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Grenn and Asia Commentary
Friday, 25 June 2004
GAH!! Going offline!
So, we're giving it up and packing it in. I can't find a job, and one part-time job just isn't enough to support this apartment. In the process I'm loosing my DSL connection.
Frankly, this shouldn't be that much of a problem. I'm ahead by four comics, so I uploaded all of them, and I should be able to get online for a short time at a friend's house so I can do the HTML part of it. But it's still annoying as all hell.

Thought you should know.



Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 12:48 PM CDT
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Thursday, 3 June 2004
Ok, Angelfire/Lycos, WTF?!
So, anyways: if you're here, you probably saw the redirect. I have NO IDEA what is going on with the search bar that appears on the left sidebar every time you click to go ANYWHERE on my website. I'm going to find a way to complain, but in the mean time there doesn't seem to be any way to turn it off perminately. If you close it, it just reappears next time you go to another page (especially annoying if you're going thru multiple files, like my comic archives).
The best way I've found to do damage control is to grab the right edge of the flipping thing and drag as far left as possible. That way it just stays there and doesn't keep taking up a massive amount of the screen. Sorry for the problem: I'll be pelting Angelfire with complains until it's gone.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 11:28 AM CDT
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The issue about MMORPGs... from a RPGer standpoint.
OK, I believe I already said I quit FFXI, here's a quick rundown on why.

The problem with games like Final Fantasy XI is while they claim to be a MMORPG, they only get the first half right. They are Massive Multiplayer Online, oh yeah. 500,000 characters or something like that in one game says a lot, even abridged over so many servers. But anyways.... the point is, the RPG part is lacking. No one KNOWS how to RPG really in a MMO. So you end up with a Massive Multiplayer Online Diablo Ripoff. NOT helped, BTW, by SquareEnix's inability to include XP for anything but killing stuff... which only increases the Diablo-esqe feeling it throws. It gets BORING. Here's the main problem me and my fiance were going through:

1) Need Money
2) Easiest way to get money: fishing
3) To fish well, need woodworking skill up
4) To do THAT, we need money.
Repeat unto infinity.

Money is damn near impossible to get unless you're a high-level thief. NOT helped by the fact that once you pass a certain lvl you can't even solo anymore. NOT helped that it costs thirty dollars a month that we can't afford.

So, FFXI is not a MMORPG. It's just an MMO. Beware thirteen year olds with bad additudes. I may yet return to it, but it'll be a while.

Besides, World of Warcraft is on the horizon (where quests give you XP!), and there's going to be a free MMO coming out too (Clan Wars? something like that?). We'll see. I'll let you know when I decide on something.

Why the hell can't there be a D&D Online? HUH?

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 11:14 AM CDT
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Thursday, 5 February 2004
I'm back!
Well, after being gone for two months or so, I do two posts back to back. I've been in four projects, all active, so as you can imagine I've been going out of my skull. It's starting to calm down a bit though.
On the other hand, I still don't own a scanner, so after I graduate I have no idea what I'll be doing to update this damn thing. I'll figure out something I swear to god.

Final Fantasy XI Update
Server: Valefor
Name: Myskra
Race: Mithra
Advanced Class: Samarai, lvl 17
Subbed Class: Monk (full lvl 30, only is half SAM lvl)
Cooking: lvl 10
Fishing: lvl 10

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 8:35 PM CST
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Saturday, 10 January 2004
My god, I disappeared didn't I?
Ok, here's what's going on. I was gone two weeks for Xmas (completely offline), and during that I was sick. I got no time to draw between eating all the time, travel, illness, and insane family/friends. Now, that I DO have access to a scanner, I have four projects in process. I have no free time.
On the up hand, the legal problems with my main project is fixed, so I can finally work on it. Whee.

I'm TRYING to find time to draw. Honest. I'm trying. I barely even write.

Final Fantasy has hit .5 Million people! RAH!

