
Either Or

Pepsi or Coke: yuck. water thank you.

David Letterman or Jay Leno: conan. conan kicks all ass. and mike ness is on conan tonight, don't miss it!!

MTV or VH1: vh1 cuz they have behind the music and rock n roll jeopardy and before they were rock stars and where are they now. me an' dezzy are gonna go on r 'n' r jeopardy. and i'm gonna win haha!

Backstreet Boys or *N Sync: i told you, i can't tell the difference.

Spice Girls or All Saints: umm...i liked that one song by all saints...and they're not freaky so i'd go with them.

Matt Damon or Pat O'Connor: matt damon, for 2 reasons: first, he's from boston and boston rules. second...who the fuck is pat o'connor????

Beverly Hills 90210 or Dawson's Creek: dawson. i'm sorry, i love the dubba-dubba-WB.

7th Heaven or Party of Five: 7th heaven.

Diet Pepsi or Pepsi One: i'm SO not a soda person.

Brandy or Monica: umm...brandy? cuz it's alcohol...and i like alcohol. speshly when cute guys are giving it to me.

Apples or oranges: apples give me toothaches.

Chocolates or flowers: chocolate is yummy. you can't eat flowers.

Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate. duh.

Black or white: ahh...black, i think...it's the best color for cowboy hats and tight-fitting jeans on guys...

Tommy Hilfiger or Ralph Lauren: ummm....ralph wiggum.

Nike or Adidas: i used to have a pair of shelltops, i think i still have them somewhere. so adidas it is.

Saved by the Bell or USA High: didn't we all love mark paul gossalar? i did.

I Know What You Did Last Summer or Scream: good gracious, i hated both of them. nothing scares me anymore.

Taken or single: depends on how long i've been single for...right at the beginning i love it...then i get annoyed, and i need manflesh.

Sugar or salt: sugarrrrrrrrr

Silver or gold: silver, i think gold is ugly.

Jerry Springer or Sean Whaley: sean whaley? huh?

Oprah Winfrey or Rosie O'Donnell: rosie, cuz she's an elmo freek and he's cute.

Gym or lunch: who the hell made this up....fucking lunch. the only thing i liked about gym was the guys running around half naked.

The Last of the Random Questions

Ever been to England? did we not just discuss the fact that i've never been out of the country?

Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? umm...well when me an' mark get married we're going to guam, and when me an' tommy get married, we're going to sri lanka, and when me an' ryan get married, we're going to madagascar. i really want to go to the bahamas with ryan but he votes no.

What do you think of the song "Pretty FLY 4 A WHITE GUY: give it to me, baby! uh-huh uh-huh! i love offspring, they're kool, and i'd marry dexter holland in a heartbeat.

Know anyone who is? umm...chris i guess...

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move? i guess either the east side of providence, or boston. or NYC. or chicago. but i know i'll never leave my crown boys so long as i live, so prolly prov. or boston.

Do you want to join a sorority or fraternity at college? my god no. besides frat boys scare the bejesus out of me. ever been to a frat party at J & W U? it's worse than a cheesy 80's horror flick. yikes.

Favorite Things To Do: sit my butt in front of the computer all night; go out to shows and come home really really late; chill at Willard Hall; play pool; get plastered beyond oblivion; find stupid men and fuck with their minds; find cute men and get them to ask me for my number

Guys, With or Without hats: Without, unless it's Johnny in a cowboy hat. :)

Girls, With or Without nailpolish: With.

Do you smoke?: Like a chimney. In fact I'm smoking one *right now*. Joe Camel for frickin' president!!

Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Conan O'Brian, Daria

What's On Your Mousepad?: A little car. It's from my insurance agency.

In The Car, AC or Open Windows: Well I have AC but Im too cheap to get it fixed so Windows it is!!! (besides I like sticking my head out the window).

