The Hanger
"If you're done exploring the base, you may leave by all means. Your ship is ready in the launching bay. Oh, and there's a list of destinations I approve of... so if you have time, check some of them out. Not everybody gets recommended in my launching bay.."
With your host's last comment in mind, you go down to the launching bay, and see the following list:
The Buddy List Sites from friends of mine
Lylat Alliance home page Built by Ace
The Alpha Skyhook Another Ace site
Tales From Nimbus By Ace McLeod.
FJMcCloud's site Very nice! Contains some rarely seen information on Star Fox, as well as Fan Fics from all of us at NSider.
Flia's Pride
Rita LaShette's StarFox Page Another cool site. She's both an artist and an author.
Doggirl's Doghouse A very nice site, in my opinion! More then worth a visit!!
Wha? Where's the comics? See the entire list here!
Furry Sites
Uncle Kage's Homepage The furfest comidian. Go here NOW.
Spiked Punch's Den A "furry" guy who creates his own suits to go along with it. :-) Aw come on, how often do you see a mascot with a peirced tongue?
Fur Bid The furry version of E-Bay.
Furnetics Corp. Now this is a site that I wish was real every day. If it was I'd already be in Oklahoma City.
Lazaron BioTechnologies Not exactly furry, but a company dedicated to animal cloning.
Temple of Luna I highly recommend this site. It's a Werewolf site, and quite interesting.
How's Art This guy kicks butt! He's a furry artist who's actually published a comic strip. Check it out!
Ryce's Home
Wolf Cross
BJ Zanzibar's World of Darkness Alternate rules and new toys for the White Wolf standard. Fun stuff.
Species In Danger An info site.
Stick Death Stick people die to music. SuperBeast so kicks ass. Blend a frog (haven't you seen that e-mail forward by now?), microwave a gerbil, shoot the singer... gory, sarcastic, but funny!
Accidental Encounters (kick-ass sites I found on accient)
The DeadAir Room 'Bringing together the last of our kind'. Two thumbs up!
The Stone Angel Showcase Poetry, free verse, etc. Nice stuff!
Chimera Another one of us reaching out. A cool site, in my opinion.
And In The End, Nothing Really Matters
O.P.I.N. Ghosts in Ohio? Yes. And other things, apparently.
Weird 9 Roswel, aliens, etc etc.
After studying the list, you pick your destination and launch. The RazorWind was holding an orbit, but once you're out of the bay, it rolls and dives back into the hostile atmosphere.
Well, I hope you liked my site! If you have any questions, comments, e-mail me! Oh, and if you find broken links etc, tell me! I strive to make this site better, and you can only help!