Name of Song = "Distant Drums" | play/stop music(right-click for Crescendo controls) |
The appearance of White Buffalo Calf Woman, as she is called in English, is perhaps the single most significant event in Lakota spiritual history. She brought the sacred pipe to the people and taught them how to use it. The pipe is used in all Lakota ceremonies. She also gave the people the seven sacred rites; The Inipi, or sacred Purification (sweat lodge) The Hanblecheyapi, or Vision Quest The Wiwanyag Wachipi, or Sun Dance Ceremony Hunkapi, or Making of Relatives Ishnata Awicalowan or the sacred rite of Preparing a Girl for Womanhood (puberty rite) Tapa Wakan Yap, or the Throwing of the Ball Yuwipi, or Spirit Calling Ceremony It is because of Ptecincala Ska Wakan Winan that the Lakota must have a woman to open all ceremonies...not only to represent her, but to represent all women, Mother Earth, the givers of life. To refer to White Buffalo Calf Woman as a Legend or Myth is very bad manners, indeed. She is spiritual truth, as Christ is truth to the Christians.
This is her story...........
Long ago, the Lakota tribes came together for their midsummer celebration at the Soltice. That year, however, buffalo was nowhere to be found, and the people were starving. Among the 7 tribes were the Sans Arc. Chief Standing Hollow Horn chose 2 men to look for game. They searched far and wide with no luck. They were about to give up when one said "Brother, I see a buffalo coming!" As they watched it coming closer, the other warrior exclaimed "This is not a buffalo approaching, but a woman." It was a woman indeed - a woman more beautiful that words can describe. Her face was radiant, and she seemed to float rather than walk. She was dressed in white fringed deerskin and her hair was hanging loose. Tied to it on the left side was a fringe of buffalo hair.
One of the warriors had thoughts to violate her, but the other said "Brother, do not do this!" But the other would not heed him and reached his hand out to touch her. At once a cloud descended upon him and when it lifted, all that was left of him was a pile of bones. The woman said to the living warrior "Your friend had impure thoughts. For his lack of humility, he was punished.
I have been sent by the Buffalo Nation to bring a message to your people, a most important message. Return to your tribe. Tell your chief and people what has happened here. "I shall come tomorrow at sunrise to visit your camp. Tell the people to prepare everything for my coming. Tell them to erect a special tipi. It's door shall face toward the setting sun. Have the ground strewn with the sacred herb Sage.Make a rack of 3 sticks - 2 upright and 1 across. In front of this, place a buffalo skull. Make also a square of carefully smoothed Earth. Make everything holy, brother. Now go to your camp without looking back."
The young Warrior did as he was told and the people worked hard to prepare for the coming of this Wakan Winan (holy woman). At the first light of dawn, the Holy Maiden appeared. She held in her hands the Ptehinchala Huhu Chanunpa, the Most Sacred Pipe, made from a buffalo calf's leg bone. This pipe was not fashioned by human hands, but by Wakan Tanka, The Great Mystery.White Buffalo Calf Woman walked over the sage as she sang in the most beautiful voice the people had ever heard.....Niya taninyan White Buffalo Calf Woman entered the lodge that had been prepared for her and sat in the place of Honor. She sang' "Take this sacred pipe to the center. Pray to Wakan Tanka, the Creator. This Pipe Wakan Tanka gave to you." She faced the West, whose color is black, and lifted the Pipe: "I offer this to the Wakinyan, The Winged Ones. I pray to them." Then she turned to the North, whose color is red, and lifted the Pipe: "To the Whirlwind and to all that moves in a circle, to the Wind and the Sacred Four Directions, I offer this." Then she turned to the East, whose color is yellow, presenting the Pipe: "The Sun is rising, giving us a new day, giving thanks for all that lives." Then she turned to the South, whose clor is white, praying, "I give thanks to the Spirit World, the world beyond." She completed the circle, then lifted the Pipe up to the sky and said "I am your sister. We are one people and one spirit. We are the Buffalo Nation."
With visible breath
Mawani ye
I am walking
Oyate le
This Buffalo Nation
Toward it I walk
Na And Hotaninyan.
I am walking
Niya taninyan
With visible breath
Mawani ye
I am walking
Waluta le
This red sacred thing
Imawani ye
I am walking
Then she sang ;
I give you this Earth On which you will walk In a sacred manner You will walk in balance with Unchi, The Grandmother Earth. I give you this Sacred Pipe. With it you will pray For all living things- For those who walk Who fly, who swim And who crawl. She then told the people, "I will return again someday, and then it will be forever. Then there will be a new life and a new understanding."
Chief Standing Hollow Horn then said to the Buffalo Maiden; "Sister, you have come to console us in our time of great need. It is our custom to prepare a feast for our guests, but we have nothing to give you but water." So saying, he dipped a braid of wachanga(sweetgrass) into a buffalo horn filled with rainwater and offered it to her. She thanked him and said "This is better than any feast you could have prepared for me." She then showed the people how to load the pipe with sacred tobacco, how to light it with a glowing buffalo chip, and how to smoke it in a ceremonial matter. Then she taught the people of the Seven Sacred Rites. For four days, she instructed the people how to behave as human beings. She taught them everything they needed to know. When her work was done she told the people "I must leave you, but follow me to the top of that hill, and you shall no longer be hungry."
And the Holy Woman walked toward the East. The people followed, and when she reached the top of the hill, she transformed into a white buffalo calf and slowly disappeared. As the people came to the hilltop, they found before them, on the far side, a herd of buffalo waiting to give their flesh so that the Nation could live.