Do You Believe In Yourself?: At times I do and at times I dont

Favorite Board Game: I've always liked a good game of chess, although I haven't played in a while cuz none of my friends know how!

Favorite Magazines: Rolling Stone; Guitar; Spin

Favorite Drinks: Hm. Well for regular drinks, it's water and chocolate milk, and for liquor, gin & tonic or mudslides.

Favorite Sound: Laughter!!! Its makes me smile when I hear it!!

Favorite Smell: Leather, or a guy's cologne, depending on what it is. But the cologne has to be on the guy for me to like it. The bottle just isn't good enough.

Favorite Club: The Met Cafe, in Providence, and TT the Bear's and Bill's Bar in Boston

Favorite Bro/Sis: Oh come on now. I have so many to choose from....4 bros and 2 sisters...Greasy Jack, Punky Jason, Nerdy Roger-dodger and David...he's just tall. Then there's Chrissy, my older sis, and Amanda, my little baby sis (even tho she's 15...they grow up so fast nowadays don't they?!?)

Favorite Shoes: My "hoochie boots" as Ally Cat calls them...they're black boots w/ a 4 inch heel and a silver zipper. I feel so tall when I wear them, which is pretty much always.

Drinks, With or Without Ice: Depends. I think the only thing I put ice in is water, which is what I drink mostly.

Best Feelings in the World: Giving advice to people and knowing that it worked.

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 years?: buh...I try not to think about that but..I guess hopefully I'll be in a band somewhere. If not I'll probably be living in Wisconsin with Mark. In my dreams I'll be living in Chicago with Tony!!

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?: Where's that snooze button??

Do You Get Motion Sickness?: Nope

Rollercoasters: Deadly Or Exciting?: Exciting as all fuck! The adrenaline rush on those things is incredible!!

Pen Or Pencil: Pen

How Many Rings Before You Answer The Phone: Depends on what the caller ID says!!

Future Son Names: Many names but I'm not having that many kids: Brendan or Brandon, Seth, Shaun, Matthew, Jason(and no that's not after Kendall, I just have always loved that name), Eric

Future Daughter Names: Ditto here: something exotic and pretty like Misty, Fauna, Hope, Sienna, Madison...

Are You A Good Friend?: I would like to consider myself a good friend, but I lose contact with people very easily so I guess I would have to say Im an ok friend.

Chocolate or Vanilla Cake?: Im a Chocoaholic!!!

Do You Like To Drive?: I Love to Drive, especially at 2 am driving around to nowhere in particular all by myself is great, it gives me a chance to think about things.

Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?: Yes, a big huge 2-ft. Winnie the Pooh, and a big 2-ft. Tigger at my feet

Thunderstorms: Cool or Scary?: Very Very Cool, I love Thunderstorms especially at night. They're nice to cuddle to.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, and yes I'm true to my sign!!

What Do You Wear To Bed: Usually either sweatpants or Tony's flannel pants that he's never getting back, and a big t-shirt or nightshirt (7 Dwarfs at the moment)

Boxers Or Briefs: Boxers...preferably silk...I hate tighty whities!!

Do You Eat Stems of Broccoli?: Yes, I love my veggies!!!!

If A Girl/Guy Asked You For the Shirt Off Your Back, Would You Give It?: Depends on what bra I happen to be wearing that day...but most likely so.

Future Occupation: hopefully a singer...if not, I haven't the slightest idea.

If You Could Dye Your Hair One Color...: Permanently? Strawberry Blonde. If I could dye it one color for like a day it would be turquoise though.

If You Had a Tattoo, Where and Of What?: I have 3 tattoos so far. The first one is a devil-guy, holding a pitchfork with a crown on top of his head. Under it it says "Lil' Devil" cuz that's what I is!! =) That one's on my right calf. My second one is a heart with a knife going through it with flowers around it. It's huge and it hurt!!! It's on my left shoulderblade/back. My last one which I just got yesterday is an ahnk, the Egyptian symbol for life. It's pretty plain, but it's really nice. Jen, the girl who always works on me, does an incredible job. Two of them she designed herself. If you're interested in getting one, I suggest going to Modern Primitives because they do wonderful work there and they treat you great! They feed you lollipops and fireballs. Just don't let Tim give you blue lollipops...!!!

