Kunzite returned with Nephrite in tow.
“Oh, Nephrite, exactly the person I wanted to see.” I commented sarcastically.
“Zoisite, take it easy. Nephrite thinks he knows what’s wrong.” Kunzite replied while he stroked my arm. His hand was feeling hotter and hotter. Then it was scalding and I had to tear my arm away. Kunzite looked insulted, but I couldn’t help it.
“Yes, it’s just as I thought.” Nephrite said. “Come with me, Kunzite.” They stepped out of the room together. I could still here them talking, despite the secrecy.
“A potion has been introduced to Zoisite that makes him not want to be near his teacher. The first day is when the potion is most concentrated, and has the strongest effect. In other words, Zoisite is feeling actual physical pain when you touch him, and a strong feeling that he is not where he belongs when you are nearby.” Nephrite explained. I gasped.
“Who did such a thing to him?” Kunzite asked angrily.
“I did.” Nephrite stated bluntly. I heard Kunzite grasp him by the collar and thrust him into the wall with a thump.
“Give Zoisite the antidote, or I will get permission from Queen Beryl to give an antidote to your life.”
“An empty threat.” Nephrite said, cocky, but running out of breath. I heard Kunzite let him down.
“And why is that?”
“The queen employed me to do it. She feels that it’s time for Zoisite to be out on his own. This is the way it’s been done for years. You don’t speak to your teacher anymore, do you?”
“No, but...” Kunzite sighed.
“Soon, Zoisite will only feel a subconscious urge to avoid you. The potion should fully wear off in about three months.” I heard Nephrite steps clicking away.
It was a long time before Kunzite came back into the room. By that time, my face was buried in my hands.
“I gather you overheard, hmm?” he said.
Kunzite almost reached out to comfort me, but then stopped.
A single tear dropped from his eye, and it burned all the way down my neck.
Jadeite told me that Kunzite had asked the queen to reconsider her decision. Kunzite said that he wasn’t through teaching me. The queen had dismissed it as thoughtlessly as a deja vu.
Jadeite tried to comfort me with the fact that it would only last three months. That wasn’t any help.
“I can’t live without him for three days, much less three months.” I sobbed. Jadeite simply sent me off to bed.
The next morning I awoke to find a letter from Kunzite on my bureau. In it was written:
Dearest Zoisite,
I regret to inform you that I have thought of no way to breach this manufactured barrier between us. I can imagine no further action to take except simply waiting out the three months. I know it will be torture for me, but it is the only option.
I had to read it again. Surely Kunzite can think of something! I couldn’t believe it. I scrawled out a letter of my own in careful writing.
My lord,
I cannot simply accept that we must remain apart for three months. There has to be some way around this. There IS. We just haven’t thought of it yet.
Perhaps we could seek to find the antidote. It must be somewhere in the Dark Kingdom.
How are you with alchemy? You know of my limited skills, but we ought to try it.
Now, to get it to him. I wondered where he’d be. As far as I knew, he didn’t have any projects from the queen, his full attention was always devoted to me. He’ll be in his quarters then, I concluded. I gathered myself up for a teleport spell.