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This page is a memorial to my first born son Rodrigues Laquan Bullock Jr. He will always be my angel, and I will forever remember him.


On February 25, 2001 I was rushed to the Newport Hospital because I had passed a gray lump into the toliet. When I arrived there I was rushed to the maternity ward to recieve an ultrasound and a medical examination. I found out that my placenta had abrupted and that I had to deliver my son at 22 weeks gestation through c-section under full anesthesia(not awake). What I thought was my water breaking was a gush of blood. My son was bleeding. I asked my doctor if my son was gonna survive and he told me that he didn't know. My husband called my mother, so she could come to the hospital.

Some time later they took me to the operating room. My legs were shaking so much from fear that they had to strap them down. I fell asleep wondering and worrying if my son was gonna be alive when I woke up.

At 1:12 pm on Sunday, February 25, 2001, my son was born. He was 1lb 13 ounces. The nurses later told me that he only took one deep breath on his own.

When I was half way into conciseness the nurses asked me if I wanted to see my son, I asked if he was alive, and when they said yes, I said I didn't need to see him. I don't know why I said that. I guess in the back of my mind I thought that everything was going to be okay. When I fully recovered, I asked again if he was alive, and they told me no. I was devistated. I had given up my opportunity to see my son alive. He had only lived for an hour, with support the whole time. My husband had named him after himself. He told me that our son never opened his eyes, and for that whole hour he lay lifeless. I guess god's plan was for my son to come to heaven, and my son knew that, so he didn't fight.

After a few hours, I finally got up enough courage to see my son. They brought my tiny baby in. He was so beautiful and small. My husband is black and I am white, but our son was unusually dark because of the bleeding that had occured inside of the womb. he had his fathers feet and ears. He had my chin. He was so precious. I only head him for a few minutes because I became nauseous from the pain killers they had given me. Through the next week(I didn't feel like I could face life so I stayed longer), I wanted to see my son, but he had already gone to the funeral home. My husband and I had decided that we would like him cremated because we knew we wouldn't be staying in Rhode Island for much longer and we wanted to take him with us. We also chose to have an autopsy performed. But it didn't answer any of my questions. He was perfectly healthy. My only guess to what happened is that I had a reaction from taking medicane for my yeast infection. Other than that I have NO solid proof or answers why this happened.