Favorite Brand of Gum: blue or pink (I'm not all too good with names)

Favorite Quote: "Do the Devil!!"
"Does that taste like soup made by a lawyer or does that taste like soup made by a lawyer?!?"
"The future's uncertain and the end is always near."

What's On Your Walls In Your Room?: Ok, this could take a while. A bunch of BBVD posters. A bunch of posters from concerts, advertising them, such as: The Crowns, The Racketeers, The Agents, Blue Troy, and the Smoking Jackets; a blacklight and tons of stuff that glows in the dark, including lotsa stuff painted on the walls and ceiling with fluorescent yellow paint; 2 hub caps, one from a Dodge and one from a Mitsubishi; an exit sign that lights up; a pair of handcuffs; an inflatable guitar; a poster from "Phantom of the Opera"; a framed picture of a '55 Bel-Air, a '59 Plymouth and a '57 (I think) 'Vette parked in front of a diner called "Taxi's"; my softball plaque from '96; tons of pictures of me an' my friends; dried flowers from proms, anniversaries and graduation; centerpieces from proms; a wall totally dedicated to my high school; a big wall totally dedicated to liquor, complete with ads for Absolut, Bacardi, Jim Beam, Bombay gin and others; a "speed limit 125" sign, it's a real speed limit sign, but I just added the "1" myself; a glow in the dark 3-d mask, a poster of John Lennon's memorial "Imagine" in Central Park...and tons of other stuff on my ceiling.

Is The Glass 1/2 empty, or 1/2 full: 1/2 full, unless its 1/2 empty

Favorite Movies: Guys and Dolls, Swingers, Catch-22, The Three Faces of Eve

Favorite Female Actress: at the moment, it would be Meg Ryan and Joanne Woodward

Favorite Male Actors: Charlie Sheen, Cary Grant

If You Were Going To Kill Someone, What Method What You Use?: I think if I was going to kill someone I would hire a hit man, because I couldnt even kill a fly.

Are you righty or lefty?: Righty.

Do You Type With Your Fingers On The Right Keys?: right on home row!!!

When You Meet Someone of the Opposite Sex, What Do you Notice First?: Personality above all, then eyes, arms, tattoos, and hair.

Do You Ever Save Your AOL Conversations?: Sometimes

What Kind of Shoe Would You Be?: I would be the kind that you would wear every day and I would be comfortable no matter how long you wore me.

What's Under Your Bed?: I don't dare look...but I'm pretty sure that's where Jimmy Hoffa is.

Best number in the world?: I don't really have one, for some reason...or I do sometimes but it keeps changing.

Dream Car?: '65 Cherry red ragtop mustang with silver trim

Biggest Band Crushes: Do I have to? Ok well right now it's Tony from Hi-Fi, Nate from the Bosstones and Joe from the Agents ::blush::

Biggest Other Crushes: Hm...same as above. They're all regular people aren't they?!? Or is there some conspiracy that I don't know about?!?

Do You Respond To Chain Letters: No I delete them and dont send them on

Favorite Type of Music?: Rockabilly, punkabilly, psychobilly, ska, punk, swing, old country

Favorite Group(s)?: The Amazing Crowns (Duh!!), BBVD, The Agents, Hi-Fi and the Roadburners, The Racketeers

Female Singer(s): Sarah McLachlan

Male Singer(s): Frank Sinatra

Musicians You Hate: Rap, or anything I can't understand.

Last Remarks!!! Well this has been a chore, but kind of fun!!! So now you know more about little ol me. Keep rawkin.

S.R.G. 4-Ever