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"Before everybody found out that I was in a band... I was suck a geek. On my God... no body- No body would talk to me and then a band changed my life, that's what happened." ~Scott Anderson

"I was just this loud mouth guy... I would point out eveyone's flaws."~James Black

"No, No... I'm still in my little world-I thought my story was more interesting.. Was I joking? I don't even know if I was joking. I think I am... I hope it came across. Jesus Christ."~Scott Anderson.

"Now that the stations in America started picking it up [quicksand]... all of the sudden the stations in Canada that wouldn't play it before started playing it."~Rick Jackett

"Maybe I'm just really good at reading people... like better than anyone else here."~James Black

"I find that the energy is really driven towards the ground-that's the only way I can describe it." James Black "The ground? It doesn't sound that good. I don't want to go see your show."~Scott Anderson

"Both of us [Rick and James] have always been fans of good riffs. You know, those Black Sabbath-y type riffs-something that's hit you in the guy. Neither one of us are real big fans of guitar solos, even back when I grew up playing guitar to Metallica, and Kirk Hammett would blast into a solo, I had no interest in that. I liked what was going on underneath the groove and the thickness. So neither one of us has felt the need to show our capabilities as guitarists in that way. I think it comes across in our riffs."

"I never want to forget how hard high school was never, never, never."~ Scott Anderson.

"I had great homework habbits... I was amazing. I put it off until the very last minute and somehow it didn't een get done."~Scott Anderson

"The [second] record was very diffrent-a lot of people at the label didn't know what to think of it. That, along with the sweeping of the deck [at Mercury] from the president on down... We didn't have much of a foothold. It probably one of the best things that ever happened to us."~James Black.

"Tonight's show is going to be great-I not suck on my birthday."~Scott Anderson.

"[wind-up] is very small, so they're able to give a lot of time to us-that's what was lacking with our original deal; the attention. This is the kind of record that needs that, because it's not a super-smash-hit-radio thing."~James Black

"There are people who aren't happy [that] we changed, I think there's die-hard butt monkeys fans still out there." ~Rick Jackett