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Grenn and Asia Commentary
Wednesday, 7 May 2003
Not surprising, really.
My mind was wandering a bit while I was wandering my apartment, having just combed out the cat, and I happened to see my collection of comic books/graphic novels. From there it jumped to a vaguely interesting question:
'Just what the hell possesses me to draw a comic, anyway?'
Well, I can tell you now, most of my inspirations are nothing short of demented. I read a LOT of different comics, both online and on paper. I love seeing pictures and words match, its just one of those things I enjoy for no explainable reason. However, I tend to be attracted to the flat-out weird end of things. Sure, I read 'For Better or For Worse' and 'Dilbert,' and I used to read 'Calvin and Hobbes' and 'Far Side.' But frankly, most of the comics I read couldn't get into the newspapers.
For example, the comic I own the entire series of is graphically violent and would probably disturb hardcore Christians to no end. It's called "Preacher" and is probably one of the most demented things on the planet. But it's darkly funny and has a story that drags you along with it. The characters are wonderful and believable, the art the finishing touch, the thing that darkens it and makes it smolder with a sadistic grin. If you're not faint of heart, I recommend it.
On the lighter side, I also read a twisted, funny, sarcastic comic called "Transmetropolitan". It's just as dark and adult as "Preacher" but it's not so damn depressed about it. The main character, Spider Jeruselem, has a truely interesting life. He's a journalist in the future, with two 'filthy' assistants and a three-eyed cat who smokes. Spider himself is a chain-smoking, drug-doing, foul-mouthed bastard who you love to hate and hate to love. Hilarious and inspiring, and it always leaves me rabid for the next addition, I mean frothing at the mouth here. If only I could write something so addicting...
Also sucking money out of my bank are two mangas, "Battle Angel Alita" and "Chobits," the latter of which now has an anime. "Alita" is darker and futuristic, but catchy. "Chobits" is insanely cute and wierdly funny, set in an alternate reality where computers look like people. Its more of a romantic comic, but is endearing and tender and makes you care for the characters. Plus, Chi is just so damn kawaai that you can't help but love her to death.
Add in the influence of twenty or more online comics, and I guess I had no choice but to start my own. I mean, with so many characters in my head, so many stories I could write, why not try to show people what my creations go through day-to-day? I wish I had time and the talent to update more often, but I don't. Maybe sometime in the future I will..
So what is the point of this anyway? Read everything folks, open your minds and allow the demented little thoughts in. You'll never guess where that next idea will come from to bite you in the ass.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 11:50 PM CDT
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Saturday, 10 May 2003 - 2:35 AM CDT

Name: Leslie
Home Page:

Have you seen the movie, "The Dangerous Live of Altar Boys?" You might like it--it's got a whole sub-plot about 4 catholic school boys who decide to create their own comic book called "The Atomic Trinity." There are animation sequences in-between the live action where the boys draw out their fantacies of killing the evil nuns. It's quite funny.

Like your blog.

Monday, 12 May 2003 - 8:53 PM CDT


As a big fan of Grenn and Asia since Werewolves Don't Chase Frisbees (Silent Striders forever, baby!) when I saw you mention graphic novels, it reminded me of an over 200-page free graphic novel about --- get this --- the Rescue Rangers... remember that show? Chip, Dale and Gadget? Or was it before your time a bit.

Anyway, here's the link to it:

--- Stalks-The-Wind's-Shadows, Lupus (yes, Lupus) Silent Strider Ahroun

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