News Letter of the American Baptist Men's Ministries
by Leo Reed, III
Greeting and blessing in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This letter details the recent Men's Conference at Keuka College. I started this trip on the Shortline bus trip to Binghamton, New York. Where I was met by Dave Cross, and his wife, Sue. They have been the model host. First they fed me and then they drop me off with their friend Charlie
Fleming for the night. Charlie and his wife entertained for the evening and then it was off to bed.
The next morning, there were English muffins and coffee and soft scrambled eggs. Flesh fruit and good conversation. Charlie is a retired music teacher and we spent some time during the evening listening to his collection. At 9:00 am Dave picked me up for the trip to Keuka College, which
is about an hour and a half away.
The ride up was pleasant and scenic to say the least. We passed through Watkins Glen where there would be an NASCAR racing event that Sunday afternoon. There were waterfalls along the way and endless fields of corn and other green grocery on the vine.
The lake was marvelous to behold with the naked eye. There were
people everywhere, boating, fishing, skiing, and swimming. Others were just taking in the scenery.
We were one of the first to arrive, so we just sat around for a while to wait on registration to begin. In the mean time, we enjoyed lunch in the Keuka College Dinning room. They had two entrees on the menu. There were salads and cakes and ice cream and you can imagine that everyone was very pleased with this
The conference beginned with registration at 4:00 Friday, August 8, 2003. I have included the Conference Schedule so that you can see the list of activities and events.
On Saturday the 9th, the Disaster Relief Trailer was present, I and several other men qualify to work on and operate the equipment and as a result are certified relief workers who can be call to the scene of any disaster relief effort.
We had a very good keynote speaker, Rev. Alan Newton.
The highlight of the day Saturday was the American Baptist Men
Banquet where the past President Jack Spaulding was appointed Man Of The Year.
Minister Leo Reed, III gave the Testimonial, highlighting the relationship he has had with ABM's member Ira Strauss through the years of his discipleship and short stilt as a Chaplain at the Yonkers Raceway. Ira was always excited about ministry and was a mentor in his own right. He was supportive and a guiding light, his beacon will always shine among American Baptist Men's
Before closing this newsletter I must thank everyone for their financial support. I would like to thank Mrs. Thelma Strauss who is always very supportive. Thanks to Mr. David Trasoras, Mr. Oscar Hernandez, and a very special thanks to Rev. James Watson and Beckie, who have supported and assisted me, time and time again in many ways.
The Conference ended with a Worship Service and Communion on Sunday morning. We were free to depart and pass it on. The Conference theme being "Masculine Spirituality with a Mission, Pass
It On.... "
Theme Scripture
2 Timothy 2: 1-2
" You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus; and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well." (NRSV)
The conference may have been over, but, there is another aspect
to the trip. Dave Cross, the President of the American Baptist Men's Ministries for the State, invited me back to his home for a little Bar-Bque in his back yard.
I must mention before I forget, Dave gave me an Ira Strauss Scholarship to the Conference, and paid for some of my meals there. Dave has a big heart, we sat in the back yard under a canapé and grilled some chicken and had great a conversation. The apple of Dave's eye is his grand
daughter. But I would have to imagine that his wife Sue is another great treasure for Dave. Dave and I had a great time and I have learned a few things from him too in the area of stature and human dignity and love of one's fellow man. Everyone has value and it is the responsibility of the other fellow to lift the other fellow up. Dave loves his mother-in-law and aunt,
they are his family.
The time has come, when everyone always gets choked-up, _hen it's time for you to leave, that is if you have been a good guest. My departing from Binghamton is still on my mind, because I wanted to stay. But at last, the folk at East Bronx Baptist, love
me best, so it's back to New York. And the end of a beautiful trip, to a very meaningful Conference.