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Jackie Frazier 2-0 Professional Boxing

Jacqueline Fraizer- Lyde Boxing Updates

Professional Boxing 2-0!!

Jacqueline Frazier-Lyde wins her 2-0. Frazier-Lyde has a straight jab and a hard right hand, and that's all what failed Annie Brooks!!

A Jackie Frazier-Lyde takes control in the three round against Annie Brooks of Hickory, N.C and after that with a three standing eight count, she was blooded and the referee could a halt to the bout!

Written By Webster Riddick

Jacqui Frazier-Lyde has only been a good listen, when her brother Marvis Frazier told her to follow that left hand and with a straight right hand and thats all her take. In the the third round the Annie Brooks (Hictory,NC)had her face punch out and a bloodly mess.