
Jason: We have shitty shows there. That's the thing, you keep going to an area and you hit it.
JL: Okay. When I first met you, I was like, you know..."IT'S JASON!!!!" It's that whole like, big rockstar-type thing. But now it's like, I talk to you an awful lot, and I know you're just the most down-to-earth person, and you're a real person.
Jason: Yeah. No different.
JL: But do you get those people who come up to you and look at you going, "OMIGOD IT'S REALLY YOU!!"
Jason (blushing): No, no....I don't...no.....maybe if they're ten...I dunno...Jack, you? You have people running up to you?
Jack: No, no. I mean obviously I think if you're...maybe really really young kids.
Jason: They do that a lot at the radio shows. Like we've played a lot of radio shows across the country, and it's just kids. And they don't know who the fuck you are.
Jack: You could be up on a stage and they're like, "well they must be famous."
Jason: I love it, I love telling kids we're Weezer. Ya know? "You're really Weezer??!??" When kids come to our shows, I love that. We played at a radio show in Hartford and there was that two-year-old, three-year-old kid with our shirt on.
Jack: It fitted him like a dress.
JL: How cute!! Okay, well I'm gonna let Des...
Desiree: I think you covered it all!
JL: Really?!? Oh well...that's good then.
Jason: That's cool...keep going!
JL: I'm done!
Jason: That's it?
JL: That was it!
Jason: Alright.
JL: That didn't take as long as I expected...Oh...who came up with the outfits that you guys wear onstage?
Jason: Initially, we all kind of agreed. I mean it comes from old bands. You see old garage bands and rockabilly bands doin' it all the time. God, we went through so many uniforms in early days. We wore checkered...we had that checkered gingham shirt. (to Jack) Remember one night we did the Met, I think with the blazers, like red checkered shirts and blue checkered shirts.
Jack: Probably. Well we had a bunch of different things. We had like white tuxedo jackets, red tuxedo jackets, and then we had...what else was there...gold lamè shirts....
Jason: Here's a little known fact...I still have that gold lamè shirt...little known fact: Our first three gigs ever we wore masks.
Jack: That's right. We wore like Phantom masks. You know, like Zorro.
JL (laughs): Why? Just because?
Jason: Just because. We're into the outfit thing. We're gonna come up with some new outfits. I wanna come up with some gas station-embroidered shirts and shit like that.
JL: Yeah, I was reading that somewhere.
Jack: We wore bowling shirts for awhile.
Jason: Yeah, we wore those for awhile....

Jason found another friend (a very good-looking greaser, may I add) at this point, and I was done with my interview anyway so I figured I'd stop holding the boys hostage and let them go play with their friends. I thanked them and Jason told us to stay, we were "in". He gave me a big hug, and Desiree too. We shook Jack's hand--I love Jack cuz he's short, like me--and the boys went off to play.

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