spell. While uncomfortable and disorienting, the spell does not physically damage living creatures.
Noteable, Random Warp Effects: G.M., either pick three or four or roll three times on the following table.
01-10 Energy weapons and magical energy blasts do not work.
11-20 All inorganic materials are reduced to half S.D.C.
21-30 All physical attacks do half damage
31-40 Supernatural beings shrink to half their size and attributes become the same as mere mortals.
41-50 Mortal beings become supernatural!
51-60 Time Warp! Although only 15 seconds pass in the area, 1d6x10 minutes pass outside the area!
61-70 Use of magic sends shock waves through the warped area, knocking everybody off their feet - no magical affect occurs.
71-80 No gravity! People and objects become weightless and floatin the air up to 30m (100ft) high.
81-85 Psionics do not work
86-90 Metal turns into glass! With 10 S.D.C. for each object.
91-00 The warp affect lasts for an extra 15 seconds.

Level Eleven

Re-Open Gateway
Range: 3m (10ft)
Duration: 15 seconds per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 180
This spell enablest he caster to re-open an already existing or active, or permanent, dimensional portal. This includes the dimensional portals found in stone pyramids, select nexus points, and similiar. The portal will auotmatically open to the last location accessed from that portal. Once opened, anything, friend, foe, or monster, can pass through the gateway from either side, simply by steeping into the mass of swiriling blue energy. Thus, it is not wise to leave a portal open for very long, especially if one does not know where the gateway leads. The caster can close the gateway, in an instant, at will, but may need to roll initiative to see whether or not it's closed before something nasty comes through. Note that due to the nature of this spell, those passing through may only go one way.

Level Twelve

Swap Place
Range: 15m (49.5ft) per level of experience; line of sight
Duration: One minute per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 200
A security chief's nightmare. This spell allows the caster to target anyone withing range and swap places with him. The person with whom the swap is made must be clearly visible to the caster. The "swap" lasts only one minute per level of experience, and can be canceled at any time. When the spell ends, the swap is repeated, and the two characters reverse places again. Insted of sending himself, the caster can swap one willing character with another by touching him and casting the spell.
Note: This magical swap can only be made with another intelligent, living being of flesh and blood.

Level Thirteen

Time Hole
Range: Self
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
The mage can teleport themselves and their possessions into a sort of statis field in a limbo-like dimension. The time hole is a white void in which the wizards inhabits/controls a 6m (20ft) diameter area per level of experience. He cannot go beyond this area of control. There is nothing to see or do in the time hole, or to eat or drink, except for whatever the person may have brought within him.
The advantage of the timehole is that a man of magic can effectively disappear for days or weeks and be nowhere to be found. In this way the mage can hide from enemies when they need to recover from physical damage or exhaustion, or they can use the time to prepare for combat or to study in reclusion.
In the time hole time passes normally, so the character will age normally. However, outisde the time home time is moving at a much slower rate. Thus for every 6 hours in the time hole, only 1 hour passes outside. The mage can stay inside the time hole for 1 day (4 hours real time) per level of experience.

Level Fourteen

Close Rift
Range: 30m (100ft)
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard
M.P.: 100 for magical portals (and the like), 200 for large rifts or gateways
The wizard can close a rift by sheer force of will. The mystic nature of the dimensional gateway gives the rift an automatic save vs. magic, consquently the Close Rift Ritual will increase one's odds for success. The dimensional portal/Rift will instantly vanish if successful.

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal
Range: 1m (3.3ft) away
Duration: 30 seconds per level of experience, 1 minute when cast as a ritual
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 250 (half at a ley-line nexus)
The dimensinal portal invocation opens a two-way door to another dimension. The mage can open a door to a specific world or a random undirected place. This is the only way a greater being can inter into another diemsnin. Once the portal closes, the only way back is to open another portal.

Dimensional Teleport
Range: Another plane
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
200 (half at a ley-line nexus)
This spell will transport the caster an a maximum of 900kg (2000lbs) to another dimension. This spell is only effective if the spell caster has visited the dimension in the past. The location where the teleporter appears within that dimension is completely random unless the caster has a personal sanctuary there, complete with a dimensional Rift circle, or is built on or near a ley-line nexus. The success ratio is 50+6% per level of experience, if failed, nothing happens.

Summon Greater Familiar
Range: Immediate area
Duration: One year per level of experience
Saving Throw: Special: battle of wills
M.P.: 200
This spell summons forth a lesser daemon or supernatural being to serve the spell caster by becoming his familiar. This can be achieved by signing a pact or by a battle of wills. In a battle of wills. In a battle of wills, the spell caster can impose his will over the daemon in a brief mental wrestling match. Roll percentile dice plus M.E.. If the spell caster rolls over 55% three times out of five, the demon will become submissive and his familiar. If the spell caster loses the mental wrestling match, they're going to be dealing with one pissed of daemon.
Note: The daemon is likely to challenge his new master once a monther requiring another mental wrestling match and/or a show of power and punishment. The daemonic familiar will be fairly loyal but may cheat, question, or lie to his master.

