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Grenn and Asia Commentary
Saturday, 21 June 2003
Names for you!
Everyone knows I read a lot of comics, and I've noticed a trend. Apparently comic authors give their fans nicknames (El Goonish Shive fans are Bunnies, Venus Envy fans are Monkeys, et cetera..).
Not trying to be a copycat, but I like this idea. Anyone got any ideas as to what I should call you guys? My first thought would be "Kinfolk", the human relatives of shape shifters that provide support. But hey, if you guys got better ideas let me know.

As mentioned in my announcement, I won't be able to update for some time, but I should be able to get online every now and then, so any posts will be responded to.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 3:26 PM CDT
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Saturday, 31 May 2003
Style, such a headache.
As many of you may have noticed, this comic varies quite a bit in its tone, from mild drama to silly comedy. I write it that way on purpose, if anything so that there's no way to tell what's happening next.
"Werewolves Don't Chase Frisbees" is perhaps the silliest thing I've written thus far, and for that reason it was almost dumped once or twice. Strangely, though, it seems that was the storyline that hooked people in and brings them back.
So what do I go with? Should I try to nudge to storyline to be more light-hearted, or should I let it take its own wanderings back and forth? The introduction of Rebecca Ringshadow isn't going to do anything for light humor, that's for certain, unless it's the jokes being made at her expense (can't help it, it's easy to do to her).
Asia is the lighthearted end of the comic of course, she's a happy person naturally, it's very hard for her to be in a bad mood for any duration of time. It comes from her tribe, from her totem, but mostly from her. But the comic isn't just about her, it's also about Grenn, who is deeper, more introspective, and a lot less upbeat. And of course it's about the other loonies that they both know and love...
I don't know. I don't control these people, they just wander through my head sometimes. But I'll see if I can talk them into good moods.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 6:16 PM CDT
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Thursday, 15 May 2003
Nintendo, thou hath failed me...
Ok, let's be bold, blunt, and realistic, here.
The first game system I owned, besides a GameBoy (the original) was the N64. And I hated SF64 at first because it kicked my ass. Then I sat down for a few hours, beat the game, and fell in love. I still love that game, though I haven't played it in ages. I very rarely play the original. That would require me unpacking my SNES, and I suck at the original.
Now, here's the problem. StarFox, when it all comes down to it, is a combat flight sim. Any people disagree? You take your arwing and shoot things, and it's fun. There's no puzzles a la Resident Evil that have you pitching controllers, no infuriating stealth missions like Metal Gear. It's simple, because it doesn't really need to be complex.

To quote Animatrix:
"And for a while, it was good."

The first mark of betrayal and change was StarFox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet. I hate the game. I mean, I've been thinking ground missions would do a game about mercenaries some good, but this just ISN'T StarFox. It's a Zelda ripoff gone wrong, and reduces our much-loved Fox McCloud to an errand boy for gods who I'd sooner put a bullet through for all the irtitation they've caused me. Fox's voice is ok, it suits him, but they screwed up everyone else, and where in all four hells is Falco?! (hugs the bird-boy protectively)
I'm not nearly as obsessed as some people I know, but I love the game and its being ruined. The biggest indicator of this? The one everyone denies is a bad thing, the one that created a sickly obsessed fandom and created a wide variety of StarFox pornography.
The blue bitch known as Krystal. Yes folks, I hate her. You've probably heard about this fact before. I hate her. She's an insult to the series, and for that matter an insult to all furries, when you think about it. Her introduction makes no sense. What, Fox needed a girlfriend? Read the comic from Nintendo, he already had one by the name of Fara Phoenix. Krystal is nothing more then a fan service, no personality to speak of and when she does speak she's a selfish, conniving bitch on almost every level. Go ahead, flame away! I'm not going to change my mind. She's just a nail in the coffin for the series.
And it gets worse.
I don't own Dinosaur Planet, never will, it's an insult. So I've been very patiently waiting for StarFox Armada, which was, supposedly, returning to the more classic StarFox ideas: a combat flight sim. Then a friend of mine sends me some links... and two things hit me.
1) Ground missions. A Splinter Cell ripoff, perhaps?
2) Krystal's back.
And unless she's just a multiplayer skin, this is another game I am not going to buy and probably only going to rent once. I refused to write stories for Dinosaur Planet, and if she's in Armada (or StarFox2), I doubt I'll write stories for that either.
In conclusion? Nintendo has failed its fanbase, has failed ME, and has failed its own game and characters. If you need me, I'll be writing my stories, ignoring Krystal's existance (except maybe renting Dinosaur Planet and starting a new game to set her on fire), cuddling my much-loved characters and waiting for Pikmin2, since its obvious StarFox is dying.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 11:38 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 7 May 2003
Not surprising, really.
My mind was wandering a bit while I was wandering my apartment, having just combed out the cat, and I happened to see my collection of comic books/graphic novels. From there it jumped to a vaguely interesting question:
'Just what the hell possesses me to draw a comic, anyway?'
Well, I can tell you now, most of my inspirations are nothing short of demented. I read a LOT of different comics, both online and on paper. I love seeing pictures and words match, its just one of those things I enjoy for no explainable reason. However, I tend to be attracted to the flat-out weird end of things. Sure, I read 'For Better or For Worse' and 'Dilbert,' and I used to read 'Calvin and Hobbes' and 'Far Side.' But frankly, most of the comics I read couldn't get into the newspapers.
For example, the comic I own the entire series of is graphically violent and would probably disturb hardcore Christians to no end. It's called "Preacher" and is probably one of the most demented things on the planet. But it's darkly funny and has a story that drags you along with it. The characters are wonderful and believable, the art the finishing touch, the thing that darkens it and makes it smolder with a sadistic grin. If you're not faint of heart, I recommend it.
On the lighter side, I also read a twisted, funny, sarcastic comic called "Transmetropolitan". It's just as dark and adult as "Preacher" but it's not so damn depressed about it. The main character, Spider Jeruselem, has a truely interesting life. He's a journalist in the future, with two 'filthy' assistants and a three-eyed cat who smokes. Spider himself is a chain-smoking, drug-doing, foul-mouthed bastard who you love to hate and hate to love. Hilarious and inspiring, and it always leaves me rabid for the next addition, I mean frothing at the mouth here. If only I could write something so addicting...
Also sucking money out of my bank are two mangas, "Battle Angel Alita" and "Chobits," the latter of which now has an anime. "Alita" is darker and futuristic, but catchy. "Chobits" is insanely cute and wierdly funny, set in an alternate reality where computers look like people. Its more of a romantic comic, but is endearing and tender and makes you care for the characters. Plus, Chi is just so damn kawaai that you can't help but love her to death.
Add in the influence of twenty or more online comics, and I guess I had no choice but to start my own. I mean, with so many characters in my head, so many stories I could write, why not try to show people what my creations go through day-to-day? I wish I had time and the talent to update more often, but I don't. Maybe sometime in the future I will..
So what is the point of this anyway? Read everything folks, open your minds and allow the demented little thoughts in. You'll never guess where that next idea will come from to bite you in the ass.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 11:50 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 23 April 2003
Further proving I am at times an idiot...
An ATM reported my bank account to be higher then it really was going to be, so I misjudged, and was overdrawn by over 200 dollars. After muddling through that, and getting almost thirty bucks above water (it took an entire paycheck to pay that backlog), the next day my account became overdrawn again as more debits came in that weren't expected. AAAAAHH! Let me tell you, this sort of thing is more then enough to ruin someone's week...
This is especially bad since I was planning on getting my new computer soon. I'm building the thing, so I can buy it in shifts, but it's still a pain and it means that I can't join Will in Earth and Beyond for a lot longer.
On the up side, my updates should be steady from here on out. I've gotten ahead of schedule this week, of sorts, at least for Grenn and Asia. Whether or not Lily will update this weekend has yet to be seen... (I hope so)..

