Chapter 13

Nick awoke to the sound of the motor to Chelsea's moving truck rumbling just below his window. Crawling out of bed he watched as three men carried boxes and pulled furniture up a ramp, distributing them inside the large truck. Chelsea walked around the the front lawn talking on the phone while nursing a cup of coffee. Sighing to himself, Nick ran his hands through his hair disturbed at what was happening. That it actually was happening.

He descended down the stairs and paused by the front door, "Excuse me," a mover said as he walked inside passed Nick. It was like his very presence meant nothing at all. Not to Chelsea, and most especially not to the movers.

Walking outside Nick watched as his dream of domestic bliss fell apart. This was to be their home and in turn ended up their neutral ground, but she was leaving. She would now be across town in an apartment of her own. Bare foot, his feet sunk into the lawn. The grass was cool and damp from the night, yet twinkled slightly in the day light. He stared at Chelsea, who ignored him. He watched her gracefully pacing, her hair spun around in a messy bun. Her mouth moving a mile a minute to whoever she was on the phone with, obviously agitated at the discussion. Yet, at the same time she seemed happy. Was moving really what she wanted? Surely not.

Looking up Nick saw two movers bringing out the armoire they'd picked out together in Paris. They had to deal with all the hassles of having it delievered to the states. That armoire had single handedly cause a number of fights between the two of them. How to get it in their home. Where to put it. They'd planned to redecorate the whole house together but stopped after that one piece. No way was she taking it with her.

"Stop right there!" Nick held up his hand and raced over to the movers, "That's staying."

"I'm sorry but, who are you?" one of the gruff men asked, not putting down the armoire but struggling all the same to hold it.

"I'm the owner of this house, and she's not taking that with her. The dresser thing stays."

Realizing the was a building altercation Chelsea quickly hung up the phone and approached Nick. "What's going on here?"

"You're not taking that," he stated abruptly.

"What do you mean? That's been in my closet forever." she argued. "Put it in the truck," she said turning the movers.

"No! We got that for this house and you're not taking it with you to some crappy apartment. Too bad for you! I bought it anyway," he stammered. Angry that she would even consider stealing his armoire. His precious french armoire.

"You have got to be kidding me," she stammered. "Jesus Nick, what is your problem? I'm trying to get all this crap together and you're throwing a fit over a dresser?" yelling she looked over his shoulders, satisified at the sight of the armoire being safely placed inside the truck with her other belongings.

"That's just not any dresser Chelsea, that dresser used to mean a lot to us and I want it here. It was meant for this house."

"Ok fine," she surrendered. "I'll have it removed if it's that big of a problem. Did you wanna go through everything else to make sure there's nothing you want?"

Angry Nick bit his lip, unsure exactly why he was starting a fight over a piece of furniture. It wasn't like him to be so emotionally attached to any material item, let alone an armoire. "No, forget it."

"This isn't about furniture," she shook her head backing away. "You're just trying to pick a fight with me because you want me to stay. But I'm not staying Nick.

"I know you're not," he admitted. "I know you don't want to live with me. I've known that since the day I moved in. Duh! But here's the thing Chels, I didn't move in here because you wanted me've never known what you truly wanted, no more then I ever did. I just assumed that in time you'd see what I see. That you and I work, but you give up. You just give up! You know what though? In all the time you and I were together, all the problems we had...I never once gave up. That, my your department!"

He walked away briskly without another word. "Well, it's not like you ever gave me much of a choice!" she screamed after him.

Turning he looked at her, and walked right back up to her face. "Like hell!" He didn't want their final morning together to be an angry one, but he couldn't help but feel all the bent up frustrations he's had towards her coming to the surface. "You had every choice Chelsea and I"m getting pretty damn tired of taking the blame for everything. But I do, because I love you. At least I'm not afraid of my love. At least I'm not afraid to admit that I'm not perfect either. Jesus Chris! Sometimes I swear you are the most annoying person on the planet. Go ahead and move out! I really don't give a shit anymore. GO!"

When the final spray of his spit hit her face she knew in her heart that she'd taken things too far. That her behavior really went over the edge for once, but it was too late to pull it back. The straw that broke the camel's back. An armoire. "I will," she nodded, "and I am."

Walking away she went inside and finished getting everything together to leave. The last check through the house to make sure she got everything. The last glance over her room. The removing of her key out of her purse and placing it on the kitchen counter for Nick, without a note. By the time she left he was already gone himself. Off somewhere doing who know's what. He didn't even say good-bye. He just let her go, like he always did in the end.

* * * *

Kicking the door shut behind her Chelsea walked into her new apartment with the last load from her car. It was easier then expected to up and move across town, especially with the help of all the movers. Everything was pretty much organized and put in the proper place. It was all coming together.

