My introduction to the Amazing Crowns

When I was 15, I hated being 15. The whole reasoning behind it was that I loved to go to local shows, but they were mostly 18+ and 21+. So every chance I got to go to an all-ages show, I went. I didn't care if I didn't like the kind of music that was playing or if I'd never heard of the band before - I went. So one night, at this place called the Living Room in Providence, there was this band called the "Amazing Royal Crowns" (or were they still the "Royal Crowns" then?? I don't remember.) Anyway, I went to the show with one of my brothers. I don't even remember if the Crowns were the first or second band, or who the hell it was they played with. All I remember is seeing Jason, Jack, Johnny and (at that time) Nate (or was it Dana?) up on that stage and I was like, "wow". I was hooked. I immediately bought their CD. So I saw them on occasion when they played-The Met, Lupo's, the Living Room, anywhere I could get a ride. I couldn't even begin to count how many times I saw them before they started getting a lot of recognition in Providence. I tried getting my friends into it, but none of them liked the kind of music that I did-which was punk, rockabilly and stuff like that. I actually never found another soul who knew who they were until my junior year in high school.
Junior year, I started hanging around with this girl named Vanena. She was into the same kind of music as I was. Finally, I thought, another sane person. So one day after school, I went to her house with her to veg. And I was looking at her cd's, and lo and behold, what do you think she has?? The Amazing Royal Crowns cd. I just about wet my pants when I saw it there. I ran over to hear screaming and flailing my arms with her cd in my hand. She and I got into this big huge discussion about how great they were. And then she told me that Jason "King" Kendall came into her work all the time. She worked at this supermarket on the east side of Providence called Eastside Marketplace (how aptly named). Anyway I just about lost it when she said that. I told her to get me an application. My first day was the following Monday. So I go into work, thinking that Jason is gonna show up and I'm going to confess my undying love for him and we were going to run away and get married. This, obviously, was when I was still in my "I-love-Jason-he-is-the-hottest-rockstar-that-has-ever-lived" phase. Anyway, I was kinda depressed that day cause he didn't come in. Vanena told me not to sweat it, that he doesn't come in all THAT often. Maybe 3 times a month or so. Well one day at work, Vanena and I were stocking and we just happened to be in the cereal aisle, so we were talking about Jason and how absolutely gorgeous he was...yadda yadda yadda. So Vanena was putting away boxes of Count Chocula, and Jason all of a sudden appears, strolls down the aisle to the Count Chocula. I actually dropped the box of Rice Crispies I was holding at the time. Vanena, on the other hand, hadn't noticed him yet and was still talking about him. He goes right up to her before she even noticed him. I think he knew she was talking about him. So he just smiled at her and took the box of Count Chocula she had been holding. He had one of those little basket-thingies, and he put it in there. Then he walked over to me, and picked up the Rice Crispies and said, "I think you dropped this." I was like, yeah, uh, could you please pick up my JAW off the floor too??? And get me a cup, I'm freaking drooling. I just took it from his hands and tried to say thank you but it came out kinda garbled, since I was practically breathless. Well from that day on, whenever he came in when I worked, I actually mustered up the courage to actually say hi to him. I could tell he knew that I knew who he was. It was great.
Now I'm proud to say that Jason is a friend of mine. He knows me and I talk to him a lot. He's the sweetest guy, and I've gotten over the "I love Jason" phase. Now I see him as a real person, he's so easy going and down-to-earth. My advice to anyone that wants to meet Jason or anyone that's in a band...just talk to them. Most likely, unless they're big-headed losers, they'll take the time to chat with you. Jason loves talking to his fans, and from my experience, most other band guys (and gals, too) do too.
Well that's my story, hope I didn't bore ya too much!!!
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