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 7:32 PM CDT
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Saturday, 19 April 2003
Ee Jamba! Eyh eyh!
Well, Grenn and Asia lives again, with the Interlude on hold as the forth story kicks in. New character introduction, yay! And its none other then my longest-standing character, Rebecca RingShadow, friendly neighborhood bastet with multiple personalities. Those thugs are gonna be in for the shock of their existance next update...
Anyway, it seems that I've gotten newly obsessed with Fanfiction. I'm now reading Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction, weird thing is the best of it seems to be Sonadow fics (don't ask if you don't know). Why I'm leaning toward this style of writing suddenly, I don't know. The only reason I bring it up here is because I'm not drawing so much due to the fact that I'm writing more (I can only do one or the other, generally speaking, I can't focus on both).
Which sucks, because Lily still hasn't updated and I wanted to start a third comic. Pout! Like I have the time or patience for it. Ah well that's why Lily's a side project...

In case you're wondering about the title, I recently saw Lilo and Stitch again. Wonderous cartoon. Must see. Really it is. And I live with a Stitch relation, the sometimes-incarnation of Yipsnarl the Kobold. Ay yi yi.

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 3:51 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 9 April 2003
Brain Fuzz and Blue refills
Well, here it is, Wednesday, and I haven't even drawn one new comic yet. Erg. Not a good sign.
Of course, all of today I've had what I call a 'brain fuzz attack.' That's when it feels like my head is full of static and white noise. I get fussy, light-headed, and dizzy during one of these as well, and it does nothing for my creativity, tell you what.
To add to the problem, for those of you who noticed the generally CRAPPY ink jobs on the most recent update, my pen, a five-dollar gelgrip that I think is absolutely cool as hell, ran out of ink. Then I realized that I had bought BLUE refills. I think I bought four of them as well. *whacks head to desk* And this is the bullcrap that drives me bonkers. I was forced to use bad pens to ink, and it cursed me. I actually had to use white-out on one of the comics. You can't tell because I did an edit in Photoshop, but the real-life one looks horrid.

For those of you wondering, Lily: Mechanical Angel does have an update pending. As soon as I finish coloring the ones I've drawn, that is. Ackpht. I hate coloring junk. I just HAD to stage this one on a trash planet didn't I?

Also there just might be a third comic posting every now and then, a sillier one that'll probably be called 'Home-Grown Heroes.' It'll probably have a Sonic-type drawing style.

Of course, look at all of this crap I'm planning, and I'm in a dozen RPGs, go to school, and work. Just tranq me and call it good eh?


WWJD? Nah. What Would Cthulu Do? Blehgh! *wiggles mouth tenticles* Whee! Brain fuzz!

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 8:29 PM CDT
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Friday, 4 April 2003
Something new to play with!
Well, I'm going to get you people to interact with me somehow, I swear it, and this seems like an easy way to do it. Point, click, type, click. Come on folks, what do I gotta do to get commentary, have Asia prance around in a bikini? (Grenn won't, they crease his fur)...
Anyway, welcome to the first babblement centered around Grenn and Asia. Of course, I'll comment about the rest of my website and my life, but the point of this is to discuss the comic which I have the honor (or infamy?) of being the artist, author, and goddess of.
So if you have comments, flames, suggestions, art, spinoffs, whatever, post them here. Rave on dudes!

(Last part by Asia)

Posted by ri/shadowsbase at 9:14 PM CST
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