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Could You.......?

Could you smother me with 
kisses each time I enter
the room, even though
I've only been gone for 
30 seconds?

Could you always think I look great, no matter what I have on?

Could you savor whatever I put in front of you, even though it's straight from the can?

Could you forgive anything and never hold a grudge, especially when it's my fault?

Could you never have a bad day?

Could you like my dirty clothes and smelly gym shoes, the dirtier and smellier the better?

Could you not mind when I say you have death breath?

Could you be interested in meeting new people, but always come back to me?

Could you pant for me?

Could you take it in stride when I pull your nose out of other people's business?

Could you lick my toes?

Could you always bump into doorways and walls in your rush to greet me?

Could you always be nice to my family and friends?

Could you not care if people stare when you're doing leg lifts?

Could you just spit it out of there's something you don't like?

Could you be sorry if you bark at me?

Could you always be thrilled to go on a drive or an errand, as long as it's with me?

Could you follow me anywhere?

Could you announce it's bedtime when huge yawns that squeak at the end?

Could you never stop heavy breathing in my ear?

Could you hunt around for what's new to do and see?

Could you leave when I say it's time to go home?

Could you never change how you feel about me?

Could you whimper and whine when we're apart?

Could you entertain me when you sleep by snorting and playing in the air?

Could you always nuzzle my neck?

Could you warn the whole neighborhood when things go bump in the night?

Could you always protect me?

Could you prowl the streets and alleys for something unusual to bring home?

Could you always curl up beside me?

Could you never stop putting your head in my lap?

Could you always be the same little youngster inside, even when you're old and gray?

Could you jump me within two seconds of when I walk in the door?

Could you always keep me warm?

Could you let me read the newspaper before you tear into it?

Could you always wake me up with a kiss?

Could you point out interesting people and things, even if you have to drag me over to see them?

Could you never criticize me?

Could you work out my arms as well as my legs every time we go for a walk?

Could you worship the Frisbee?

Could you never hesitate to ask for seconds?

Could you stop if I restrained you?

Could you answer the door prepared to defend me from strangers and people in uniforms?

Could you feel OK if you lose some hair?

Could you love the smell of my hair, my hands, my clothes, my ears…and any- and everything?

Could you bury and forget any bones I pick with you?

Could you always be happy with what you have?

Could you never complain?

Could you eat red meat and not be too dainty to pick up and gnaw the bone?

Could you always take my side?

Could you understand my moods and not blame me for having them?

Could you never bite my head off?

Could you show how much you like the furniture by jumping and climbing all over it?

Could you always be gentle and sweet to children?

Can you always do your best?

Could you go to the curb when I say "on your mark, get set, go"?

Could you lie down with me by the fire?

Could you not mind feeling chained to me?

Could you stand it if I tied you up with bristly rope instead of satin?

Could you give me little tiny love nips when you get excited?

Can you stay when I ask?

Could you always let me know where you are by sprawling full-length on the floor?

Could you wonder at the beauty of every stick and rock and squirrel?

Could you be eager to have a ball?

Could you like my cooking enough to slurp and gulp your food?

Could you always keep a secret?

Could you take a whiff and tickle the backs of my knees?

Could you nibble my fingers?

Could you never get mad at me, even when I'm yanking your chain?

Could you accept it when I say "no"?

Could you grin and wiggle your ears when I say your name?

Could you always listen and hang on my every word?

Could you sniff out new trails that are off the beaten path?

Could you find your way back to me even if you were lost?

Could your eyes always shine at me with love and acceptance?

Could you be my best friend and constant companion?

Could you never be embarrassed by public displays of affection?

Could you always enjoy petting?

Could you tap dance though the door when we go out?

Could you help clean out the refrigerator?

Could you shake hands and speak when you're introduced?

Could you not take it personally when I ask you to be quiet?

Could you share my love of the great outdoors?

Could you celebrate each spring by helping me dig up all the flowerbeds?

Could you quiver with happiness just being near me?

Could you not mind when I push you away because you're drooling?

Could you let me dress you up and take silly photos just because they make me smile?

Could you cherish the little presents I give you, like used tennis balls and worn-out socks?

Could you tolerate me keeping you on a short leash when we're in public?

Could you never growl or snap at me?

Could you give up your favorite chair for me?

Could you beg for my attention?

Could you love to drive with the windows down and feel the wind in your face?

Could you always point the way?

Could you help me with the dishes and polish off the leftovers?

Could you time your bathroom stops so they fit my schedule?

Could you always be ready for a great roll in the dirt or the leaves, or the hay?

Could you always be there?

Could you conserve towels by shaking dry?

Could you always be ready to play?

Could you yelp for joy at the sound of my footsteps?

Could you let me run my fingers though your hair?

Could you suffer though bubble baths because I love how they make you smell?

Could you leap tall tables in a single bound to personally deliver the mail?

Could you always chase me?

Could you put me first in your life before the newspaper or any outside interest?

Could you always understand?

Could you not mind if there's not a clean glass and you have to drink from the faucet?

Could you help water the grass?

Could you control your killer instinct even when it's brought on my insufferable cattiness?

Could you flop down and relax in any situation?

Could you bound up in ecstasy when my car turns into the driveway?

Could you clean up any spills on the kitchen floor?

Could you never have trouble rolling over and going to sleep?

Could you not snarl when I tickle your feet?

Could you be a beach bum and chase the waves with me?

Could you cut loose and howl at the moon?

Could you always shudder on the way to see the doctor?

Could you trust me?

Could you try not to make big messes for me to clean up?

Could you never worry?

Could you help me get out of bed each morning by slowly pulling off the covers?

Could you get a haircut when you're looking a little shaggy?

Could you empty the trash?

Could you jump though hoops for me?

Could you always care?

Could you never expect expensive gifts?

Could you always be kind?

Could you always have a warm shoulder to lean on?

Could you help me up when I fall?

Could you be content if I fenced you in?

Could you be patient?

Could you not be self-conscious about your body?

Could you be a connoisseur of water-tasting from puddles and creeks and pools?

Could you slink along with your belly on the floor whenever you're in the doghouse?

Could you never chew me out?

Could you catch whatever I toss your way?

Could you never stop pawing me?

Could you leave a little trail of footprints so I never have to wonder where you are?

Could you share your favorite things with me?

Could you never be embarrassed when nature calls?

Could you make a splash wherever you go?

Could you be so comfortable with me that sometimes you just doze off?

Could you always track down anything?

Could you love it when the sink leaks and you get to mopo it up yourself?

Could you always have a hot body?

Could you always answer to pet names like "baby" and "Precious" and not think they sound ridiculous?

Could you lap up my sweat?

Could you dedicate your life to me?

Could you love me like my dog does?

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