

Voice: Hiroko Kasahara

Birthday:December 12

Astrological Sign:Sagittarius

Grade at start of series: 8th

Blood type: A

Favorite food: Tessa (thinly sliced raw blowfish)

Least favorite food:Bad-tasting food

Favorite class:Math

Least favorite class:Art

Extracurriculars:Archery team


Specialties: Computer programming

Favorite color:Green

Carrer Hopes:Computer systems engineer

Family:Mother, Father, Elder sister (Kuu)

Magic Element:Air

"Fuu is always smiling, but inside she is quite a strategist. Her comments are often right to the point. Her usage of the bow and arrow comes from her being in the archery club at school." She is quiet and shy, the one that keeps her cool when Umi gets really hot-headed and Hikaru is too worried about everyone else. Hikaru goes to an all-girls school where she is popular because of her boyishness. Umi goes to a preppy school where all the rich girls (or celebrity / politician / etc's girls) go to. But Fuu goes to the school known for its academic excellence. She seems to be the helper magic person. Her first spell was Healing Wind. Fuu has the biggest spell type selection. She's got the heal, the attack, and the attack-support!

Umi!! Hikaru!!