My Pics!!!!!

Obviously I haven't gotten a chance to put many pix up here yet. But as soon as I do, this'll be the best darn photo gallery ever! Click on the picture to see the full size.

He's just GODLY, isn't he?

This is me and Jason "King" Kendall, frontman of the Amazing Crowns, if you haven't already guessed. This is my favorite pic in the whole world so naturally it's the first to go up here. It's from New Year's Eve '98 at the Ocean Mist where they played. He just loves me!!

Here I is!!

This is a picture of me coming home from some show, I think it was the Racketeers. My brother had just gotten a new camera and wanted to use me as his guinea pig. So here's my favorite result.

Me an' Deano

Me and Deano Jones from Clowns for Progress. I love him!! and CFP just kicks so much ass!!

Me an' Dana

Here's me and Dana Stewart from the Racketeers. I'm so tempted to start a webpage on them. One of THE greatest rockabilly bands around now without a doubt!!

Me an' Jack

This is me and Jack "Swinger" Hanlon after Saturday night's Payback. What a cutie!

Me an' Judd

Me and Judd Williams. This is after the show at Bill's Bar on Friday the 7th. He's the only man I know who can wear a pink shirt and still look incredibly sexy!

Frantic Frank and Johnny T.

Two of the best looking men in rock 'n' roll, Frantic Frank DeBlase from the Frantic Flattops and Johnny Tastemaker from Clowns for Progress. Yum!!

Kory - he's the cutest!!

This is my nephew Kory Alan. He lives in Wisconsin with my sister-in-law. Here he is in the dryer at home. He's so silly!! He's 2 now, and I miss that little face!!

Pumkin n' Duchess

My friend Michelle, aka Pumkin (and *yes* that is how she spells it!!) and my "big sis" Lisa, aka Duchess. Awwww what a cute couple!!

Me n' Duchess

This is me and Duchess last Friday night at Bill's Bar. We're such goofs. But she fed me Corona (and claims I stole her lime!! :) so it's all good.

"Lil' Devil"

This is my first tattoo, on my right calf. It's where I got my nickname (...Lil' Devil, duh!).

It's a beaut!!

This is my second tattoo, the one that's on my back on my left shoulderblade. My friend Marilyn took it for me last time I was in New York. Tattoos are so addicting, let me tell you! But this one is my favorite of my three, it's absolutely beautiful isn't it?

It's ME!

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