Unfolding the flaps of a cardboard box she pulled out a few mementos she forgot she'd even had. Guitar tabs Nick had bought her for Journey, and a bunch of other bands he loved. She'd forgotten just how much fun they'd had together when he taught her guitar. After all the time they spent together he never managed to successfully teach her anything except the guitar. "Wonder what I taught him..." she thought running her fingers along her guitar case. Smiling to herself she opened it and pulled out the Martin acoustic guitar he'd purchased for her. Strumming her fingers along the strings she frowned at how long it'd been such she played and the pain she felt on her finger tips pressing down on the frets. Slowly and quietly she plucked out the notes to "Nothing Else Matters," one of her favorite songs and definitely her favorite song by Metallica, when she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Setting down the guitar she crawled up from the floor and answered the door, fully expecting it to be a new neighbor trying to welcome her to the building. But it was Nick. "Oh," she gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to say a few things I meant to say this morning," he answered. "Can I come in?" he asked, ussuring to the apartment behind her.

"Sure," she nodded and stepped aside so he could enter into to her new haven.

Immediately he spotted the guitar on the floor, "Nice to see you still play."

"Yea," she agreed, taking a seat back on the floor. "I don't know why I stopped for a while. I guess I just got busy doing other things when you moved in."

"So are you gonna be happy here? Or are you going with John on tour before settling in?"

"Ha, is that why you came here? To find out if I was going on tour with John?" she smiled. "No, I'm not. There's too much at stake with work right now, I couldn't just leave to go on tour with him."

"Yea," he looked at her. "I'm sorry I yelled at you this morning. I didn't want things to go that way I just get so frustrated with you sometimes."

"I guess we do that to each other, frustrate the other," she shrugged. "It's ok though. I suppose I had it coming."

"Well, I'll admit to being annoying at times only if you can do the same..."

"Yea," she smiled with a slight shrug, "I can be annoying. Sorry."

"No big thing," he itched his forehead. It felt better to actually be talking with each other the way the did before. Without any fighting. Without any screaming or crying or begging. To just talk.

It never once occured to either of them that their relationship would evolve into such an unknown place. They were supposed to be the couple you wanted to be. The couple that beat the odds. Instead they gave in, hook line and sinker. In such circumanstances as their lives, you undoubtedly have to fight to keep a relationship going and it was a fight that they were both willing to take on for a long time. Until somehow something changed and the fight no longer seemed worth while. How is it that such a fight could be so worth it for so long and then just die?

"Well, this is a nice place," Nick admittedly, glancing around. "I mean, it's not as big a space as you're used to but it's pretty nice."

"Yea, speaking of, how did you find me?"

"Leslie," he replied. "She called and I insisted she give me directions. I think she was afraid I planned to do kidnap you or something but really, I did come here to just make the peace."

"Peacemaker? That's not usually your position in things..."

"I know, what can I say? I've reformed."

"You know," she swallowed, "You've been saying that ever since you came back to town but for the first time I'm starting to actually see that. You have changed for the better. What inspired the tranformation?"

"Life," he concluded. "You. Work. Family. Everything. It all takes it's toll on you. Besides, you inevitably grow with time right? I'm not the same person I used to be, and I won't be the same person in ten years that I am now. Hopefully I'll keep on getting better."

"I'm sure you will," she agreed with him. She slowly liked her lip toying the possibility of where this was going, "And have I changed?"

"Oh yes," he laughed. "You've change a lot. But you know, at the same time you're a lot how you used to be. I mean, I guess you still have the same ideals and all, you're just more mature and independent. It's a good thing. I think it's safe to say we've both changed for the better."

"Right, and just imagine where we'll be in ten years. We'll practically be perfect by then..."

"Oh for sure!" he laughed and she giggled along with him. Watching her smile lines Nick couldn't help but feel the same flutter in his heart he'd prayed time and time to go away. It was ironic how much things had changed who they were but nothing ever changed the way he truly felt. "Well, I think I'm going to go," he sat up.

"Already?" she asked, rising to follow him. The sound of him leaving surprised her, just when she thought they were having a good time. "You don't have to, I mean...I was going to order some dinner..."

"No," he shook his head. "I've got a long day in the studio tomorrow. Besides, I didn't come here to hang out, I just wanted things to end on a better note. I don't want you thinking I'm mad at you or vice versa."

"Right," she placed her hands on her hips. "Well, you know how to find me if you need me," she smiled. "This is where I'll be."

"Yea," he looked around once more at her new place. He wondered if she would ever feel at home there or if she was just pretending the way he suspected. "Good luck."

Chapter 14
Cardboard Boxes Main