Nintendo, thou hath failed me...
Ok, let's be bold, blunt, and realistic, here.
The first game system I owned, besides a GameBoy (the original) was the N64. And I hated SF64 at first because it kicked my ass. Then I sat down for a few hours, beat the game, and fell in love. I still love that game, though I haven't played it in ages. I very rarely play the original. That would require me unpacking my SNES, and I suck at the original.
Now, here's the problem. StarFox, when it all comes down to it, is a combat flight sim. Any people disagree? You take your arwing and shoot things, and it's fun. There's no puzzles a la Resident Evil that have you pitching controllers, no infuriating stealth missions like Metal Gear. It's simple, because it doesn't really need to be complex.
To quote Animatrix:
"And for a while, it was good."The first mark of betrayal and change was StarFox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet. I hate the game. I mean, I've been thinking ground missions would do a game about mercenaries some good, but this just ISN'T StarFox. It's a Zelda ripoff gone wrong, and reduces our much-loved Fox McCloud to an errand boy for gods who I'd sooner put a bullet through for all the irtitation they've caused me. Fox's voice is ok, it suits him, but they screwed up everyone else, and where in all four hells is Falco?! (hugs the bird-boy protectively)
I'm not nearly as obsessed as some people I know, but I love the game and its being ruined. The biggest indicator of this? The one everyone denies is a bad thing, the one that created a sickly obsessed fandom and created a wide variety of StarFox pornography.
The blue bitch known as Krystal. Yes folks, I hate her. You've probably heard about this fact before. I hate her. She's an insult to the series, and for that matter an insult to all furries, when you think about it. Her introduction makes no sense. What, Fox needed a girlfriend? Read the comic from Nintendo, he already had one by the name of Fara Phoenix. Krystal is nothing more then a fan service, no personality to speak of and when she does speak she's a selfish, conniving bitch on almost every level. Go ahead, flame away! I'm not going to change my mind. She's just a nail in the coffin for the series.
And it gets worse.
I don't own Dinosaur Planet, never will, it's an insult. So I've been very patiently waiting for StarFox Armada, which was, supposedly, returning to the more classic StarFox ideas: a combat flight sim. Then a friend of mine sends me some links... and two things hit me.
1) Ground missions. A
Splinter Cell ripoff, perhaps?
2) Krystal's back.
And unless she's just a multiplayer skin, this is another game I am not going to buy and probably only going to rent once. I refused to write stories for Dinosaur Planet, and if she's in Armada (or StarFox2), I doubt I'll write stories for that either.
In conclusion? Nintendo has failed its fanbase, has failed ME, and has failed its own game and characters. If you need me, I'll be writing my stories, ignoring Krystal's existance (except maybe renting Dinosaur Planet and starting a new game to set her on fire), cuddling my much-loved characters and waiting for Pikmin2, since its obvious StarFox is dying.