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About Us


using the i3dthemes 'About Us' and an example

(by no means do we think you'll keep this about us in your own web. This 'about Us' page is just for demonstration purposes..!)

. . . all about Team i3d

  • What's i3d all about?
  • What do we do?
  • Who ARE we anyway?
  • Who is this website aimed at?
  • What can you do on
  • Who answers the phone?
  • You guys are cool, can I be a part of the i3d team?
  • Enough ALREADY, I just wanted to contact you!

What's i3d all about?

Colin Fraser, Founder & CEO, Interactive 3Designs:   i3d is all about providing solutions for your web development needs. If you want a great looking website, we have it. If you want help customizing that great website so that it is perfectly tailored to your needs, we offer it.  If you need to talk to a real person and get real answers, we actually pick up the phone when it rings!

We have taken our years of experience, both in the software world and in the customer service industry, and we have merged them into a business which is uniquely human in this impersonal world of the internet.

I started Interactive 3Designs as a one man operation, building FrontPage 2003 web themes and templates. I had left the "MAN" after 20 years of dedicated service, feeling it was time to put my business savvy, and customer service experience  to use - time to start my own company. When your hobby takes off, and earns more than your real job, the decision becomes a no-brainer. And so, I made the leap. After the first year of solo flight, and a year of drafting a business plan (which can be very tricky to do in the changing world of the Internet), Brandon Devnich approached me with a well-thought-out proposal. The next generation of Interactive 3designs was formed and we launched our new business plan into action.  Brandon is now my business partner, COO, and the talent and brains behind our website.

>Brandon Devnich, COO, Interactive 3Designs:  And then I brought in the big guns . . .

Bruce Housser, Eminence Gris, Interactive 3Designs:  I read that three times before I realized that supposedly I'm one of the 'big guns'.  To me, a big gun is a potato cannon - full of sound and fury, running on hairspray, signifying nothing but fun.

Brandon Devnich, COO, Interactive 3Designs:   Actually, that was a typo - what I really brought in were the big gnus - wildebeests, if you prefer.

Colin:  Eminence Gris???

Brandon:  I used to work for Colin - now I'm his partner.  I used to work for Bruce - now I'm his boss.  Is this a great world, or what?

Colin:  Focus, guys!  I'm trying to be serious for a minute. 

In this world of automated email responses and endless voice mail loops, one of the goals on which we all agree is our desire to keep the company human.

We believe the telephone will never be replaced by the Internet, nor will a PDF document answer all your questions on how to build a better website.  We offer ourselves in your times of need. You can always call us directly. We'll be happy to answer your questions.

ah, the number  1-866-943-5733 (that's a toll free number in North America, we never scrimp at our customers sake)

Please note that we do provide a HUGE amount of information on our website; so please look there first because, at our prices, we can't afford to spend too much time answering questions that are already dealt with on our FAQ page, and we will gently point you in the right direction if your questions have already been answered somewhere on our site.

Brandon:  That was very delicately put, pard.

What do we do?

We provide web design and development solutions.  If you need an excellent website, we have it, or we'll design it at your request.  We have sold thousands of websites and designed or created custom solutions for hundreds more.  So we have a pretty good idea what most folks look for in both the development process, and the 'marketing and management' phases. I can tell you right now, building your site is only about 30% of the job. Getting your site listed in the search engines ( if that is important to your website or business ) or just maintaining and updating your site is a good 70%. (Hey, the math worked!)

We really do go out of our way to  provide the best web development services, products, prices, and resources around!   (Hey, I don't make this stuff up . . . we have email testimonials to prove it!)

Who ARE we anyways?

A likely bunch of feckless dubs.


Who is this website for?


  • wanting a great looking website.

  • looking for a refreshing new look for their existing website

  • needing a host server for their website

  • wanting to learn about FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Swish or Flash

  • needing webmaster resources

  • wanting to gain some helpful insights on marketing their website

What can you do on

You guys are cool, can I be a part of the i3d team?

But, how cool are you?   This is the only question on our application form.

Enough ALREADY, I just wanted to contact you!

We do have a contact page, just an FYI.







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