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Character: Achika, Ayeka, Kiyone, Mihoshi Character: Nagi, Nobuyuki, Ryo-Ohki, Ryoko Character: Sasami, Tenchi, Washu, Yoshou

Achika is Tenchi's mother and daughter of Yoshou. She ends up living a rather short life, because during a battle aginst K.A.I.N (an evil space being set to destroy the Juri family ) she ends up using so much of her power she ends up shortening her own life.

Her first and only appearance is in the movie "Tenchi Muyo In Love". She is mentioned in some of the other series' bit never appears, except in Tenchi's dreams.

Ayeka is the Royal Princess of Jurai. Although the story is different throughout the different series' one way or another Ayeka ends up going to earth and meeting Tenchi, where after a hesitant meeting Ayeka ends up falling in love with Tenchi. She also has an unusual rival in Ryoko for Tenchi's love. The usual reason for Ayeka going to earth is some how related to Ryoko. Weather it be chasing her or answering a distress signal.

Ayeka's first appearance is in the first OVA Series, and she is in all the other series'.

Kiyone is a Galaxy Police Officer partnered with the ever lovable Mihoshi. Kiyone is the better half when it comes to police work. She is the smart, serious, and most resourceful of the pair. Kiyone is always trying to get away from Mihoshi, even end their partnership. For Kiyone believes Mihoshi is holding her back from becoming the great police detective she could someday become. And yet they always seem to end up partners.

Kiyone's first appearance is in the "Mihoshi Special". She also appears in the TV Series, Pretty Sammy, and Movie. Also I believe she will be appearing in the soon to come TV Series 2 and Movie 2.

Mihoshi is a Galaxy Police Officer partnered with one of the best of the next generation officers Kiyone. Mihoshi is a cute, bumbling, clueless, magnet for trouble. She is the stereotyipical blond shall we say. Where ever she goes trouble comes with her, weather it is because of her job or her clumsiness. Mihoshi has a bottomless stomach and a knack for saying the wrong thing. But in my perspective the funniest of the lot. She's just soooo cute!

Mihoshi's first appearance is in the first OVA Series, and she is in all the other series'.

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