Range: 60m (200ft) or one person by touch
Duration: One week per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard -2
M.P.: 250
As the mage casts this spell, a black mist envelopes the target, then disappears, along with all trace of the victim. The mist forces the victim through a dimensional doorway to a pocket dimension-like limbo between dimensions. There is nothing in the pocket dimension. It is completely empty, devoid of light, sound, magical energy, and even air. The victim is magically sustained so there is no fear for starvation or asphyxiation, but there is absolutely no escape for those without a ability to dimensionally teleport or travel. The distortion means there is no magical energy to draw on therefore the character cannot generate M.P., and the character will not heal or regenerate I.S.P. The target must simply wait until the spell wears off, or the caster releases him. Psionics with some sort of dimensional travel ability (like astral transference), or whom are dragons, gods, or other beings with dimensional teleport, can escape upon successful use of their supernatural ability. Being trapped in the Void is a rather unsettling experience - thankfully, time is distorted (2d6 hours in the void equals one week).

Spells of Legend

Metamorphosis: Animal
Range: Self, other's can be transformed by ritual only
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience, or permanent
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 50, 200 for permanent
This legendary invocation allows a wizard to transform himself or another into a particular animal, from an alley cat or cocker spaniel to a lion, wolf, alligator, bird, etc. In animal form, the character gets all inherent abilities and defenses which that animal form may offer, but retains his own I.Q., ability to speak, memory, S.D.C., and hit points. The mage can return to human form (naked) at will.
In the case of a permanent transformation, the victim will have to make a save vs. insanity after spending one week, and for every month thereafter, in their new body. If failed, the persons mind will begin to revert to a more animal state, reducing their I.Q. and M.E. by 1 to a maximum of -4, and at some point, nothing will ever be able to bring them back to a full 'human' mind. A ritual permanent casting of Metamorphosis: Human will reverse the spell.
General abilities of an animal type can be found throughout various Palladium Books, but it's best to look at The Palladium Book of Monsters & Animals; Second Edition.

Metamorphosis: Human
Range: Self, or other by ritual.
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience, or permanent
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 40, 250 for permanent
The ultimate disguise, enabling the character to change his weight, age, hair color, hair length, skin color, gender, and features. A human wizard can shape change to look like somebody else, while a nonhuman can transform to appear completely human.
To attempt to impersonate a real, existing person, the mage must have the disguise or impersonation skill, even though he/she is mentally molding his/her features through magic. The success ratio is the caster's disguise skill +10%. The better they know the person the more complete the disguise.
In a ritual version of the same magic, the mage can metamorphosize somebody else, rather than himself. Also in the ritual, the mage can metamorphosize someone else into an exact duplicate of himself or any one present at the ritual. Note: This metamorphosis only changes the apperance. The person still retains their own voice, memory, skills, powers, and attributes.
This spell is also capable of reversing other spells of metamorphosis, requiring the temporary casting for a temporary transformation, and the permanent casting for a permanent transformation, without ritual for temporary.

Metamorphosis: Insect
Range: Self, or other by ritual
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience, or permanent
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 60, 275 for permanent
The mage can transform himself into any insect, including non-poisonous spiders and scorpions, that are no smaller than half an inch (12.7mm) and no larger than six inches (152.4mm). In insect form, the mage retains his own I.Q., memory, knowledge, hit points, and S.D.C. (goddamn cockroach is like a tank!); however performance of human skills is impossible as a bug. Likewise, magic cannot be cast, because as an insect, he cannot speak. The metamorphosis can be cancelled at will, but the mage will be naked.
In the case of a permanent transformation, the transformed will not have to worry about mental regression as is with animals. The mind of an insect is rather simple and easy to overcome, however becoming a hive insect and bringing oneself within effective range of a hive influence is very dangerous, forcing the transformed to make a save vs. psionics or fall under the hive mind influence for 1d6 minutes before they can make another save +1 to try and snap out of it, if they still fail, they remain that way for another 1d6 minutes and gain +2 to save next time, and so on until they come out of it. If the victim fails 10 times in a row their mind has been completely subdued and they will simply be another insect. A ritual permanent casting of Metamorphosis: Human will reverse the spell.
The following are some typical insect abilities.
Bite or Sting: Non-poisonous: One point of damage, Non-lethal Poison: 1d6 damage, causes swelling and discomfort.
Speed: Running: Equal to Spd. 8, Climbing: Equal to Spd. 6, Flying: 32kmph (20mph) extended flight, 56kmph (25mph) for short bursts (30 seconds). Never seems to tire and can walk on just about any surface.
Abilities & Bonuses: Prowl: Small (2 inches or less) - 90%, Large (2.5 inches or more) - 66%. Natural Climbing ability on any surface is 98%, spiders can rappel. Bonus to automatically dodge is +6. Range for hearing is 15m (49.5ft). Range for vision is 15m (49.5ft), but has 180 degree peripheral vision, making sneak attacks impossible.

Metamorphosis: Mist
Range: Self
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
M.P.: 200
Said to be the most powerful metamorphosis magic, the mage can transform into a living mist. As a mist, no physical or energy attacks can harm him and no locked door can stop him, because he can slip through the tiniest crack or keyhole. Although the mage cannot communicate or cast magic, he can hear and see events around him. Of course, he can materialize (naked) with a thought.
The mist moves at a maximum speed of 14, prowls at an 80%, is completely silent, can hover up to 30m (100ft) high and is semi-transparent.