Model Type: SAMAS-RRV2
Class: Strategic Armoured Military Assault Suit
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
1. GALLANT P-1000: This is a power armour variation of the Gallant 1000. It has both a protoculture capacitor built into the gun, and a power cord linked into the P.A.'s Fusion/Protoculture Engine. As a result the weapon has boosted range, damage, and payload. Unfortunatly some bugs still plague this new gun, like a power down as a result of to many high powered shots. Also repairs are hard to perform (-10% on repair rolls, even for BME's!)
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 40lbs
Range: 4000ft, 2000ft at Setting 4.
Mega-Damage: Setting 1: 1d4x10 S.D.C., Setting 2: 4d6 M.D., Setting 3: 1d4x10 M.D., Setting 4: 1d6x10+12 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Capable of single shots and short bursts in Settings 1 & 2, single shots only on settings 3 & 4.
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited. The weapon can make infinite setting 1-3 shots, however, more than 10 setting 4 shots in one minute (4 melees) puts a severe drain on the capacitor, limiting the gun to single shots on settings 1 & 2 for 10 minutes.
2. GR-97 FOREARM MISSILE LAUNCHERS (2): See Sentinals RPG, pg. 76
3. GR-187 HIP MISSILE LAUNCHERS (2): A new addition to modern cyclones & REF P.A.s, the REF SAMAS comes automatically equipped with a pair of GR-187s. These weapons are mounted on the hip/upper leg shields. It appears as four small tubes built directly into the armored plate.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Mecha
Missile Type: Any type of REF Mini-missile EXCEPT Plasma. Armor-piercing are standard-issue for the REF SAMAS.
Mega-Damage: Varies w/ missile type
Rate of Fire: One or two at a time (per launcher)
Range: Varies w/ missile type; 20ft to 1 mile.
Payload: 4 missiles per each launcher, for a total capacity of 8.
4. HAND TO HAND COMBAT: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See Power Armour Combat Training in the Rifts RPG Robot Combat Section.
SENSOR SYSTEM NOTE: Same as the VR-152 Battle Cyclone. As well as a +1 to dodge (ground only), and auto-dodge (unmodified roll, flying only).