Here we go....these are from 5-6-99 @ Bill's Bar in Boston.

Jack bein' a cutie
Another good one of JD

Slap that thing!
Judd beatin' the skins.

My fave pic of the nite.
Judd lookin' GOOD yet again.

Jason singin' pretty.
He's finally not blurry!

Jason and Jack.
And he's still sexy!

Jason and JD.
Judd during "Gretschy".

Jason's all sweaty...
Judd thru the legs of JD!

Jason looks so funny...

He's Jason the Sailor Man...
Just before he slammed it on the floor!

Close-up of JD

These are from Friday 5-7-99.

Jack before the show.
I love the shirt he's wearing.

Jack yellin'.
JD goes for a ride...

Jason's a lush!!
Judd bites his nails...yuck!

Judd and Jason.
Judd and Jason.

Jason kneels in front of the guitar master.
Take a GOOD look at this picture.

Aww what a cute smile!
The gee-tars of the master.

Jason points @ the crowd.

Now that I have a scanner (as shitty as it is!!) I have tons more pix up...

These were all taken by Desiree Clements

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday

Payback Thursday

The rest were taken by me

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday

Payback Thursday
Payback Thursday


Jack lookin' cute as usual
Jason pointin' to the sky

Jason wasn't wearing a wifebeater but we love him anyway
Since when does Jason drink yuppie water?

I love the looks on Jack's face when he plays!
Jason is astounded by that amazing bass player!

Jack singin' his heart out!
Why is Judd always blurry?!

Jack gettin' busy!
Jason listens intently...

...and talks to the crowd.

Here are some pics from New Years Eve that my friend George took. I'm also trying to figure out how to get a video of some bits and pieces of the show up here. It includes before-show shots, such as soundcheck, Jason and an Agent playing pool, and the boys dining. Judd, drink that milk baby!! :)

Close-up of Jason
AnotherClose-up of JD
JD rockin the house!
Jason soundchecking... sounds good to me!!!
Jason and Judd
Jason yelling!!!
Judd being blurry...but still sexy!!
a VERY nice pic of Judd

Hopefully after the Providence Payback, I will have about 9 new rolls of film to try to put up here somehow. If I was smart I'd just buy a damn scanner. But I'm too broke. Oh well. If anyone has any pics they'd like to send me, or trade, then I'm all for it.

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