Bastok Mithra
Main: LVL 30 Monk
Sub: LVL 14 Thief
Cooking/Fishing: LVL 8
Adv: Samarai? Maybe? Hopefully? (*beg*)

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 10:46 PM CST
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Tuesday, 9 December 2003
Let me give you the play-by-play:
I have four classes in college, ALL of which have projects.
I participate in a MMORPG, namely Final Fantasy, and I have to play a few hours per day to keep up with my online buddies.
I try to keep an online comic going.
I try to keep a constant stream of fan fiction for Star Fox coming.
Needless to say, SOMETHING had to break down, and it's my drawing and writing which is taking the fall.
I hate it, folks, but that's the way it's gotta be until I have a job, which will be sometime after February. In the mean time I'm frantically treading water and juggling at the same time.

On the other hand:
Name: Myskra
Race: Mithra
Rank: Level 3 Bastokian
Job: Level 24 Monk/ Level 13 Thief
Hobby: Level 5 Fishing, Level 5 Cooking
I am so obsessed.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 9:39 PM CST
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Wednesday, 12 November 2003
Yay! I hard boiled an egg!
So, amongst my crazy schedule, role playing, and trying to continue working on Grenn and Asia, I am continuing to play Final Fantasy XI. You've already heard all about this, but now I'm a level two cook! The joy!! I can hard boil eggs and make gruel!
On the other hand, I can't fish worth anything. Break my pole or loose my lure every other time.

I don't know why, but I have been having a lot of problems drawing lately. What seems ok when I ink it doesn't look so good when I go to scan it. Proportion is driving me crazy. I know what I want to draw, but it just doesn't come out right. Dammit! Hopefully this is a passing problem.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 8:09 PM CST
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Thursday, 6 November 2003
Myskra motions joyfully.
As those who read Musings know, I am now a FFXI addict. I am a Myskra. A catgirl, real ironic right? And I'm loving it.
Myskra is basically a port of Asia, if a lot more upbeat and a bit more of a psycho killer ("Look! Turtle Guy! Let's kill it!"). The game is a blast in general though, once you get used to the controls. It requires a lot of mousing, even with keyboard shortcuts. Some of the creatures are amusing as well, mad sheep make for great XP.
Yes, Grenn and Asia will continue. I still work, and I can't do a MMORPG while working. But, since I don't work Monday, my update day will be be shifting again. Sorry everyone. I'll probably just make it Tuesday...

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 6:29 PM CST
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Wednesday, 8 October 2003
Well, this term is starting to wind up, and frankly I couldn't be happier about it. Unfortunately I have less and less time to draw, so I'm sorry if my updates seem to run continuously late (at least they get done, even if they are a day late).
Ah, in the middle of another storyline. Poll, packmates: Should Grenn, a canine at heart, date a human? I've yet to get to get an answer on that from my mate, who owns the character. I'd like some other opinions on it, but either way, Andrea is going to stick around for a while.

Comments on America's Army Online. I'm used to being able to respawn. This game doesn't let you do that. If you're looking for a game you run around and frag everyone in, this is not it. Three shots can kill you, one if it's aimed well enough. It's annoying as hell. It took me twenty tries plus to get through the live air jump. *growl* It is different, and very well done, though.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 3:42 PM CDT
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Friday, 26 September 2003
Homework sucks.
Does anyone have any idea what to do about a teacher that deserves nothing less then to be thrown off the roof? I mean, really, my Project Management teacher has made the phrase 'scum of the earth' drag to a new low. *growl*

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with comics from now on, but then again the distractions are building up. I just got a hack of Zero Hour for Generals, and the fun has like tripled for that game. I only play as the GLA, so I got to laugh my butt off at the fact that there is now an upgrade to give shoes to your workers. Gotta love it. I have HomeWorld2 as well, though that game can make your head spin, and it's not as much fun because the router is keeping us from going online.

Ah yes, 'Loving an Alligator.' We aren't discussing the Mokole or anything, it's the misinterpretation of "Love in an Elevator." You'll see when we get to it. And frithbee had to come up again right? W00t.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 2:34 PM CDT
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