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Greetings and welcome to my web page. Thankyou for taking time out to have a look who your chatting to. Whilst many people I chat to at Alamak are very interesting, I would like to say a small word of thanks to the following:

Jolie - you are the greatest friend a person could ask for. I trust you more than anyone else I know. I think the world of you.

Nicola - I havent seen you for almost three months now, but the impact you had on my life fuels my memories with good thoughts. I miss you more each day.

Pussycat - Your still a dear friend to me, I hope you come back to us at Alamak, as I miss the excitement you could create.

ChrisJ - without question the nicest person I have ever met. Thankyou for your support. Your not just a friend to me, your like a second Mother to me.

Janehush - I have no idea where you came from, one day you just came online and now I speak to you every day. Your one of the most attractive friends I have and generally your a joy to be around.

Shelly - Your one of the friendliest and bubbliest people I know... its good to see someone happy and proud to show it.

Teri - Your a beautiful person, and talking to you each day is a joy.

Dina, Miaka, babe23, NiceOne, ladyJ, Challenger - You are all a pleasure to chat with and its always good to see you in Maks.

Doe Hunter - I guess the true impact of what a great guy you are was felt when you left. I hope someday you will come back to us, but I also hope your enjoying the position your in at the place you now visit.

Kaelin - Your a lot like me in many ways, and you have great taste in books, for that I salute you.

Tane - Your a top guy and good friend to have. I have no idea why you help me out all the time, but I'm glad you do.

Pallas - How things change.. at first you were the friend of a friend, but now that I've come to know you I think of you as my own friend who I love seeing.

OOI - At first I thought you were a woman.. back in the days when Bizarre and MissShiva would pick on you.. no one seemed to know what you were, as you picked one hell of a weird name to have there. But its always good to see you there and talk about stuff going on in our lives.

Zsu - You always take time out to say hello to me, and wish me well. I thankyou for that and I thankyou for being a good and trusted friend.

Path - I have a lot of respect for you. You are one of the most unique individuals I have met.

Nakina - Your a far more complex individual than many realise. I enjoy our long chats and hope to meet you in person someday soon.

MissShiva - Not just a good friend, but an interesting one too.. your the only person who would know what I mean when I say 'DONG!!'

Amber - your a wonderful person, I know I am a better person for having known you.

Firelady - The Lady of a thousand names! Greetings and Salutations to you if you see this!

Drew79 - My first and only cyber sister. I think highly of you, and I hope to see you more often as well.

AlmostReality - my technical friend who knows all about the workings of chat sites and other things computer related. Its just a shame I cant understand all the jargon when you try to explain something to me.

Maxine - A remarkable woman who has that 'never say die' attitude which is so prominent in David Gemmell books. If Maeve Ring could come to life, I think you'd be her.

Om - Om, you have always been such a wonderful person to me, your a great friend to have.

From the Iron Code Of Druss "Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong and never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found."

Click here to see David Gemmell's books:

David Gemmell
