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These are from 3-26-99 @ TT the Bear's.
Dana and Micah
Dana singin' a slow number

Dana again

Micah singing

Micah, Dana and Tom

I love when Micah yells into the mic
How could you *not* love this kid??

Spike flipping his bass
Grrrrrr tiger!

Is that an E or a D...?
He plays it with such ease

Tom smiling
Spike standing on the bass!

A good one of Dana

These are from 4-24-99 @ TT the Bear's.
One of my absolute FAVORITES of Dana Stewart
Spike and Micah singin' a duet

He can play that bass in any position...

Dana croons...not to me unfortunately
Micah and Spike lounging around while Dana sings

Spike's so adorable

Interesting band shot
Micah singing making a face

Dana and Micah singing together
Dana drumming on the bass

He makes me so nervous when he does this
Spike literally tore the house down that day

Micah and Dana
The aftermath of the Great Spike's wrath *g*

Previous Band: Pulltabs

Next Band: Raging Teens

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