Cheech sez: "Come on in! Da water is fine today!" Swizzle sez: "I'm thirsty and I wanna finish my drink first." QueenBitsy sez: "Okay, I haf arrived. Da party can begin! Take me to da food." Al sez: "Da food will be here soon. Da caterers are on dere way." Troubie sez: "Dat's good cuz dis ocean air is making me hungry!"
Tang sez: "Dis is da life. Letting da ocean waves rock mew to sleep!" Moke sez: "Well, I fink I'd rather go scuba diving." Mysty sez: "Me, too! Let's find a boat so we can go out where it's deeper." Molly sez: "Oh, no, not me! I'd be too afraid to go underwater like dat!" Patches sez: "Me, too! Mew go ahead, Moke. We're gonna stay here and wade where it's more shallow." Moke sez: "Okay, Mysty and I are going to get a boat and go scuba diving. See mew later!" Summer Sunshine sez: "Thank mew for taking me, Patches. I'm hafing a wonderpurr time!" Patches sez: "I'm glad mew are enjoying mewrself."
Puffer sez: "Meow, I'm thirsty. Where did mew get da drink, Mack?" Mack sez: "Over at da boardwalk where da drink stands are." Pepe sez: "Will mew purrlease buy me a drink, Puffie-pooh?" Puffer sez: "Anyfing for mew, Pepe-pooh!" Annie R sez: "Isn't it a luffley day?!"