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Finger Eleven was first started out by Scott Anderson and James Black as Stone Soul Picnic. Scott played drums and James played guitar. When drummer Rob Gommerman joined the moved Scott to the mic. Then, friend Rick Jackett and Scott's brother Sean Anderson joined the band and the band's name changed to The Rainbow Butt Monkeys. The Rainbow Butt Monkeys signed with Mercury records and released Letters from Chutney. After Letters from Chutney the band started work on Tip. They realized The Rainbow Butt Monkeys was not a representative name of the music they wanted to play so they changed the name to Finger Eleven after Scott mentioned it in a song. Tip was released, Mercury dropped Finger Eleven and Rob left the band. While they were still deciding what to do next Rich Beddoe joined the band as a new drummer and Wind-up records signed Finger Eleven and released TIP. A completely different record from Letters from Chutney with crunching guitars one minute and slow the next minute. Finger Eleven toured on TIP with bands such as Creed and Fuel. When Finger Eleven went back into the studio to record their next album they had no idea it would take 6 months to record, but the finished product was worth it: The Greyest of Blue skies was released. The members of the band were adamant that "Greyest" be spelled the Canadian way with and "e" instead of an "a". But either way the music on The Greyest of Blue skies is an amazing evolution from TIP.
